Accepting claims (adjustments).
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Task 5. Read the rules about letters of adjustments. There are three reasons why a supplier should be glad to hear from customers who are dissatisfied: 1. He naturally wants to know when customers have cause to complain. He would rather receive a complain than have customers abandon him and take their trade elsewhere. 2. It gives him an opportunity to explain, to put things right and to reserve customers’ good will. 3. It may suggest ways in which his product could be improved.
When adjusting a complain plan your letter as follows: 1. Refer to the received complain, expressing your regret for troubles the customer had. At once state whether your accept this complain or reject it. 2. Explain why the problem can have occurred. 3. Suggest your ways-out, promise to do your best to put things right. 4. Again apologize for the situation, show that you want to have fruitful business relation with the customer in future.
Observe the following rules: · It is often said that the customer is always right. It is sound practice to assume that he may be right. · If you cannot deal with a complaint promptly acknowledge it at once. Explain that you are looking into it and that you’ll send a full reply later. · If the complaint is unreasonable, point it out politely and in an agreeable manner. · If you are to blame, admit it readily, express your regret and promise to put the matter right. · Never try to excuse yourself by blaming anybody of your staff. · Whether you accept the complaint or reject it, thank the customer for telling you about it.
Task 6. Translate the sample of the letter of adjustment Dear Sirs,
Your letter of 10th May complaining about the pens supplied to your order # 8562 has caused us a good deal of concern. We are nevertheless very glad that you brought the matter to our notice. We ourselves have since tested a number of pens from the production batch you refer to and agree that they are not perfect. The defects have been traced to a fault in one of the machines and this has now been put right.
We are arranging to send you four hundred pens to replace the unsold balance of 377. Please return the latter to us, carriage forward. The extra 23 pens we are sending you without charge will enable you to provide free replacement of any further pens about which you may receive complaints. Yours faithfully, Task 7. Translate the following letters into Russian. MODEL 1 Dear Mr. Falco,
As you mentioned in your letter of December 3, your were indeed billed for a purchase you had not made.
According to our records, you should not have been charged the $ 83,95, and the sum has been stricken from your account.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We hope you have not been inconvenienced and will visit Gleason’s soon so that we may again have the pleasure to serve you. Sincerely yours,
MODEL 2 Dear Mr Patterson,
We are sorry that the model 88b hand saws you purchased have not lived up to your expectations. Franfly, we are surprised they have proved so fragile and appreciate your returning them to us. Our lab people are already at work trying to discover the source of the problem.
We are glad to assume the shipping costs you incurred, Mr Patterson. But may we suggest that instead of a refund, you apply the price of these saws to the cost of an order of model 78b saws. Your own experience will bear out their reliability and we are sure your customers will be pleased with Eterna Tool Product.
If you will drop us a line okaying the shipment, your 78b saws will be on their way within a week. Sincerely yours,
Topic 5 JOB HUNTING Task 1. Look through the Resume and make a plan to suit any resume. Translate the Resume into Russian. RESUME
Task 2. Study the resume on p. 134 and rearrange it according to the plan.
Task 3. Look through the CV, answer the questions and shorten it to the size of a resume: · What is the difference between the Resume and the CV? · What sections can be added to CV? · When is CV composed?
Task 4. Prepare your own Resume (both in English and in Russian).
Task 5. Read about writing Applications on p.129 and make a plan.
Task 6. Translate Cover Letter on p.130 and shorten it so as to make universal. Task 7. Compose a cover letter to the following classified ad:
Task 8. Translate the following references paying special attention to the underlined words. MODEL 1 Dear Mrs. Bridge Henry James Thank you for your letter of 15 February, asking a reference for Henry James, It is a pleasure to offer comments on this individual. I have known Henry for over 12 years, since he joined our company. We have both worked in the same department.
Henry is a natural leader and organiser. He inspires enthusiasm among other members of our team He listens attentively to the opinions and desires of others and compromises when required.
He has shown himself to be responsible and trustworthy, both as a personal friend and as a valuable member of the community. It was a great pleasure to work with him. I believe he would be an effective contribution to your team.
If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely
Richard Snow
MODEL 2 Dear Mrs Bridge
Julia Rose I write to advise you that Miss Julia Rose who is currently a student at the University of Brighton has been in touch with me to say that she has applied for one of the posts in your company and has asked me if I could act as a referee for her and submit this reference to you.
I have to say that I am very happy indeed to do so.
Julia has worked for us each summer holiday since she left school and I think that the best way of describing her is as a very positive person.
She is a very serene person and with the confidence to deal with qny problems that arise from time to time either on her own initiative or, by asking a superior how a particular matter should be dealt with. I have also found her an extremely willing person and one who never complains whilst she also has the ability to work independently, and in 1994, indeed, we sent her to a number of cities in Great Britain in order to carry out research in connection with the firm's business.
I have to say, therefore, that I have absolutely no doubts in recommending her to you.
I am absolutely sure that she will serve you well and will also mix in well with other colleagues.
I do hope that the foregoing is of help and if I can о 'sist further, please, do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Sarah Taylor MODEL 3 To Whom It May Concern Jo Cowie
Mrs Cowie worked for me for 2 years as my personal assistant. During that time she delt efficiently with my general correspondence, telephone calls and other routine paper work. She also proved herself to be a resourceful and hardworking researcher. She is a communicative person and works well independently. She is thoughtful and pays due attention to detail. She was punctual and frequently worked late when we had a deadline to meet. I regret that she had to leave us for family reasons.
I would recommend Mrs Cowie as an outstanding researcher and PA, and feel sure that she would be a valuable asset to her future employers.
Jim Manson Marketing Manager MODEL 4
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