The culture of the second half of XX c. Contemporary culture
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Anti-fascist novels by G. Orwell. Angry young people: drama of J. Osborne, novels by J. Wain, A. Sillitoe, S. Barstou. Poetry: W. Auden. Contemporary theatre: H. Pinter, T. Stoppard, P. Shaffer. Music: rock-operas and musicals of A. Lloyd Webber, classical music of B. Britten. Non-traditional architecture: R. Rogers, N. Foster and F. Hopkins, R. Erskin.
1. How did the World War II influence literature? 2. Why was a group of writers called angry young people? 3. How can you characterize modern poetry? 4. Can we watch the plays of modern English dramatists in Moscow theatres? 5. Why was the music by Britten considered new? 6. Do you like musicals? 7. Why is musical popular in every time? 8. What are the main trends in modern architecture?
The Times The Times a British national daily newspaper, the oldest in England. It was first published (as the Daily Universal Register) in 1785 and was generally regarded as having a lot of influence on public opinion. Though politically independent, it is seen as representing the attitudes and opinions of the Establishment, and many of its readers support the Conservative Party. The newspaper went through a difficult period in the 1970-s, when there were a number of industrial disputes involving trade unions representing workers in the printing industry A strike began in 1978 and the paper was not published for nearly a year. In 1981 Rupert Murdoch became the owner and in 1986 he moved the papers offices and printing works to a new building in Wapping, east London. The Times is known for the extent of its news reporting, for its editorials, in which the paper’s own views on issues in the news are given, for the letters from readers, for the announcements of births, deaths and marriages, and for its crossword.
Questions to the Films Isle of Man 1. What people inhabited the Isle of Man in the ancient times? 2. What was the main building material and what can it tell us about the history of the island? 3. What does the old legend say about the Isle of Man? 4. What symbols of early Christianity can we find on the island? 5. What is the vikings’ cultural heritage on the island? 6. What holiday is celebrated on the 5th of July? 7. What do you know about the system of government on the Isle of Man? 8. What is the national language and the population on the island? 9. What are the traditional skills and festivals? 10. What relation does St Patrick have with the island? 11. What do you know about: Castletown, Castle island, animals, national symbols, Ramsey, Douglas? 12. What were the main sources of income of Manx people?
History of Manchester
1. What Celtic tribe invaded Manchester? 2. Why was Manchester important in the Roman times? 3. Under what name was it known in the Roman times? 4. Where was the first relic of Christianity found in Britain and what was it?
5. What tribes plundered Manchester in 429? 6. When was the English revival start? 7. The words of what languages can we find in the proper names of Manchester? 8. What changes were made in Manchester under William the Conqueror? 9. What trade began to dominate in Manchester at the end of the 13th c.? 10. In what county is Manchester situated? 11. What role did Manchester play in the Civil War? 12. What gave a new impetus to the cloth trade in the 18th c.? 13. What is on the top of the Town Hall? 14. What is the name of Manchester football team? 15. How can you characterize the spirit of Manchester? 16. What were the things Manchester did first?
Jane Austen country
1. When were the first novels by J. Austen published? 2. How many novels has she written? 3. What were the topics of Jane letters to her sister? 4. What is Jane’s birthplace? Describe this town. 5. What was Jane’s father occupation? 6. What do you know about Jane’s brothers? 7. What novel is set in Bath? 8. Why did Jane dislike Bath? 9. Where is “Persuasion” set? 10. Why was not Jane married? 11. What personal things of the Austens are exhibited in the cottage in Chawton? 12. What novel did Jane call her “only darling child”? 13. Where is Jane buried?
Victorians (the history of cinema)
1. When were the first pictures showing scenes in progress produced? 2. What were the first devices to produce moving pictures? 3. Who introduced cinethoscope machine? 4. Who produced the first successful film in London? 5. What was the first comedy? 6. What kinds of entertainments did the Victorians like? 7. Was Victorian family life depicted? In what film? 8. When was Derby first filmed? 9. What sport game was popularized in the Victorian times? 10. What was the main moving force in the Victorian times? 11. When were the first horse-trams filmed? 12. What bridges are shown in the first films? 13. What war was filmed? 14. Where was the film about the Royal family set?
5. Рекомендуемая литература ОСНОВНАЯ
1. Кельтская мифология. Энциклопедия. М., 2002. 2. Мифология Британских островов. Энциклопедия. М., 2004. 3. Бартон Э. Англичане в эпоху Шекспира. М., 2005. 4. Бартошевич А.В. Шекспир. Англия. ХХ в. М., 1994. 5. Вильсон Д.М. Англосаксы. М., 2004. 6. Иконников А.В. Современная архитектура Англии. Л., 1958 7. Квеннел Ч.Г.Б., Квеннел М. История повседневной жизни Англии. Смоленск, 2006. 8. Кино Великобритании. М., 1970. 9.Мельникова Е.А. Меч и лира: англосаксонское общество в истории и эпосе. М., 1987. 10.Мортон А. От Мэлори до Элиота. М., 1970. 11.Сапрыкин Ю.М. От Чосера до Шекспира. М., 1985. 12.Ступников И.В. Английская драматургия и музыка конца XVII в.// Литература и музыка. Л., 1975. 13. Тревельян Д.М. история Англии от Чосера до Шекспира. Смоленск. 2001.
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1. Голан А. Миф и символ. М., 1993. 2. Ирландские саги. М-Л., 1961. 3. Лосев А.Ф. Знак, символ, миф: Труды по языкознанию. М., 1991. 4. Лотман Ю.М. Семиосфера. СПб., 2001. 5. Маковский М.М. “Картина мира” и миры образов: Лингвокультурологические этюды // ВЯ, 1992, 6. 6. Мелетинский Е.М. Миф и историческая поэтика фольклора. М., 1977. 7. Мелетинский Е.М. Поэтика мифа. М., 1976. 8. Мифы народов мира: энциклопедия. М., 1980 9. Толстой Н.И. Язык и народная культура. Очерки по славянской мифологии и этнолингвистике. М., 1995. 10. Campbell J. Myths to live by. New York, 1972. 11. Cassirer E. Language and myth. New York, 1946. 12. Cotterell A. A dictionary of world mythology. New York, 1980. 13. Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend / ed. M. Leach. New York, 1950. 14. Hamel A.J. van, Aspects of Celtic mythology, L., 1935. 15. Jackson K.H. Language and history in early Britain. Edinburgh, 1953. 16. Jobes G. Dictionary of mythology, folklore and symbols. New York, 1961. 17. Kirk G.S. Myth: its meaning and functions in ancient and other cultures. L., 1970. 18. Larousse World Mythology. L., 1974. 19. Maccana P. Celtic mythology. L., 1970. 20. Murphy G. Saga and myth in ancient Ireland. Dublin, 1955. 21. Myth and Law among the Indo-Europeans. Studies in Indo-European comparative mythology //ed. By Jean Puhvel. Berkeley, 1970. 22. O’Rahilly T. F. Early Irish history and mythology. Dublin, 1946.
23. Rees A., Rees B. Celtic heritage. L., 1961. 24. Robinson, Spencer H. Myths and legends of all nations. New York, 1961. Темы рефератов 1. Architecture in Roman Britain 2. Material monuments of Roman Britain 3. Traces of the Roman Culture in Great Britain 4. First monasteries in Britain 5. Celtic festivals 6. Celtic languages on the territory of Great Britain today 7. Danish Culture in Britain 8. Late Anglo-Saxon literature 9. Latin medieval Culture in Britain 10. French medieval Culture in Britain 11. Poetry of the Renaissance in Britain 12. Decline of the Renaissance in Britain. Music (first part of XVII c.) 13. Decline of the Renaissance in Britain. Painting (first part of XVII c.) 14. Architecture of the Age of Reason 15. Restoration period. Poetry and painting (second half of XVII – beginning of XVIII c.) 16. Industrial revolution of XVIII c. 17. Music of the Victorian period 18. Painting of the first part of XX c. 19. Poetry of the second part of XX c. Вопросы для итогового контроля 1. The Land of Great Britain 2. Ancient Britain 3. Celtic Culture and Mythology 4. Roman Britain 5. Anglo-Saxon Conquest of Britain 6. English Culture in the Early Middle Ages 7. Norman Conquest 8. English Medieval Culture 9. The Culture of the Renaissance 10. English Culture of the Age of Reason 11. Restoration Culture 12. The Culture of the Georgian period 13. Victorian Age 14. The Culture of the first half of 20th c. 15. The Culture of the second half of 20th c.
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