2. Complete the sentences using the correct variant
2. Complete the sentences using the correct variant
3. Complete these sentences using on the other hand. Follow the model. Model: Direct current passes through the choke coil of a filter; alternating current, on the other hand, passes through the capacitor. 1. A low -pass filter is used to pass low frequencies …. 2. In a high -pass filter an inductance coil is used as a bypass …. 3. A high -pass filter is used to prevent the flow of low frequencies …. 4. Alternating current passes through a capacitor ….
4. Answer the following questions: 1. What is a filter used for? 2. What does a filter consist of? 3. What is the function of a low-pass filter? 4. What is the function of a high-pass filter? 5. What is the difference between a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter? 6. What elements are used as a bypass? 7. What is the function of a choke coil? 8. What is the function of an inductance coil?
5. Draw schemes of a choke input filter and a capacity input filter. Describe the schemes and the function of the filters.
6. Read the text and answer the question that follows it. Choke Input Filter and Capacity Input Filter
A choke input filter and a capacity input filter are used in rectifiers. Filters of this kind are connected to rectifiers in order to eliminate pulsations produced in rectified current. 1) Choke input filter is a low-pass filter. A choke coil is in series with the rectifier output. 2) Capacity input filter is a high-pass filter. A capacitor is connected directly across or in parallel with the rectifier output.
What is the difference between a choke input filter and a capacity input filter?
Unit Seventeen [17] 1. a) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation. b) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English.
2. Form nouns adding -er and translate them. Model: to heat - heater
3. Distribute the words below into the three columns.
collector, heat, collection, suppress, collect, suppressor, suppression, contain, reaction, container, react, heater, reactor, computer, compute, oscillate, oscillating, oscillator
4. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents. Then translate them back into English.
Electron Tubes Let us consider electron tubes. Among the electron tubes in use nowadays there are a diode, a triode, a tetrode and a pentode. The main parts of electron tubes are electrodes. Electrodes are placed into a glass or metal bulb. Fig. 14 A diode contains the cathode and the plate. When a diode operates the cathode emits electrons, the plate collects them. A triode contains the cathode, the plate and the control grid. When the tube operates the cathode emits electrons, the plate collects them and the grid controls the flow of electrons. Therefore, the grid is called a control grid. A tetrode contains the cathode, the plate, the control grid and the screen grid. When a tube operates it may oscillate. The function of the screen grid is to eliminate oscillations. Therefore it is called a screen grid.
A pentode contains two electrodes and three grids: the control grid, the screen grid and the suppressor grid. When a pentode operates the suppressor grid eliminates the secondary emission. Common troubles in tubes are an open heater and low emission. These troubles result from constant use or from some other reason. In case a tube has a trouble it stops operating or operates badly. A tube with a trouble should be replaced by another one.
5. Complete the sentences using the correct variant:
6. Answer the following questions: 1. What types of electron tubes are used nowadays? 2. How many electrodes does a diode (a triode, a tetrode, a pentode) contain? 3. What is the function of the cathode (the plate, the control grid, the screen grid, the suppressor grid)? 4. What does the constant use of a tube result in? 5. What does low emission result from? 6. When must a tube be replaced?
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