Природных, социальных и производственных систем региона»,
посвященная Году экологии в Российской Федерации и 50-летию высшего географического образования в Республике Мордовия Саранск, 12-13 октября 2017 г.
Приложение 2 Пример оформления публикации
УДК 911.53
КУЛЬТУРНЫЙ ЛАНДШАФТ И. И. Иванов1, П. П. Петров2 Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет им. Н. П. Огарёва»1 Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «ГеоЛайн»2 Саранск, Российская Федерация, e-mail: ivanov@mail.ru1 Рузаевка, Российская Федерация, e-mail: petrov@mail.ru2 Cultural landscape I. I. Ivanov1, P. P. Petrov2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University»1 Limited Liability Company «GeoLine»2 Saransk, Russian Federation, e-mail: ivanov@mail.ru1 Ruzaevka, Russian Federation, e-mail: petrov@mail.ru2 Аннотация. Текст аннотации. Текст аннотации. Текст аннотации. Текст аннотации. Ключевые слова: ключевое слово, ключевое слово, ключевое слово.
Abstract. Аbstract text. Аbstract text. Аbstract text. Аbstract text. Keywords: keyword, keyword, keyword.
Основной текст. Основной текст. Основной текст (рис. 1).
Рис. 1. Название рисунка Основной текст. Основной текст [Петров, 2009]. Основной текст. Основной текст [Глебов,. 2011]. Основной текст в табл. 1. Табл. 1. Название таблицы
Основной текст. Основной текст. Основной текст. Основной текст.
Библиографический список 1. Глебов Г. Г. Культурный ландшафт западной Мордовии. – Саранск: Изд-во Мордов. ун-та, 2011. – 200 с. 2. Петров П. П. Культурный ландшафт восточной Мордовии // Бюллетень РГО. – Саранск, 2009. – № 3. – С. 53–60. All-Russian scientific conference THEORY AND PRACTICE OF HARMONIZATION OF INTERACTION OF NATURAL, SOCIAL AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS OF THE REGION Dedicated to the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation Saransk, 12–13 October 2017. Call for papers and information letter № 1
Organizers N. P. Ogarev Mordovia State University
The Ministry of Culture and National Policy of the Republic of Mordovia
Ministry of Forestry, Hunting and Nature Management of the Republic of Mordovia
Russian Geographic Society
Conference Venue Conference will be held from 12 to 13 October 2017 at N. P. Ogarev Mordovia State University located in Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia
Conference objective The purpose of the conference is to discuss priority directions of the development of science and practice in the field of sustainable development of socio-industrial systems at the regional and local levels. Participation in the conference may be full-time and part-time (publication of articles). Official languages of conference are Russian and English.
Conference topics · The role of the Russian Geographical Society in the study of nature, population and economy of Russia and foreign countries. The leading geographical schools in a complex research of global and regional problems of interaction of the nature, the population and economy; · The concept of the development of geographical education in Russia. · Geographical, ecological, legal, economic and social aspects in the organization of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia™; · Natural and man-made hazards: the connection of science and practice. Geoecological problems and landscape planning of economic activity; · Geoinformation support of ecological, economic and social aspects of sustainable development of territories; usage of Earth remote sensing materials in mapping and assessment of the state of natural and cultural heritage; · Organization and scientific research of specially protected natural areas; the role of systems of specially protected natural territories in the conservation of biological diversity and in ensuring of the recreational needs of the population; · Ecology and nature management: regional aspects of development; · Territorial organization of tourism; · Recreational potential and regional problems of its development. Geographical conceptualization of space.
Deadlines · Up to 15 May 2017 (inclusive) it is required to send by e-mail to the Organising Committee’s address (geo_conf@mail.ru) completed registration form (Supplement № 1). The Organizing Committee informs the author in the reply letter about the receipt of the registration form *;
· Up to 25 September 2017 г. (inclusive) it is required to send by e-mail to the Organising Committee’s address (geo_conf@mail.ru) a report (not less than 3 pages, but not more than 10 pages), designed in accordance with the requirements. The Organizing Committee accepts or rejects materials for publication, informs author in a reply letter to the e-mail. After receiving confirmation from the Organizing Committee, the author pays for the publication of the article and sends scanned receipts to the e-mail of the Organizing Committee (geo_conf@mail.ru); · Up to 1 October 2017 (inclusive) – arrival date confirmation (for booking hotel suites). * We kindly request that the registration form should be sent in accordance with the established date for the purpose of processing of the grant application in the RFBR.
Conference rules Time limit for papers: · plenary session – 15 min, · sectional meetings – 10 min; · papers discussion – 3 min; Organizing Committee Russia, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk 430000, Sovetskaya street 24, r.321. Federal State-financed Academic Institution of Higher Education N. P. Ogarev Mordovia State University Phone: (8342) 47-44-54; факс: (8342) 47-48-24; E-mail: geogr_moris@mail.ru, geo_conf@mail.ru. Organizing Committee secretaries: Maslyaev Valeriy Nikolaevich (geogr_moris@mail.ru, 89271757306); Zarubin Oleg Alexandrovich (geo_conf@mail.ru, 89520702801). Official site – www.conference.geo13.ru.
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