Part II. At the Laboratory
Под редакцией Л.Ф. Горюновой
Москва Издательский дом МЭИ 2008 ББК 81. 432. 1 Г-577 Утверждено учебным управлением МЭИ Подготовлено на кафедре английского языка Рецензент доц. В.П.Федотов Говори по-английски. Speak English. Г-577 Учебное пособие по развитию навыков устной речи. Л.А. Расторгуева, Л.С. Бирюкова, Л.Ф.Горюнова, Е.И. Гуськова, Л.В. Ермакова, Л.В. Иванец, И.В. Казакова, Т.А Косачева, Ю.А. Почепецкая; под ред. Л.Ф Горюновой.; технический редактор Л.С. Бирюкова – М.: Издательский дом МЭИ, 2008. – 105 с.
Учебное пособие «Говори по-английски. Speak English» для студентов всех специальностей МЭИ содержит информацию по устным темам, вынесенным на экзамен. Каждый раздел состоит из нескольких текстов, объединенных одной темой и заданиями, направленными на формирование самостоятельного монологического высказывания студента и его умение вести беседу на языке. В зависимости от уровня подготовки студентов задание можно прорабатывать устно или письменно, часть заданий может быть использована для дополнительной подготовки.
© Московский энергетический институт (технический университет), 2008 Аннотация
Настоящее учебное пособие представляет собой комплекс специально подобранных информативных материалов, направленных на развитие навыков разговорной речи (монологической и диалогической). Пособие предназначено для студентов всех специальностей МЭИ и является составной частью учебных и методических пособий, разработанных на кафедре английского языка МЭИ.
Пособие предлагает работу по следующим темам: «Мой институт», «Моя будущая специальность», «Москва», «Россия», «США», «Великобритания», «Выдающиеся личности». «Моё свободное время», «Мой рабочий день», «Мой родной город», «Достижения науки и техники», «Охрана окружающей среды», «Экологические системы». Представленные к изучению материалы охватывают широкий и разнообразный круг тем, представляя студентам интересную и разнообразную информацию о России, Москве, о Великобритании и США, о выдающихся личностях (разделы 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Предлагаемые диалоги, базирующиеся на реальных аспектах жизни студентов, а также общая информация об институте (разделы 1, 7, 8, 9) позволяют студентам научиться грамотно вести беседу на английском языке и способствует коммуникативности. Актуальными и полезными являются материалы раздела 10, связанные с экологическими проблемами, а также с инновациями в сфере науки и техники. Каждый из 10 разделов рассчитан на 4 аудиторных занятия. Пособие может быть использовано в группах студентов, включая магистров, а также в группах аспирантов. UNIT 1. MY INSTITUTE 1. Pre-reading task. Answer the following questions. 1. What Institute do you study at? 2. When was the Institute founded? 3. What else do you know about your Institute? Text A. Our Institute Part I 1. The Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) has got a very high reputation all over the world. That’s why many students from different places come to study there. The University has long been acknowledged as the leading higher educational institution in the field of technology and power engineering. The MPEI was founded in 1930 in Moscow at the very beginning of the energetics development in Russia. So, in fact, we can say that the MPEI and Russia Power Engineering are practically the same age. 2. Today the MPEI is the largest Russian Power Engineering University and a leading scientific center. Since 1992 the University has also got the status of technical University. 3. More than 1500 professors, associated professors, lecturers, tutors and instructors are in the MPEI’s teaching staff. Now more than 20,000 students are trained in the MPEI, among them there being two thousand foreign students. 4. The MPEI gives the students the highest standard of academic education and professional training. There they have got great possibilities for implementation and carrying out their research work.
5. After completing a course of five years, the University graduate gets the Bachelor’s Degree in science, engineering, technology or production management and economics. Later he can continue the studies and research to get Master’s Degree. Furthermore, a student can take up a postgraduate course with defending a thesis in order to gain the Candidate of Sciences Degree and Doctor’s Degree to follow. 6. At present the MPEI comprises 12 separate educational institutes which are part of the University (see the Supplementary page) 7. All the institutes mentioned differ from each other in tradition, size, teaching methods and subjects. There are experienced tutors and instructors who help students plan and organize homework material, select reading topics and get ready for the Degree in the best possible way. 8. The MPEI’s teaching staff offers the students a unique view of the academic subjects through the detailed and reliable presentation of lecture material with applying very modern teaching techniques and methods. 9. The academic year consists of two terms or semesters of about 20 weeks each with the vacation between them. 10. Today the basic curriculum includes such subjects as mathematics, physics, Russian history, philosophy, science and engineering, computer sciences, foreign languages, production management and economics. Part II 11. Nowadays everyone realizes that science and engineering, especially power engineering, is the largest single destination for the University leavers. The MPEI highest executive power is vested in Rector. The Rector’s Academist ration, including Vice – Rector, deputy vice – rectos, the heads of institutes, makes up the so – called Rectorate that is, Rector’s Cabinet. 12. Today the MPEI is a unity of modern educational and research labs, lecture and study halls, equipped with up – to – date installations and facilities, control and measuring systems, modern computers. 13. The MPEI is the only technical institution of higher education having its own Power Plant. 14. The MPEI has also pioneered in teaching foreign languages as a basic speciality. And it is also the MPEI which has been equipped with the professional audio – language lab for synchronous translation teaching. 15. The MPEI’s technical library is worth mentioning since it enumerates about 1,000,000 volumes. 16. A lot of the MPEI’s teachers do their best to educate “the whole man” thus devoting much of their time and efforts not only to teaching students academic subjects but training them for social life and sports as well. 17. The MPEI’s sport club has got all the modern facilities for going into sports – a stadium for outdoor sports’ activities, gymnasiums for indoor games, a swimming pool, a shooting gallery and a tourist’s club. 18. The MPEI’s Palace of Culture is very popular with the students. It’s musical and literary soiree’s, theatrical performances, the old friends’ warm reunions gather a lot of people of different age and profession. 19. Every year a great number of professors, instructors, research workers, employeés, postgraduates and students go abroad either on business trip or to work as a probationer. Thus, they carry out joint research, participate in conferences, scientific meetings and discussions, work on probation or as instructors at higher schools abroad. 20. The rapidly changing world is launching a challenge to the educational systems of many developed countries. And, no doubt, the MPEI with its high educational standards is ready to face it. The level of higher education received at the MPEI enables its leavers to take top positions in a society, namely, in the country’s national economy and social life. Questions to the text Part I
1. When was the MPEI founded? 2. Since what time has the MPEI got the status of Technical University? 3. How many students are trained in the MPEI? 4. What can you tell about the MPEI’s teaching staff? 5. Why do many students come to study to the MPEI? 6. How long is the course of education? 7. What educational programmes are available for the University graduates? 8. How many educational institutes does the MPEI comprise at present? 9. How many terms does the academic year consist of? Part II 1. Why are science and engineering so important today? 2. What top people are there among the MPEI’s graduates? 3. Who is the head of the MPEI? 4. What is the Rectorate? 5. What is the MPEI today? 6. Why is the MPEI a unique technical institution? 7. What facilities does the MPEI provide for education? 8. Why do the MPEI’s teachers do their best to educate “ the whole man”? 9. Why is the MPEI’s Palace of Culture very popular with the students? 10. Why do students and postgraduates work on probation abroad? 11. What enables the MPEI to take top positions? Text B. Future Profession Part I. Future profession It is not an easy thing to choose the right job out of more than 2000 existing in the world. Many roads are opened for a school – leaver; vocational and technical schools, different colleges and universities. Practically all careers are open to men and women alike. There is no doubt, however, that a large number of careers traditionally considered musculine in the west such as engineering, piloting planes or ships, building houses, driving buses or trams are filled in Russia by women as well. Most doctors, ecologists and engineers are women. The important thing is that no one considers these matters as a question of sex. It is up to women as men to decide what they wish to do, and then do it! The Moscow Power Engineering Institute is one of the largest universities in Russia. Educational standards are high and the whole educational process is highly selective at the Institute. The students are trained in about 70 specialities. When they graduate from the Institute, they are ready to work at various research institutes and centres, power plants, designing bureaus, industrial power engineering enterprises and banks. Mass education is intended to serve the interests of the nation economically and socially. It is reasonable to hope that more education will open more doors to successful careers. The scientific and technical revolution has produced a tremendous impact upon all spheres of material and spiritual life in our country. It has also influenced upon the school leavers’ choice of their future profession. In this connection any young people get their higher education at technical universities so that they can become qualified engineers or research workers. At present the value of knowledge is rapidly increasing. Therefore the problem of training young scientific workers is of great importance. Part II. At the Laboratory A modern research laboratory in an essential part of any scientific centre for performing experiments and collecting information. Nowadays science often requires the most sophisticated experimental installations – such as large telescopes, power plants, atomic reactors, or accelerators of charged particles. Laboratories need provision of all up – to – date experimental facilities for accumulation of necessary data for the advancement of science. As a rule, the scientist plans experiments to test his hypothesis. It is known to everyone that a laboratory is a place equipped to conduct scientific experiments – tests, investigations.
Thus to an astronomer the starry skies become a laboratory. A biologist may do experimental work in a field or an ocean. Physicists and chemists are often surrounded by a maze of compounds and apparatuses housed in buildings designed specially for their purposes. A future power engineering student considers a power plant to be his main laboratory. Any scientific research, almost in all fields, is now dependent on computers for they can handle very large amounts of data obtained from certain experiments. Various types of computers, and especially mini – computers, are in wide laboratory use. A computer is an “electronic brain”. It is an electronic apparatus that can receive, process, store and retrieve data, can carry out mathematical and display the results. No matter how much sophisticated is that electronic brain applied in any research lab, it must be programmed by a human brain. So, to cut a long story short, all the scientific work in any research laboratory involves performed imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting facts and information and performing experiments. But once the French mathematician, Pooncare, said: “Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called a science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house”. And you? Do you share his opinion? Answer the questions Part I 1. Why is it not an easy thing to choose the right job? 2. What are the roads opened for a school-leaver? 3. What careers are traditionally considered musculine in the west? 4. What is the important thing in choosing a career? 5. Why does the MPEI occupy the leading position among Russian Universities? 6. How many specialities does the MPEI provide for students? 7. Where can the MPEI graduates work? 8. What is mass education intended to? 9. Why is it necessary to get a successful career? 10. What impact has the scientific and technical revolution produced? 11. Why do many young people get their higher education at technical universities? 12. Why is value of knowledge rapidly increasing at present?\ 13. Why is the problem of training young scientific workers so important? Part II 1. Why is a modern research laboratory an essential part of any scientific centre? 2. What installations does science require nowadays? 3. Why do laboratories need for the advancement of science? 4. Why is it necessary to carry out tests, experiments and investigations? 5. What becomes a laboratory for an astronomer? 6. Where may a biologist do experimental work? 7. Why is it necessary for physicists and chemists to conduct their labtests? 8. What is considered to be the main laboratory for a future power engineering student? 9. Why are computers widely used? 10. What is a computer? 11. How can computers be programmed? 12. What does all the scientific work in any research laboratory involve? 13. Is human brain of any importance? 14. Do you understand the idea of a science introduced by the French mathematician Pooncare? Do you share his opinion?
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