Simulation of ice formations interaction with offshore structures in ansys
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Manuscript copyright
Ablitseva Alena Igorevna
ABSTRACT Master’s thesis 08.04.01 – Construction master program «Offshore and coastal engineering»
Vladivostok 2017
Thesis has been done in «Far Eastern Federal University» («FEFU») on the School of Engineering on the Department Offshore and Structural Mechanics
Leader of master’s program – Dr.Sci. in engineering, Professor, A. T. Bekker Scientific adviser – Dr.Sci. in engineering, Associate Professor, T. E. Uvarova Reviewer – Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, A. N. Chetirbotskiy
Thesis defense will be June ____, 20____ at ____ on session of State Certification Commission in School of Engineering, FEFU (Vladivostok, Russkiy Island, FEFU campus, E-706)
The thesis is available in Department Offshore and Structural Mechanics, School of Engineering, FEFU (Vladivostok, Russkiy Island, FEFU campus, E-916).
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Timeliness of the topic. The wilderness of the Arctic has not remained intact this long due to strong legislation and good spatial planning practicesм but rather because of its remoteness from industrial centers, inaccessibility…… Nowadays state of knowledge. Understanding of ice-structure interaction mechanisms requires knowledge of failure processes under both high and low confinement…… The aim and objectives. The aim of this study is to identify the main characteristics of ice field and create base of initial data for modeling ice field action in ANSYS using specifications from ice cover…. For achieving this goal, following objectivesmust be managed: · Receive accurate mathematical model of ice load formation; · Analyze failure process of ice cover; · Review of cods calculated ice loads…… The object of research is the ice structure interaction. It cause by big problem of structure failure. The subject of research is ice like complex material which has a lot of properties depending to each other. The academic novelty. The theoretical basis for research is finite element method. Methodological basis for research is failure criteria…… Theoretic and practical relevance. Theoretical relevance is wording of the process ice structure interaction, creation of base of ice properties for using in ice structure interaction in the following. Practical relevance is during the design in Arctic conditions engineers need to process large value of information about ice loads beside of this difference codes calculate ice loads using different approaches and methods. There is no common opinion about behavior of ice like material……. Research techniques. In the process of scientific research the following research techniques were used: historical, descriptive and comparative methods……. The main states for defense: -Statistical relation of ice properties; -Ice properties data base using for calculation ice load; - Mathematical model of the ice field in the ANSYS program. Approbation. The main results of the master thesis were presented at the scientific-practical conference «Young people and the scientific and technological progress" at 2015 and 2016 years, at the contest of scientific reports FEFU on English language at 2016 and 2017 years, at 3d international conference “Polar mechanic” at 2016 year, at the seminars and meetings of the Coastal Engineering department. The thesis structure is _____ pages, ____ chapters, ____ pictures, ____ tables and ___ appendices.
BASIC THESIS CONTENT Chapter 1 - “Classification of ice loads” describes differences of ice loads calculating from codes, describe main failure modes and analyzed this parameters to future ice field modeling…….. Chapter 2 - “ Description of ice properties” describes ice like complex material. All properties of ice have great meaning to accurately calculation of ice load…….. Chapter 3 - “ The basic concept of the Finite Element Method (FEM)” describe method of finite element like the most suitable to ice field modeling….. Chapter 4 - “Create New Material in ANSYS Toolbox” describe main properties of ice field using for modeling ice structure interaction…… Chapter 5 - “Calculation” describes process of setting main properties of ice, calculating ice field interaction in ANSYS program….
CONCLUSION 1. Based on the analysis of the current state of knowledge in the field of... 2. A method of evaluation is proposed.... 3. Tested... 4. The model is improved.... The mathematical model is developed..... The technique is developed...... The technique is implemented in the form of programs for graphical interpretation of the results of calculation of "Construction 3D".......The main provisions of SP 38.13330.2012 are determined according to the definition of ice loads to calculation...... 5. Calculations are carried out....... Verification of the calculation procedure is performed....... 6. Numerical studies of mathematical models are carried out...... The results of the numerical experiment are consistent with the studies of other authors, which confirms the operability of the software-computation complex...... 7. Recommendations for conducting laboratory tests are given...... 8. The developed complex of mathematical models and calculation programs... will significantly improve the reliability indicators and reduce the risk of MLP, which will have a positive effect on the life of hydrotechnical structures, as well as environmental safety of the offshore oil and gas fields Shelf of the Arctic and Far Eastern seas. The method allows to predict the durability of the structural elements and the system of measures for their current, medium and major repairs.
PUBLICATIONS: 1. Ablitseva, A.I. Methods of protection structures of the continental shelf installations from ice impacts / A.I. Ablitseva, GA Larionov, YM Kovalenko et al.// Proceedings of the I All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation, December 2-4, 2014., № 1. S. 120-129. 2. Ablitseva, A.I. Review of design solutions for the offshore development of hydrocarbon deposits on. Sakhalin / A.I. Ablitseva, G.A. Larionov, Y.M. Kovalenko et al.// Proceedings of the I All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation, December 2-4, 2014., № 1. pp 59-66. 3. Ablitseva, A.I. Construction of offshore oil and gas platforms in the Arctic shelf / A.I. Ablitseva// Scientific Conf. FEFU "Youth and scientific and technological progress", April 2015. number 4 (12). S. 53-60. 4. Ablitseva, A.I. Factors affecting the choice of design offshore oil and gas installations on the shelf of freezing and non-freezing seas / A.I. Ablitseva, G.A. Larionov, Y.M. Kovalenko// News of science:. Proceedings of materials the international scientific conference. Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary - Russia, Moscow, 30-31 August 2015. №76 S. 35-44. 5. Ablitseva, A.I. Calculation and modeling ice loads on Arctic constructions / A.I. Ablitseva, Y.M. Kovalenko// Proceedings of the contest of scientific papers in the English language among students of the engineering school FEFU (The contest of scientific reports) 9-11 December 2015. №78, P. 4-6. 6. Ablitseva, A.I. Methods of calculating ice loads on the offshore oil and gas platform in the GBS program complex ANSYS / A.I. Ablitseva, D.S. Kitanin, Y.M. Kovalenko// «Young people and the scientific and technological progress", May-June 2016. № 5 (8). pp 393-397 7. Ablitseva, A.I. Technique of designing a gravitational reinforced concrete base in ice conditions in the ANSYS software complex/ A.I. Ablitseva, Ya.M. Kovalenko, Т.Е. Uvarova, T.I. Chernova, A.A. Shmykov// Vestnik of the FEFU engineering school. 2016. No. 4 (29) P.96-106
Приложение 7
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