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Задание 18.4. Замените npuдamочные предложения инфинитивным оборотами.

Образец: Не is so old that he cannot skate. Не is too old to skate.


I. She has got so fat that she cannot wear this dress now. 2. The accident was so terrible that I don't want to talk about it. 3. They were so emp­ty-headed that they could not learn a single thing. 4. Тhe window was so dirty that they could not see through it. 5. She was so foolish that she could not understand my explanation. 6. I have very little wool: it won't make a sweater. 7. The problem is so difficult that it is impossible to solve it. 8. The box is so heavy that nobody can carry it. 9. The baby is so little that it cannot walk. 10. He is so weak that he cannot lift this weight. 11. She is so busy that she cannot talk with you. 12. She was so inatten­tive that she did not notice the mistake. 10. Тhе rule was so difficult that they did not understand it. 14. He was so stupid that he did not see the joke.


Задание 18.5. Переведите нa русский язык, обращая внимание на Active u Passive Infinitive.


1. To play chess was his greatest pleasure. 2. The child did not like to be washed. 3. Isn't it natural that we like to be praised and don't like to be scolded? 4. Which is more pleasant: to give or to be given presents? 5. Nature has many secrets to be discovered yet. 6. To improve your pronunciation you should record yourself and analyse your speech. 7. This is the book to be read during the summer holidays. 8. To be instructed by such a good specialist was a great advantage. 9. He is very forgetful, but he doesn't like to be reminded of his duties.

Задание 18.6. Paскройme скобки, уnoтребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. They seemed (to quarrel): I could hear angry voices from behind the door. 2. They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the last two months. 3. The only sound (to hear) was the snoring of grand­father in the bedroom. 4. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it during the gen­eral cleaning. It turned out (to drop) between the sofa and the wall. 5. They seemed (to wait) for ages. 6. I hate (to bother) you, but the students are still waiting (to give) books for their work. 7. Не seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to talk) about. 8. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe site deserves (to know) the state of her sick brother. 9. Не began writing books not because hem wanted (to earn) a living. 11. I consider myself lucky (to be) to that famous exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings. 11. Не seems (to know) French very wells: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris. 12. The enemy army was reported (to overthrew) the defence lines and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 11. The woman pretended (to read) and (not to hear) the bell. 14. You seem (to look) for trou­ble. 15. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morn­ing: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snows.


Задание 18.7. Paскройme скобки, уnoтребляя требующуюся форму инфинитива.


1.I hate (to bother) other people.

2.I hate (t brother) by other people.

3.She likes (to like) and (to tell) how pretty she is.

4.He seemed (to watch) the film very attentiveli.

5.He seems (to see) a lot in his numerous trips.

6.It was too difficult (to explain).

7.She had a lot of housework(to do).

8.There are no people (to trust) here.

9.There are many books (to read).

10.There is a lot of housework (to do) taday.

11.The wind seems (to blow) since we came here.

12.The wind seems (to blow) every day.

13.The door seems (to blow) shut by the wind.

14.He pretended (to earn) a lot of money.

15.He claimed (to earn) enough money to buy the car.

16.There was no land (to see).

17.(To see) her once was what made him happy.

18.He was happy (to see) her before he left.

19.He was happy (to inspect) by such a famous surgeon.

20.The committee is said (to study) the documents and they have made a conclusion.

21.The committee is said(to study) the documents at the moment.

22.The committee is said (to invite), so we expect them next week.

23.I am glad (to help) you with this problem, so it will be no troble at all.

24.I am glad (to help) you. It was no trouble at all.

25.I am glad (to help) you at this difficult time, I hope it will soon be over.

26.I think he deserves (to know) this.

27.I think he deserves(to tell) about this.

28.He was the first person in our house (to be) to all the continents.

29.He was the first person in our group (to be) to Africa, so he felt very excited about this perspective.


Задание 18.8. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на



  1. Thank you for helping me.
  2. I remember your telling me the story five years ago.
  3. It`s no use arguing about trifles.
  4. He dreams of becoming a sailor.
  5. We enjoyed walking slowly along the silent streets.
  6. You will enrich your vocabulary by reading more English books.
  7. There is no chance of his winning the first prize.
  8. I remember seeing you somewhere.
  9. Peter`s hobby is seeing all new films.

10. This flat needs redecorating.

11. I am thinking of seeing this film again.

12. Seeing you is always a pleasure.

13. There is no accounting for his strange behaviour.

14. Excuse my interrupting you.

15. This film is worth watching.

16. I insist on your coming in time for the lectures.

Задание 18.9. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.

1. Repairing cars is his business. 2. It goes with­out saying. 3. There is no chance of winning. 4. Would you mind closing the door?. 5. There are two ways of getting sug­ar: one from beet and the mother from sugarcane. 6. Jane Eyre was fond off reading. 7. Miss Trotwood was in the habit of asking Br. Dick his opinion. 8. Have you finished waiting? 9. Taking a cold show­er in the morning is very useful. 14. I like skiing, but my sister prefeis skating. 11. She likes sitting in the sun. 12. It looks liked raining. 13. My watch wants repairing. 14. Thank you for coming. 15. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month. 16. I had the pleasure of dancing with her the whole evening. 17. Let's go boating. 18. He talked without stopping. 19. Some people can walk all day without feeling tired.


Задание 18.10. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.


A. I'm really looking forward to going to New York.

B. Are you? I'm not. I can't stand visiting noisy cities.

A. But New York is wonderful. I love seeing the skyscrapers, the museums, the historical monu­ments, the Statue of Liberty....

В. I hate visiting museums. I'm not looking for­ward to going at all.

A. Oh, it's so excising! I like listening to the sounds of New York - the traffic, the different languages....

B. As for me, I hate visiting noisy cities!

A. Oh, come on! It'll be fun. New York's a great big melting pot of people from all over the world. And the world capital is worth seeing. It's so interesting!

В. That's what you think. And the city's so dirty, you know.

А. You are right, it, is dirty. Вut it, is beautiful, too. The Big Apple is really worth visiting!

Задание 18.11. В следующих предложениях замените придаточные дополнительные герундием c прeдлогом of.

Образец: She thought she would ge to the country for the weekend.

She thought of goings to the country for the weekend.

1. I thought I would come and see you tomorrow. 2. I am thinking that I shall go out to the country tomorrow to see my mother. 3. What do you think you will do tomorrow? — I don't know now; I thought I would go to the zoo, but the weather is so bad that probably I shan't go. 4. I hear there are some English books at our institute bookstall now. — So you are thinking that you will buy some, aren't you? 5. I thought I would work in the library this evening, but as you have comer, I won't go to the library.


Задание 18.12. B следующих предложениях замените придаточные времени герундием c предлогом after.

Обраец: When she had bought everything she needed,

she went home.

After buying everything she needed, she went home.


1. After she took the child to the kindergarten, she went to the library to study for her examination. 2. When he had made a thorough study of the sub­ject, he found that it was a great deal more impor­tant than he had thought at first. 3. After I had hesi­tated some minutes whether to buy the hat or not, I finally decided that I might find one I liked better in another shop. 4. When she had graduated from the university, she left St. Petersburg and went to teach in her hometown. 5. When he hand proved that his theory was correct, he started studying ways and beans of improving the conditions of works in very deep coalmines.



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