2.3 Experimental confirmation of using modern techniques to develop productive skills of learners
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 2. 3 Experimental confirmation of using modern techniques to develop productive skills of learners
CONCLUSION To conclude, English grammar has been taught through chalk and board method. It has to be taught in innovative and creative way that it will help students not just to speak and write and listen but to communicate through various engaging activities that emphasize form-meaning, mappings for day-today communication. That is the purpose of the teaching of English grammar and that is what it must be used for. Innovative methods, therefore, help in bringing a change and most of the times for the better. It helps the students learn faster and in an efficient, interesting and an interactive manner and it is the teacher‟ s responsibility to leave the traditional methods and make way for new and better methods for the students benefit. Using innovative methodologies in teaching English grammar in the classroom will pave a positive way to students to learn the language meaningfully. The suggestion for further study, the grammar emphasis with a limited scope may be more effective; input enhancement may be more effective with grammatical features that are less essential for communication (redundant, systematic, and less salient features such as past -ed); output enhancement may be more effective with grammatical features that have many salient lexical forms (e. g., past irregular); and learners in EFL contexts can benefit more from grammar instruction. In the process of the study, the following results were obtained:
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