Материалы для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы
Учитесь читать. Текст 2.10. Прочитайте текст и укажите факторы, влияющие на качество резиста. Значения выделенных слов вы сможете понять из контекста. Photoresists Photoresists are high-sensitive materials used to generate etched patterns in substrates. The quality of the etched images depends upon the success of every step in the process, and the image flaws may be due to resist or nonresist imperfections, or to conditions which underline resist performance. Some fundamental factors influencing resist performance include adherence coating thickness, heat treatment, and resist response to various energy sources. Let us start with adherence. A strong bond between photoresist and substrate is essential to minimize dimensional changes during development and undercutting or loss of adherence during etching. The intimate contact between resist and substrate required for strong adhesion can be inhibited by surface impurities or resist components. Zones of weakness can be created by surface contaminants such as dust, oil, absorbed gases (particularly absorbed water), dopant ions, or monolayers of previous resist coatings. Removal of obvious visible impurities such as grease, fingerprints, or dust can give an apparently clean surface, but contamination is often insidious (опасный) because it is invisible. Weakly adsorbed layers of tobacco smoke, water vapor, vacuum pump vapors, or nonstripped resist components may be present, even though difficult to detect. Condensing one's breath on the surface or placing the wafers on a cold plate can sometimes reveal an adsorbed pattern on unetched wafers after resist stripping.
Текст 2.11. Прочитайте текст и сделайте аннотацию на английском языке. Используйте следующие клише: 1.... deals with; 2.... is largely as a result of; 3.... is discussed; 4.... offers properties; 5. to sum up... Ceramic-to-Metal Seals Ceramic-to-metal seals are a natural extension of the state-of-the-art where adverse temperature, shock and vibration conditions prevail. Alumina ceramics are widely used for high-performance electronic applications because of their excellent properties and moderate costs. Beryllia ceramic-to-metal seals are available but generally limited to where high heat transfer is needed. The alumina ceramic family offers a combination of desirable properties for ceramic-to-metal seals: Electrical — high resistance, low losses, and high dielectric strength. Mechanical — high compressive, tensile, and flexible strength, high impact strength and high hardness. Thermal — intermediate thermal expansion coefficient that enables sealing to many metals and matching components, good thermal conductivity, good thermal shock resistance, and good high temperature properties.
Chemical — extremely stable and surface capable of withstanding harsh chemicals and cleaning procedures.
Текст 2.12. Прочитайте текст. Изложите на английском языке основные требования, предъявляемые к материалам. Materials Requirements The following are the general requirements for a material for interconnects and contacts: high electrical conductance, low ohmic contact resistance, electromigration, stable contacts (with silicon and final metallization), corrosion and oxidation resistance, high temperature stability, strong adhesion characteristics. One of the primary considerations is to obtain a material with high electrical conductivity and low ohmic contact resistance. It should also have good electromigration resistance and be stable when in contact with silicon and/or oxide and the final metallization. These parameters must be maintained throughout the high temperatures encountered during processing; i.e., to maintain their metallurgical integrity. This requires that the melting point of the materials used be much higher than conventional process temperatures.
2.25. Дайте классификацию пленочных материалов. Используйте схему:
Film Materials
2.26. Сравните несколько материалов, используемых в микроэлектронике, по их физическим, электрическим, оптическим и другим свойствам.
2.27. Подготовьте схему (на английском языке), показывающую сходство и различие материалов, используемых в микроэлектронике.
Основной текст: Problems in Microelectronic Circuit Technology. Грамматические явления: Типы сказуемого. Способы их выявления в тексте. Их перевод. Лексические явления: Контекстуальное значение слов: due, appear, advance. Перевод слов с префиксами: in-, out-, en-, inter-.
Проверьте, знаете ли вы следующие слова. 1) insulator n, generate v, region n, protective a, collector n, planar a, regular a, ordinary a, mobile a, photosensitive a, attack v, base n, form v, fraction n, variety n, thermal a 2) a number of, consider v, bind v, available a, band n, similar a, requirement n, describe v, lead v, surround v, state n, create v, pass v, passage л, surface л, frequency л, realize v, define v, select v, software л, apply v, applicable a, yield л, discharge n, dimension n, believe v, layout n, goal n, precise a, employ v
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