Лексический и грамматический материал
IV курс, факультет английского языка
Фрагмент урока для старших классов
Обучение письменной речи
Проблема\ситуация: The Easiest Way to Get in Touch with a Pen-friend / Communication trough Letters.
Цели урока:
образовательная: Знакомство со структурно-композиционными особенностями личного письма на английском языке в сравнении с особенностями написания на родном языке, повышение общей культуры учащихся
воспитательная: Формирование культуры письменной речи. Обучение этикету ведения личной переписки, умению корректно оформлять письма на английском языке
развивающая: Развитие умений логически выстраивать ход мыслей на Коммуникативная задача:
письме, развитие стилистических умений
Лексический и грамматический материал
· Панова, И.И. Английский язык: учеб. для VIII кл. общеобраз. школ / И.И. Панова,
А.А. Вейзе. – Мн., 1998.
· Мильруд, Р.П. Методика обучения иноязычной письменной речи / Р.П. Мильруд. – Инстр. языки в школе. – №2. – 1997.
· Parry, A. Elementary Writing Skills / A. Parry, Sh. Hartle. – Penguin, 1989.
· Stephens, M. Practice Writing / M. Stephens. – Longman, 1986.
· Образцы писем на английском языке.
| Задача этапа
| Содержание
| Время
| Pupils
| Формиро-вание умений написания личного письма
| – Dear friends, one magazine in Great Britain published information about young English people who are looking for pen-friends in Belarus. How do you like this idea? Do you like to have pen-friends in Great Britain? By means of letters you may communicate with your foreign friends. But it is very necessary to know how to arrange your letters, how to write the address and so on.
– You know, letters in English should be written in particular way; they have their own organization.
Основной этап
| Формиро-вание зна-ний о структур-но-компо-зиционных особенно-стях лично-го письма
| – And in order to be understood by our pen-friends from Great Britain we should study carefully all the information and do some practice in writing personal letters.
§ At first let’s study the example. A letter that you would like to send to Britain should look like this:
37 High Street
London, S.E. 9
10th March, 2004
Mr. A.B. Brown
12 Newgate Street, NW 1
Dear Mr. Brown
………..(your text)……….
Yours truly
Mary Smith
– Study the structure of the above letter and fill in the chart below referring to the letter:
Writer’s address
Inside address
Opening salutation
Body of the letter
Closing salutation
Writer’s name
| Формиро-вание навыков написания адреса
| – Here are some addresses. They are not written correctly. Can you write each address in the correct order and in the correct way?
a) London 7 SW1 Victoria Street
b) 3 High Street SE 9 London
c) 18 Long Avenue SW 5 London
d) England Exchange Street 26 Liverpool
– Write your address on a piece of paper.
– Write your friend’s address on the other side.
– Write the address of your school.
| Формиро-вание на-выков пра-вильного оформле-ния начала
| – The address tells us where the letter is from. Now you must choose the correct way to begin a letter.
– English people are famous as very polite people. Look at the blackboard and read the formulas they use in their letters.
| и заключит. части письма
| a) If they write to their friends or relatives they apply:
My Dear Mother/ Aunt/ Friend/ Jane/ Mike
b) If they write to people they know very well they use:
Dear Mr. Brown
Dear Mrs. Brown
Dear Miss Brown
Dear Sir
Dear Madam
c) If they write to people they do not know, they start with:
d) If they address to some people, they use:
Dear Sirs
– Which opening would you use if you wrote a letter to these people?
1) A London Tourist Board
2) An Employment Agency
3) Your pen friend, Isabella
4) Your boyfriend, Sebastian
5) Your class friend (you choose a name)
– English people finish their letter to their friends (relatives) with:
Your friend
Your loving son (daughter)
With love
With kisses.
– Formally they sign their letters as follows:
Yours truly
Yours faithfully
Truly yours
Yours sincerely
With best regards
– Always send best wishes or love to friends or to the family of the friend you are writing to:
Regards to your family
Best wishes to you and all your family
Send my love to your family
– Imagine that one English boy writes letters to:
a) his friend;
b) his teacher;
c) his grand-parents
– How would he start and finish his letters in each case?
– You are writing a letter to Mary. What will you write?
| at the beginningat the end
Hello thank you
My Dear Mary how do you do
With love See you
Sorry Yours truly
| Развитие умений логически выстраи-вать ход мыслей в процессе написания письма
| – Nick writes a letter to his addressee but there are disorders. Arrange the letter in correct way. But REMEMBER that a letter usually contains the following stages:
Reasons for writing
Closing remarks
Signature / name
a) Nick
b) Fortunately I’ll be back in 3 days and I’ m going to visit you
c) How are you
d) What are your plans for summer
e) Your friend
f) I’m spending my holiday in France
g) I wish to inform you that
h) My dear friend
i) I have a lot of spare time
| – Now when you are quite aware how to write a letter in English box, at the following letter and fill in all the absent information.
36 __________
Winton LIX 6
5th June______
___________ Chris
I wish to ____________________________
I thank you for _______________________
It was very __________________________
As you know I’m spending my __________
at _________. The weather is __________
here. I am doing a lot of __________. But I
_________ and very eager to see you again.
I hope we’ll ________ very soon. Please ___
as soon as possible.
| – Choose one of these pen-friend advertisements and write a letter to the person. Your letter must be correctly set out.
| – Imagine that you are spending a few weeks abroad. Write a brief letter to a friend, telling him / her about your recent activities. The flow chart below may help you:
Your address
write date
opening salutation
the place you’re in
describe weather
closing remarks
your name
Заключительный этап
| – Well, my friends I’m satisfied with your work today. I see that you have an idea of writing a letter in English. Your home task for the next would be to write a creative letter. Imagine that you are spending a few weeks abroad. Write a brief letter to a friend, telling him/ her about your recent activities.
– The flow chart below may help you:
Name: Ann Gable
Age: 16 Name: Jack Black
Hobby: music, traveling Age: 17
Address: 23, High Street Hobby: Sport, reading
London, SE 1 Address: 16, Green
Avenue London,
NW 9
I’m looking for a
16 year -old pen friend I’m looking for a
to exchange post-cards friend of my age (18)
Jane Field I like animals, birds,
16, New Road I like music, classical
Glasgow, NE 8 and modern
Christine Gold
7, Bridge Street
Perthsire, Scotland
| |
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