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Задание 19.18. Переведите на русский язык.

That’s Harris all over – so ready to take the burden of everything himself, and put it on the backs of other people.

He always reminds me of my poor Uncle Podger. You never saw such a commotion up and down a house in all your life, as when my Uncle Podger undertook to a job. A picture would have come home from the frame-maker’s and be standing in the dining-room, waiting to be put up; and Aunt Podger would ask what was to be done with it, and Uncle Podger would say: “Oh, you leave that to me. Don’t you, any of you, worry yourselves about that. I’ll do all that.”

And then he would take off his coat, and begin. He would shout; “and bring me the ruler, Tom.”…

And then he would lift up the picture, and drop it, and it would come out of the frame, and he would try to save the glass, and cut himself; and then he would spring round the room, looking for his handkerchief. He could not find his handkerchief, because it was in the pocket of the coat he had taken off, and he did not know where he had put the coat, and all the house had to leave off looking for his tools, and start looking for his coat; while he would dance round and hinder them… (After Jerome K. Jerome)

Задание 19.19. Заполните пропуски, употребляя модальный глагол Would и необходимую форму глагола, данного в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


…That was a Tuesday. He … (to come) on Wednesday; he … (to come) on Thursday; he … (to come) on Friday; and he … (to come) on Saturday. It is true that each visit … (to begin), (to continue) or (to conclude) with a declaration of love, but in between there was much room for silence. They … (to sit) on either side of the fire-place and sometimes the Archduke … (to knock) over the fire-irons and Orlando … (to pick) them up again. Then the Archduke … (to bethink) him now he had shot an elk in Sweden, and Orlando … (to ask), was it a ver big elk, and the Archduke … (to say) that it was not as big as reindeer which he had shot in Norway; and Orlando … (to ask) had he ever shot a tiger, and the Archduke … (to say) he had shot an albatross and Orlando … (to say) (half hiding her yawn) was an albatross as big as an elephant, and the Archduke … (to say) – something very sensible, no doubt, but Orlando heard it not, for she … (to look) at her writing-table, out of the window, at the door. Upon which the Archduke … (to say), “I adore you,” at the very same moment that Orlando … (to say) “Look, it’s beginning to rain,” at which they … (to be) both much embarassed, and blushed scarlet, and could neither of them think what to say next… (After Viriginia Woolf)


Задание 19.20.

A. Переделайте предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени.

You may read a book now.

He can speak English very well.

They must read for their exam today.

Students in Oxford must wear a uniform.

You can show better results if you don't work by fits and starts.

Mike must pass the credit test today.

You may go for a walk as soon as you finish your homework.

Students can get a scholarship if they are at the top of the group.

B. Переведите на русский язык.

The examination is to begin at nine o'clock.

You should start thinking about your future job now.

They have to leave home early so that not to be late for classes.

He won't be able to pass his exam if he doesn't work hard enough.

You look very much alike. He could have been your brother.

I need your help.

He should be waiting for you outdoors.

He ought to become more serious.

He cannot have failed.

They may be asked this question, too.


Задание 19.21.Переведите на английский язык.


  1. Можно войти?
  2. Он умел читать, когда ему было четыре года.
  3. Мне нужен твой совет.
  4. Тебе следовало бы подумать об этом раньше.
  5. Я не хочу (не буду) помогать тебе.
  6. Студенты должны прийти в училище до того, как директор отметит отсутствующих.
  7. Ты мог бы учиться лучше.
  8. Нам пришлось брать такси, чтобы успеть на поезд.
  9. К сожалению, они вынуждены остаться в городе во время летних каникул.

10. Ему нужно остаться в техникуме после занятий.

11. Ты должен был написать это письмо еще вчера.


Задание 19.22. Употребите мoдaльный глагол may (might) или выражение to be allowed to.


1. He... go home if he likes. 2. As soon as the boy... leave the room, he smiled a happy smile and ran out to join his friends outside. 3. The doctor says I am much better. I... get up for a few hours every day. 4.... I bring my sister to the party? 5. Не asked if he... bring his sister to the party. 6. After they had finished their homework, the children... watch TV. 7. He... joins them sports section as soon as he is through with his medical examination. 8. Becky's mother said that everybody... take part in the pic­nic. 9. If you pass your examinations, you... go to the south. 10.... I borrow your car, please? 11. Не asked if he... borrow my car. 12.... I have a look at your newspaper?



Задание 19.23. Переведите русский язык.



1. I have not written the composition. I shall have to write it on Sunday. 2. We did not have to buy bis­cuits because granny had baked a delicious pie. 3. Will you have to get up early tomorrow? 4. I had to do a lot of hoatework yesterday. 5. She had to stay at homed because she died not feel well. 6. Pete had to stay at home because it wads very cold. 7. Mike had to write this exercised at school because he had not done it at home. 8. They had to call the doctor be­ca.use the grandmother was ill. 9. Why did you have to stay at home yesterday? — Because my parents were not at home and I had to look after my littler sister. 10. It wads Sunday yesterday, so he didn't have to be at work, but he had to do a lot at home. 11. I am sorry I wouldn't come yesterday. I had to work late. 12. Why do you have to get up early to­morrow? 1з. I had to go to the hospital to visit my aunt. 14. What did you have to learn by heart? —At school, I had to learn a beautiful poem "Leisure" by William Henry Davies.



1. We were to get there before the others. 2. Не was to tell her where to find us. 3. She was to grad­uate that year. 4. She was to wear that dress at the graduation party. 5. Hе is to come here at five o'clock. 6. Them train was to leave at five-fifteen.7. I was to wait for her at the railway station.8. We were to go to the cinema that afternoon.9. They were to start on Monday. 10. Не was to tel­ephone the moment she was out of danger. 11. Roses were to be planted round the pond. 12. Thee was to be a discussion later on.



1. You cannot read so many books. 2. You need not read so man books. 3. Nick cannot go to school today. 4. Nick need not go to school today. 5. She cannot translate this article. 6. The need not trans­late this article. 7. Му sister cannot write this let­ter: she is very busy. 8. Му sister need not write this this letter: I shall phone them. 9. She cannot buy bread. 10. She need not buy bread. 11. He could not stay there for the night. 12. He need not have stayed there for the night. 13. We could not do all this work. 14. We need not have done all this work. 15. She could not cook such a big dinner. 16. She need not have cooked such a big dinner. 17. The could not write the composition. 18. The need not have written the composition. 19. I could not go to the library. 20. I need not have gone to the li­brary.


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