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Dios aborrece la idolatría; sin importar si esta proviene de los Cristianos, de los Judíos, o de los Musulmanes

This is the Divine truth that brings peace and hope unto the human heart: That God isn't a religious tyrant, nor is He an ideological dictator. Rather, He is a perfect Judge- one who doesn't arbitrarily condemn nor reward anybody, but rather let us [with our willing and voluntary actions] choose the reward [or punishment] we want to eventually receive





Dios aborrece la idolatrí a; sin importar si esta proviene de los Cristianos, de los Judí os, o de los Musulmanes

La idolatrí a, es la locura de quien se obstina en afirmar que, aquello que es finito (Moisé s, Jesú s, Muhammad, la Ciencia, el Evangelio, La Torah, el Corá n, etc), es en realidad Infinito (Dios). Y, ¿ como justifica el idolatra, esta corrupció n de su alma? ¡ Pues urdiendo mentiras!; Es decir, atribuyendo falsos atributos y virtudes a su í dolo, a fin de esconder sus faltas, y negar sus limitaciones. Y es por esto que י ה ו ה (Yah, bendito sea) esta enojado con aquellos que se entregan conscientemente a la idolatrí a; pues י ה ו ה es un Dios de verdad, que aborrece todo tipo de mentira, y que no falla en castigar a los mentirosos.
Como esta escrito: “Dios de verdad, y sin ninguna iniquidad en é l”- Deuteronomio 32: 4; “Destruirá s a los que hablan mentira; Al hombre sanguinario y engañ ador abominará י ה ו ה ”- Salmo 5: 6; “Porque la boca de los que hablan mentira será cerrada”- Salmo 63: 11; “El que habla mentiras no se afirmará delante de mis ojos”- Salmo 101: 7; “El justo, aborrece la palabra de mentira”- Proverbios 13: 5; “El testigo falso, no quedará sin castigo; Y, el que habla mentiras, no escapará ”- Proverbios 19: 5; “Por cuanto entristecisteis con mentiras el corazó n del justo, al cual yo no entristecí, y fortalecisteis las manos del impí o, para que no se apartase de su mal camino, infundié ndole á nimo, por tanto, no veré is má s visió n vana, ni practicaré is má s adivinació n”- Ezequiel 13: 22-23


We cannot know the whole truth, which belongs to God alone, but our task nevertheless is to seek to know what is true. And if we offend gravely enough against what we know to be true, as by failing badly enough to deal affectionately and responsibly with our land and our neighbors, truth will retaliate with ugliness, poverty, and disease



A scientific explanation of the God honored by Modern [Reformed] Samaritans

What we define as an object " Mass" is just concentrated energy (E = MC^2). And since all matter is composed of mass, then it follows that all that we see [or perceive] happening in the universe is just a different manifestation of the same fundamental energy [the total sum of energy comprising the whole universe]. Finally, it is this infinite amount of energy comprising the universe [which manifests itself in all that we see, experience, perceive, think, or even imagine], what we could properly call " the Creator" [or " Source" ] of all things.
Is it a fancy computer simulation? No!, but rather an infinite amount of energy manifesting itself in an infinite amount of ways [including consciousness! ]. And if our theory is correct, then God can be found anywhere there is any manifestation of energy [any matter, any time, any space, etc], and therefore there's no place where we could ever escape from His presence. And the Hebrew Scripture seems to agree with our theory, when it goes on to say: ".... whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me" - Psalm 139: 7-10.
Thus, the rational God Samaritans worship is The infinite source of Potential from which all things draw their subordinated existence. And how do we know God manifests Himself in all possible ways? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: " And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel- I Am hath sent me unto you" - Exodus 3: 14. " I am... "; I am the angel who visited Abraham; I am the whirlwind that spoke to Job; I am the fire manifesting itself in the burning Bush; I am the voice that speaks to you; I am the holy ground where you stand in my Presence; I am the pillar of fire that will go with you during the night; I am the cloud that will cover Israel during their daily journey thru the wilderness; I am the fire you will see on top of Mount Sinai; I am the bread falling from the Sky; I am the water flowing from the Rock; I am The Ark of the Covenant being carried by the Levite priests; I am the young warrior who will one day appear to Joshua; I am the old man of days who will eventually appear to Ezekiel, etc


Miss Nevada 2021 a Trans woman... Is this a new social experiment to prove the rest of the World how stupid can Western people be?
Is to literally Cancel real women in every way--- to prove, like a slap in the face, that most of us prefer illusion, delusion, fantasies to real life?
Could this be " the Beast" System foretold in the Christian Bible??

All nations of the World are called to submit to Moses [not to Judaism, but rather to Moses]

While finally approaching the Promised land, God told Moses the following: “This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee”- Deuteronomy 2: 25. Notice that the verse doesn't promise that the Gentile nations would fear Israel; instead, it says they would fear Moses! But how could this be? Wouldn't Moses be prevented from entering into the land [thereby being unable to battle any Gentile nations dwelling over there]? In fact, didn't Moses die just a short time after writing the book of Deuteronomy? What does the verse mean? It's true meaning is that Moses Law would eventually be heard by all Nations of the World, which after listening to God's commandments would fear and tremble, asking themselves: “We haven’t accepted Moses, nor have we bowed down to what he commanded upon the two stone tablets; will we end up like Korah (book of Numbers, chapter 16), whose company was eventually sent down to the underworld, and destroyed by fire? (In other words, will our refusal to submit to Moses Ten Commandments condemn us to hell? )". As is written: “And the children of Israel spake unto Moses, saying- Behold, we die, we perish, we all perish”- Book of Numbers, 17: 12 (King James Version)






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