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Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.

(1 —10) the lattice of the substance, to be tightly bound, to be at an intermediate stage, to fill the gap, the top band, below the level

(11 — 20) a poor design, to pose a question, to improve the state of art, the former technique, to substitute the mode existing, the interior of the package, an adjacent substrate

(21 — 30) to insert an atom into a silicon lattice, to create defi­ciency of one electron, to handle the material under ordinary cir­cumstances, efforts can merely help to carry out the program, to transfer from one state into another, to be protected by surface layers

(31-40) a sequence of masks, to delineate multiplicity of n- type regions, to be exposed to diffusion, at various stages of the process, very precise calculations, photolithographic procedures, to dissolve the salt, to prevent the excess

(41 - 50) an etching acid, to denote the scale, the bulk of work, the bulk of a semiconductor, to establish a new industry, harmful effects, the removal of acid traces

(51 - 60) a wafer can be sliced, to substitute by sophisticated devices, to need continuing innovations, advances in crystal growth technology, a crystal pulling equipment emerged, the de­position of thin films by sputtering, the outline of a circuit

(61 — 68) to generate new species, to yield volatile compounds, to have intricate three-dimensional architecture, the aid of com­puters, to simulate operations


Задания к Основному тексту.


3.13. С целью проверки понимания первой части (I) Основного текста:

1) Запишите кратко содержание текста (I часть) с по­мощью предикативных групп, например:

1. consists of a number of carefully controlled processes; 2. to consider the physical nature of semiconductor materials; 3. are similar to insulators; 4. poses a problem

2) Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следую­щих речевых отрезков:

1. обработка подложки – не простой технологический процесс; 2. физическая природа полупроводников; 3. сво­бодные носители зарядов могут возникать при минималь­ной затрате энергии; 4. кристалл чистого кремния – пло­хой проводник; 5. улучшение проводимости достигается несколькими способами; 6. к кремнию добавляются приме­си, чтобы создать особый тип проводимости; 7. дырка - это отсутствие электрона; 8. примеси могут вводиться диффу­зией; 9. воздействуя окислителем; 10. кислород влияет на многие свойства подложки из кремния; 11. эпитаксия - вы­ращивание кристаллов в сочетании с процессами окисле­ния и диффузии - дает возможность создания большого количества различных структур ИС

3) Составьте план текста на английском языке. Кратко изложите в соответствии с планом содержание текста. Ис­пользуйте следующие выражения:

1. This is...; 2. It is arranged as follows...; 3. The first para­graph introduces...; the second advances the idea of...; 4. In con­clusion... is given


3.14. Устно переведите вторую часть (П) Основного тек­ста.


3.15. Письменно в виде аннотации изложите по-русски содержание второй части Основного текста.


3.16. Подготовьте 10 — 15 вопросов по содержанию Ос­новного текста. Типы вопросов:

1. What is the (nature, difference, process, role, importance, etc.) of...? 2. What is referred to as...? 3. What is used as...? 4. Where do we use...? 5. What role (function) do the (holes) play? 6. What makes the... necessary?


Проверьте, сможете ли вы перевести.

3.17. Переведите, учитывая особенности перевода ска­зуемых.

1) 1. There is a continuous demand for improved metallurgical contacts in semiconductor devices. 2. The junction becomes vul­nerable to diffusion between the metal layers and silicon. 3. The tremendous interest in small device structures is presently active due to the increasing requirements for obtaining very small circuit elements. 4. The size requirements are becoming increasingly se­vere. 5. Today, the technology is evolving at an ever-increasing speed. 6. The selection is of primary importance. 7. Increase in the packing density and also the complexity of these devices are pri­marily due to scaling down of the individual cells. 8. Line width gets narrower. 9. One of the primary considerations is to obtain a material with high electrical conductivity and low ohmic contact resistance. 10. These parameters are to be maintained throughout the high temperatures. 11. The material is to have resistance to the corrosion and oxidation. 12. Films of this thickness are likely to be very difficult to deposit in a continuous manner.

2) 1. The most highly conductive film reported to date was obtained by a metal rich concentration. 2. Films produced by sputtering both exhibited a tetragonal crystal structure. 3. The re­sistivity of the MoSi2 film was found to be less than that of polysilicon. 4. The temperatures for recrystallization to obtain the lowest possible resistivity in effect is controlled by impurities. 5. The films used were found to be mechanically strong. 6. The film composition changed with time due to the different sputter.

3) 1. Polysilicon has been the dominant interconnect material. 2. The plasma-etching process has been shown to have important advantages in terms of cost. 3. The phosphorus concentration had no influence on the resistivity of the film. 4. The control method has only recently been applied to the design. 5. There have been no directly comparable projects. 6. Any potential microprocessor user now has to make a choice from plenty of ICs.


3.18. Назовите, какая информация (дополнение, пере­числение, сравнение, итог и тд.) предполагается после сле­дующих слов:

1. in addition, besides; 2. hence, thus, therefore; 3. however, yet, nevertheless; 4. farther, then, now; 5. consequently, as a re­sult; 6. similarly, in the same way, 7. to sum up, in conclusion



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