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2. Bill and Tom in LA Activities + press interviews in print

2. Bill and Tom in LA Activities + press interviews in print

13. 02 - @ Nivea For Men Grammy Aftershowparty in Beverly Hills, USA

14. 02 – a) ELLE girl interview in print, Japan

       b) Valentine's Day 2011 message

16. 02 – Interview InRock in print, Japan

18. 02 – Gossips Interview, Japan

24. 02 – TH are in studio in Hamburg

25. 02 – Hook Up Interview, Japan

27. 02 – Music Hits interview


Campaign “TH For Japan” (buttons) to raise money for Japan after the earthquake

Bravoora Awards, “Band of the Year” & “Star of the 20th Anniversary”, Poland

08. 03 – Magazine Art Japan, Japan

11. 03 – InRock Interview, Japan; Fukushima video message

13. 03 – Japan TV Interview

15. 03 - InRock Interview, Japan

17. 03 – the campaign started (the winner got a ring made out of the railings used on stage for Welcome to Humanoid City Tour)

28. 03 - The twins' video message (support for Japan)

29. 03 – TH message VMAJ commercial

Planeta Awards 2010, Peru " Bestes Konzert des Jahres"


Winning of MTV O Music Award “Best Fans” (Aliens)

10. 04 – Pick Up Artist (TBS) interview

15. 04 – a) Annoucement of TH as a headliner on MUZ-TV, Russia

       b) Bill @ Festival Coachella 2011, Indio, CA

16. 04 -17. 04 – Bill @ Festival Coachella 2011, Indio, CA

28. 04 - MTV O Music Award - “Fan Army FTW”, L. A., USA “Thank you” video message (Bill with three-day beard! )


Muz TV Awards promo

04. 05 – MUZ TV Online Conference with TH (Answering the fans' questions)


1. Muz TV Awards 2011

02. 06 – Arrival to Moscow (first evidence of Bill's upper lip piercing) (Bill without his beard! )

03. 06 – Meet & Greet, Press conference, interviews for Bravo, MuzTV and Billboard, Red Carpet and Performing of 3 songs: “Darkside of the Sun”, “World Behind My Wall”, “Automatic”

04. 06 – Departure to LA 

2. Bill and Tom in LA Activities

17. 06 – Interview for Katerina - Greek

18. 06 – Tom, Bill, Ria, Shay and Shiro @ “Good-Bye Cellulite, Hello Bikini” Poolside Party in Bel Air, USA (Bill with three-day beard! )

3. Pray for Japan trip (raising money for the Red Cross to help victims of the earthquake and tsunami)

23. 06 – Arrival to Tokyo & NRT interview (Bill without his beard! )

24. 06 – a) Audi A1 Acoustic Showcase, Tokyo, Japan (“Automatic” and “Phantomrider”) + Interview + backstage

       b) Interview to magazine ELLEgirl

       c) Interview to Nihon TV Sukkiri

25. 06 – a) Flea Market for Tohoku (Georg's bass was sold), Tokyo

        b) MTV Video Music Aid Japan in Chiba: Red Carpet (Bill in a police raincoat and Gaga's platform boots), + backstage + Performance of “Darkside of the Sun” and “Monsoon” and 1st MTV Award in Japan: “Best Rock Video - " Dark Side of the Sun" (the winner was announced on July 2, on a special program). The 2011 awards were marked the ten-year anniversary of the MTV VAMJ.

26. 06 – a) the band leaves Tokyo, Japan, airport

       b) RTL Exclusiv Weekend Interview

27. 06 – Caranifty TV – interview of TH in Audi Forum


Bill and Tom in LA Activities

06. 07 – Photosession of Tom and Ria by paparazzo LiesAngeles

07. 07 – a) @ Shay Todd Flagship Store Opening, Bill, Tom & Ria, LA, USA (Bill with three-day beard! )

       b) paparazzi photos of Tom & Ria in LA (Ria in short shorts)

16. 07 – Bill, Tom, Ria and Andy in LA (Paparazzo’s photos)

20. 07 – MTV VMA Japan “thank you for their 1st award in Japan” video-message from Tom and Bill

24. 07 – ELLE girl interview

31. 07 – Bill & Tom Kaulitz: Lunch in Los Angeles! (Paparazzo’s photos)


07. 08 – MTV Taiwan – Western Melody Interview

13. 08 - 2MUSICA|AWARDS: MEJOR ARTISTA EN UN VERSUS (best performer); MEJOR ARTISTA ROCK (best rock artist); BEST VIDEOGRAFIA (best video); FASHION ICON (Bill Kaulitz); BEST FAN CLUB (Aliens)

18. 08 – Topp interview

21. 08 – Bill, Natalie Franz and Verina Marcel in Steakhouse, LA

29. 08 – Cool Girl Interview – Romania

* Gianluca Fellini introduced Alex and Kathy to Bill and they were at Roosevelt Hotel


* The twins started to live in 4643 Caritina Drive Tarzana (up to May 2012)

01. 09 - New App for fans “Get The Twin Experience”, advertisement of BTK App

Bill's new image

07. 09 – Bill is blond now! (Paparazzo’s photos – Tom & Bill in the car out & about LA)

12. 09 – Bill and Tom @ Katsuya Restaurant, Hollywood, (blond Bill with a beard and moustache! )

24. 09 – Release of “Schrei Live” DVD and “Zimmer 483 Live in Europe” DVD in Philippines


Bill and Tom in LA Activities - clubbing and paparazzi's pictures

01. 10 – Bill and Tom, Shiro and Jost @ Chateau Marmont (luxury hotel/restaurant), West Hollywood (Bill in white tux, hiding his face with the top hat)

13. 10 – Bill and Tom with Sarah the Stalker (photo), LA

31. 10 – MTV O Music Award - “Fan Army FTW”, L. A., USA(thank you video-message from the twins with Halloween masks (second award in a row) and Bill without his beard)

31. 10 – Bill, Shiro Gutzie and Shay Todd at West Hollywood Halloween Carnival, West Hollywood, Santa Monica Boulevard, L. A. (Bill in intricate costume of a black angel, with a cat's face make-up)  

* Q-Music Top 100 Of This Century (2011) – 80 place with “Monsoon”


Working in the studio on the new album

11. 11 – Ev. Gerard Music Award “Best International Group”  

24. 11 – the twin BTK app announced

25. 11 – 100% Karl Lagerfeld TV program, RTL (a little bit about Bill)


10. 12 – Bill and Tom @ Chateau Marmont, West Hollywood

15. 12 – Bill and Tom @ Greystone, Manor Supperclub, in Hollywood, USA, Bill's new lip piercing snakebites

15. 12 – Launch of VIPCall – TH call fans! messages #1 and #2 and #3

17. 12 – 100 Prozent Otto

18. 12 - Last post in Tom's Blog (about a picture of Tom taken on June 3, 2011 in Russia and launching of the BTK App)

19. 12 – Release of BTK App Android -> private photos, videos, exclusive info

22. 12 – Bill's new twin-tattoo on 4 fingers on his left hand #5 – 06. 30 – tattoo artist Mike G.

23. 12 – Bill and Tom in Topanga Mall, LA, shopping

24. 12 – VIPCall – Christmas message (* the themes of other messages are in the table at the bottom of the year 2012)


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