16.08 – a) Bill went somewhere with Davide Rizzo in his cabriolet. Probably to Davide Rizzo house in Altlewin;
May 01. 05 – a) Bill and Stitch on Heidi Klum’s villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077 b) Gustav built a garden wall 02. 05 – 03. 05 – Bill was at home 04. 05 – Leni Klum turned 16. Gustav worked in the garden. 05. 05 – Bill at home. 06. 05 – 07. 05 – Bill and Simone were on Heidi Klum’s villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077. Bill and Tom announced about charity live-stream for “Alles Geben” against COVID-19 on TikTok. 08. 05 – Bill at home 09. 05 – Bill on Heidi Klum’s villa 10. 05 – a) Bill at home and celebrated Charlotte Simone Kaulitz birthday and Mother’s Day on Heidi Klum’s villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077 b) Gustav live-streams from his caravan and cooks burgers with bacon on Mother’s Day. 11. 05 – a) Charitable live-stream for “Alles Geben” to raise money for Deutsches Rotes Kreuz and Kinderkunst haus in Munich to fight against COVID-19. Bill and Tom went on-line from their home studio. Gustav and Georg joined them via Skype - KAA Studio at their house - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Gustav’s first video on TikTok 12. 05 – 13. 05 – Bill is at home with his mom 14. 05 – a) Bill was on Heidi Klum’s villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077. b) Gustav continues to build his terrace 15. 05 – Bill at home; Tom makes croussans with Heidi; Gustav spends time with his daughter 16. 05 – Tom and Heidi participated in the Free Europen Song Contest from their villa via Internet 17. 05 – a) Bill is at home; b) Tom with Heidi Klum; c) Gustav spend sunny Sunday with his family at the river 18. 05 – Bill (and Tom) was in KAA Studio at their house - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 19. 05 – Gustav went to a doctor (to clean his teeth) 20. 05 – Gustav continues to build his terrace 21. 05 – a) Bill watches the Finals of “Germany’s Top Model” and then with Tom in KAA Studio at their house - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Gustav builds the terrace (also 22. 05) and celebrates Father’s Day 23. 05 – Bill at home and Gustav continues to build his terrace 24. 05 – Gustav celebrates his daughter’s birthday who turned 4; Tom does nails to Heidi on her villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077. 25. 05 – 26. 05 – Bill at home; Gustav continues to entertain fans on IG 27. 05 – a) Bill came to Heidi Klum and went with Tom for a ride on Tom’s Harley Davidson but before he painted a bottle of wine and a glass on COVID-19 canvas - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077 b) Gustav works on his pool 28. 05 – a) Bill is at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Gustav builds a pool; Tom with Heidi Klum 29. 05 – a) Bill is at home. He has a bruise on a foread near his eye; b) Tom goes for a walk with Heidi Klum and her children, Capper and Anton c) Gustav gets ready for his guest Mr. Nicefood (Heiko) and his wife and cleans his caravan 30. 05 - a) Bill is at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046; Heidi was roasted on Twitter for her hashtag #alllivesmatter
b) Gustav entertains his guest Mr. Nicefood (Heiko) and his wife 31. 05 – a) Bill is at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046; b) Leon Pelz visited Gustav June 01. 06 – a) Bill and Simone lay the table and Tom brought Heidi to the twins’ house to celebrate her birthday there - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046. It seems Tom lived with Bill the whole month of June b) Gustav overwhelmed everyone with Werbung on his IG 02. 06 – Bill and Klum joined the BlackoutTuesday action 03. 06 – Gustav continues to build his pool 05. 06 – Bill was on Heidi Klum’s villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077. b) Gustav went camping with his family to Plö tzky (East Germany) 06. 06 – Gustav and his family was camping in the commune Plö tzky 07. 06 – a) Bill was on Heidi Klum’s villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077. It seems he stayed overnight there. He also had his hair cut and bleached, probably by Alizabeth Cochrane b) Bill lit a candle for Pumba and posted several stories and IG photo of him. c) Gustav returned back home and cleaned his trailer 08. 06 – a) Bill presented his new MDLA silk scarf (he wore it on 08. 02. 20 in Berlin) b) Gustav stays at home, edits his video and posts his stories 09. 06 – a) Bill at home in “Dinner for One” shirt b) Gustav tortures with his stories 10. 06 - a) Bill at home and does MDLA clearance - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Gustav cleans his garage, and shows carpets advertising them 11. 06 – Bill at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 12. 06 – Bill should have attended the charitable fund-raising event “Wir retten die Welt” at Olympia Stadium in Berlin but everything was cancelled due to COVID-19. Instead he is at home. 14. 06 – Bill is at home 15. 06 – a) Bill with Tom at KAA Studios - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Gustav builds his pool 16. 06 – Bill is at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 17. 06 – a) Bill cooperates with British American Tobacco company to do some challenges to promote the heating device Glo. b) Bill is at home and with Tom at KAA Studios; c) Gustav builds his pool 18. 06 – a) Bill cooks at home and watches “Star Wars” - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046. b) Gustav showed how he puts out his hair out of his nose with wax sticks. 19. 06 – a) Bill is at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046; b) Gustav advertises couches 20. 06 – a) Bill sunbathes on Heidi Klum’s villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077 - and watches “Labirynth” at home. b) Gustav signs and sells BBQue sauce, cooks “bacon bomb” and uploads the cooking video on his IG TV 21. 06 – a) Bill is with Stitch at home and does the first challenge for glo. germany (British American Tobacco company). Bill chooses “real” vs fake; b) Gustav signs another 100 bottles with BBQue sauce uploads “Grill Hacks” IG TV 22. 06 – a) Bill is at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Gustav’s daughter had her 1st haircut 23. 06 – a) leashes for Anton, Capper and Stitch from @bracenet_savetheseas; Tom and Bill record vocals in KAA Studios - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046
b) Gustav spends time with his family 24. 06 – a) Bill with Tom at KAA Studios - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046; b) Gustav with his family, Heiko and Kristina (Mr. NIcefood), race-driver David Schwietz and his friend went camping in Campingpark Hü ttensee – Hü ttenseepark 1, 29308 Winsen (Aller) 25. 06 – a) Glo (glo. germany) presents 2nd challenge for Bill (book “Lightness” and Dragonhawk tattoo machine gun liner). Bill is at home. b) Gustav is camping with his family and friends in Campingpark Hü ttensee – Hü ttenseepark 1, 29308 Winsen (Aller) 26. 06 – 27. 06 – a) Bill is at home; b) Gustav is camping with his family and friends in Campingpark Hü ttensee – Hü ttenseepark 1, 29308 Winsen (Aller) 28. 06 – a) Bill is at home doing the challenge “Real or Fake” for Bill from glo. germany b) Gustav is camping with his family and friends in Campingpark Hü ttense – Hü ttenseepark 1, 29308 Winsen (Aller). They come home in the evening 29. 06 – a) Gustav is in Magdeburg; b) Bill is selling his MDLA T-Shirt to celebrate pride in LA 30. 06 – Tom and Bill at KAA Studios - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 July - Tom and Bill got brackets «The Against Evil Eye” by Lorraine Schwartz, 40000$ each. Probably, a gift from Heidi Klum 01. 07 – a) Bill is at home; b) Heidi showed Tom’s hands on her villa (he was doing puzzle with her kids) c) Gustav brags about his carpet from @kibek. de and gives away a voucher on 100 euro 02. 07 – a) Bill is at home writing something at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046; b) Gustav gave away a voucher on 100 euro for @kibek. de (carpets) c) Georg, Caro Daur and others were at festive dinner and Paul Schrader’s private exhibition at the Penthouse at Sapphire complex by D. Libeskind – 43 Chausseestraß e, 10115 Berlin 04. 07 – a) Bill celebrates with his friends at the pool at Chateau Marmont – 8221 Sunset Blvd, LA, CA 90046 b) Tom, Heidi and kids watch fireworks and make s’mores on her villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077 in Bel-Air, Holmby Hills c) Gustav buys furniture for his lounge-zone and advertises it. He shows Linda in his IG 05. 07 – I posted view on Heidi Klum’s villa in my liveinternet journal 06. 07 – Bill at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 07. 07 – a) Heidi, her children and Tom went shopping at Bristol Farms – 9039 Beverly Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90048; b) Gustav went shopping with his daughter 08. 07 – a) Heidi showed the completed painting COVID-19 on her IG; b) Bill stayed at home. Sara Alviti’s dog Sasha died and Bill commented on her IG c) Gustav goes to Baumarkt and meets a toad under the bushes 09. 07 - a) Bill was at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046; b) Gustav buys coffee at Cup& Cino – Breiter Weg 11a, 39104 Magdeburg 10. 07 – a) Bill was at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046; b) Gustav’s daughter got sick 11. 07 – a) Gustav played didgeridoo; b) Heidi posted a video about her 2nd paiting which she began in May 12. 07 – Gustav and his daughter were at Hubbrü cke – 39104, Magdeburg 13. 07 – a) Bill at home and gave the link to the on-line shop “About You” where it’s possible to buy a face masks with MDLA logo for 7. 50 euro b) Devon Culiner has a cat Diamond (Mainecoon). He calls him Link now. 14. 07 – Tom was with Bill at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 15. 07 – a) Bill was at home; b) Gustav prepared his trailer to go on vacation to Croatia 16. 07 – a) Gustav went to Croatia with his family via Munich, through Austria, Karawankentunnel – Slovenia – Vrsar in Croatia (13 hours) b) Bill at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 c) Georg was at the pop-up store In Private Studio in TorStraß e 138, Berlin. He went to support Michael Spä th (the founder and the creative director of In Private Studio. Georg was there as a co-founder of thw Haus Apparel Group GmbH
17. 07 –a) Gustav and Heiko (Mr. Nicefood) and his wife Kristina are on vacation at Valkanela camping in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia – HR-52450 Vrsar, Valkanela 6, Croatia b) Devon Culiner was with Bill and Tom and they ate Devon’s mushroom Lion’s Mane - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 18. 07 – a) Bill goes hiking with Devon Culiner and maybe Tom as Bill was in Tom’s car; b) Gustav and Heiko (Mr. Nicefood) and his wife Kristina are on vacation at Valkanela camping in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia – HR-52450 Vrsar, Valkanela 6, Croatia 19. 07 - a) Bill at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Heidi Klum posted pics of her and Tom on her villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077 in Bel-Air, Holmby Hills c) Gustav and Heiko (Mr. Nicefood) and his wife Kristina are on vacation at Valkanela camping in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia – HR-52450 Vrsar, Valkanela 6, Croatia 20. 07 - a) Bill at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Tom was haning the word “love” in the bathroom on Heidi Klum’s villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077 in Bel-Air, Holmby Hills c) Gustav and Heiko (Mr. Nicefood) and his wife Kristina are on vacation at Valkanela camping in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia – HR-52450 Vrsar, Valkanela 6, Croatia. They also went to the city of Poreč (Пореч) 21. 07 – a) Bill got a present from Mumi Haiati – yellow glasses from @gentlemonster (he stayed at home) b) Gustav and Heiko (Mr. Nicefood) and his wife Kristina are on vacation at Valkanela camping in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia – HR-52450 Vrsar, Valkanela 6, Croatia. 22. 07 – a) Gustav bought fresh fish at the fish market Peš kera in Porec (Пореч) – 52440 Poric, Croatia b) Bill was mostly at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 c) Tom, Heidi and her 2 sons Henry and Johan went shopping in West Hollywood 23. 07 – Gustav made a bike tour in Vrsar 24. 07 – a) Gustav and Heiko (Mr. Nicefood) and his wife Kristina are on vacation at Valkanela camping in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia – HR-52450 Vrsar, Valkanela 6, Croatia. b) Bill was mostly at home - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046. He also drove Tom’s car. 25. 07 – a) Bill sunbathed at Heidi Klum’s swimming pool; Heidi Klum showed Tom and Capper - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077. Capper wears a phone number on his collar which starts with 421 (the area code for West Hollywood where the twins house is). b) Gustav went to sightseeing in Rovinj (Croatia). They were by St. Euphemia Church – Trg Sv. Eufemije, 52210, Rovinj, Croatia 26. 07 – a) Tom and Heidi were at the open-air cinema; b) Bill and Sara Alviti were at Nobu restaurant in Malibu – 22706 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu, CA 90265 c) Gustav had a boat trip to an island in Croatia 27. 07 - Gustav and Heiko (Mr. Nicefood) and his wife Kristina are on vacation at Valkanela camping in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia – HR-52450 Vrsar, Valkanela 6, Croatia. They visited nearby islands 28. 07 – a) Bill walks Stitch and out and about in LA b) Gustav and Heiko (Mr. Nicefood) and his wife Kristina are on vacation at Valkanela camping in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia – HR-52450 Vrsar, Valkanela 6, Croatia. Gustav advertizes his trailer 29. 07 – a) Bill got his haircut and bleached by Alizabeth Cochrane in Salon Republic Studio 27 - 8000 Sunset Blvd LA, CA 90046. b) Gustav and Heiko (Mr. Nicefood) and his wife Kristina are on vacation at Valkanela camping in Vrsar, Istria, Croatia – HR-52450 Vrsar, Valkanela 6, Croatia. Gustav and Heiko answered questions about camping. Linda celebrated her friends birthday in Porec
30. 07 – a) Bill is at home. Tom was with him in the morning. - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046. b) Tom jumped on the trampouline with Heidi’s son on her villa. Thomas Hayo came to visit them and Tom played SplitT-pong with him - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077. c) Gustav with his family went to watch dolphins in the sea, Croatia 31. 07 – a) Bill at KAA Studios in the twins’ house - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Bill did a tattoo #24 PGF on his index finger on his right arm and a tattoo #25 the line from W. Shakespear “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” by Daniel Meyer in the twins’ house - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 Sara Alviti made PGF tattoo too together with Bill (“potential girlfriend” or “quarantine” or “percentage of giving a fuck” or “Pets Gone Forever” ) c) Gustav’s last night in Croatia August 01. 08 – a) Bill was at home. - 9028 Crescent Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90046 b) Gustav and Heiko (mr. nicefood) went from Croatia to Salzburg (Austria) through Slovenia. 02. 08 – Bill and Tom went by car and recorded a video to congratulate TikTok with 2 year anniversary. Bill went to Germany. b) Gustav came back home to Magdeburg 03. 08 – a) Bill came to Berlin; He is staying at at Grand Hyatt Berlin – Mariene-Dietrich-Platz 2, 10785 Berlin. b) Gustav was at home in Magdeburg c) Heidi and Tom celebrated their 1st wdeding anniversary on Heidi Klum’s villa (lots of pics and videos) - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077. Capper was there too. 04. 08 – a) Bill is in Berlin. He is staying at at Grand Hyatt Berlin – Mariene-Dietrich-Platz 2, 10785 Berlin. b) Gustav had the cat Kuschel at home 05. 08 – Bill was near “Schlosserei Gunsenheimer” – Stockmeyerstraß e 43, 20457, Hamburg. He recorded a video interview “Best of both worlds” Episode #1: “City vs Nature” for Glo. Germany. Bill recorded an interview. His partner is a German actress Yvonne Pferrer. They played a “Mystery”-Quiz where they had to guess objects. 06. 08 – a) Glo Germany shot the episode in Goldmarie shop – Marktstraß e 145, 20357 Hamburg; and in Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten (Ralph Lauren Suite) – Neuer Jungfernstieg 9 14, 20354, Hamburg b) Bill was with Natalie Franz. He deleted all posts on Tokio Hotel IG account. 07. 08 – a) Bill showed in his IG-Story that he deleted all the posts on TH account. He was in a car in Berlin. b) Heidi Klum posted a pic of her and Tom (unknown if it’s old or new) 08. 08 – a) German musician Paddy Nasty with his family visits Gustav in Magdeburg b) Heidi Klum posted a video of herself, Anton and Tom (it’s old and was taken on 19. 07) 09. 08 – a) Georg, Suzanne and Buddy were at their relatives in Germany. b) German musician Paddy Nasty with his family visits Gustav in Magdeburg c) Tokio Hotel changed their logo on their TH official account on IG and started posting pics from 2005 (Time Machine) 10. 08 – a) Stitch and Bill were at Davide Rizzo’s house in the village Altlewin (Branderburg). Bill does not show where he is. He gave a Skype interview to uDiscover Music Germany b) Heidi Klum showed Capper in her house in LA while getting ready for AGT Live show - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077. c) Gustav builds steps into his garden 11. 08 – a) on behalf of Tokio Hotel Bill and Georg signed a global record deal with Sony Music label Epic Records Germany. Bill and Georg celebrated it at the café am Neuen See – Lichtensteinallee 2, Berlin 12. 08 – a) Georg posted a pic from Berlin; b) Glo Germany announced a battle “Best of Both Worlds” where Bill will participate 13. 08 – Bill made an announcement about Live Chat and Listening Party on Spotify 14. 08 – a) Bill had LED therapy; then met with Natalie Franz, Natalie Grü ner (Gruener), Miriam Odette and Davide Rizzo at Grill Royal – Friedrichstraß e 105b, 10117 Berlin b) Tom, Thomas Hayo, Heidi Klum and her kids watched soccer match Bayern Munich vs Barcelona on Heidi Klum’s villa - 3384 Stoneridge Ln, LA, CA 90077 15. 08 – a) Live Chat and Listening Party to celebrate 15 years of Durch den Monsun. Bill was with a guy at Grand Hyatt Berlin – Mariene-Dietrich-Platz 2, 10785 Berlin. He had a computer with Russian alphabet. b) After the chat Bill met Mumi Haiati at Soho House – Torstraß e 1, 10119 Berlin c) Gustav was in Magdeburg
16. 08 – a) Bill went somewhere with Davide Rizzo in his cabriolet. Probably to Davide Rizzo house in Altlewin;
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