Text E. Moscow: a Journey in Time
Though Moscow is young as compared with Rоme,Athens or even London, you can hardly imagine the history of Russia or world history without it. As early as in 1380 on Kulikovo field the Russian troops under the banner of the Moscow Prince Dmitri Donskoi dealt а crushing blow to the Tartars and thus shielded Europe from their invasion. In 1941 – 1945 in the heroic struggle against Hitler's troops Russia played а vital role in saving the world from fascism. The symbol of this was the 1945 Victory Parade on the Red Square in Moscow. It was from Moscow that mankind made its first step into space. The history of world art would be incomplete without the names of great artists, poets, writers, actors, ballet dancers, composers and musicians who were inspired by Moscow. Let us travel through the ages and have а glimpse of Moscow at the crucial moments of its history. 1147 – Moscow is first mentioned in Russian chronicles. Yuri Dolgoruky, the Prince of Suzdal, to whom Moscow belonged then, agreed to meet his kinsmen Svyatoslav and Oleg of Novgorod on the banks of the Moskva River. He entertained them so well that the fame of Moscow spread abroad. 1325 – Ivan I surnamed "Kalita" (the Purser) becomes the first real Prince of Moscow (Moscow becomes а principality in its own right). Ivan surrounded the hill with а wall of oak and gave to the enclosure the Tartar name of "Kreml", or fortress. He built magnificent churches, Uspenski Sobor (the Assumption Cathedral) among them. The residence of the Metropolitan of "All Russia" was moved to Moscow. Ivan Kalita had but one goal in life, "One faith and one system of weights and measures throughout the whole of Russia – and Moscow the capital of it. " During his lifetime, Moscow became the capital of one of the most powerful Russian principalities. 1380 – the Moscow Prince Dmitri Donskoi led the Russian troops against the Tatar hordes and defeated them. Moscow becomes the symbol of the freedom and independence of the Russian people. 1520 – Moscow is а city of great size – 41,500 dwellings and 100,000 inhabitants – and national importance. Towards the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century the unification of Russia around Moscow is completed and the modest capital of а minor principality is transformed into the magnificent capital of the entire Russian State. 1552 – the Cathedral of Vasili Blazhenny (Basil the Blessed) is erected on orders of Ivan the Terrible to commemorate his victory over the Tartars of Kazan on the Volga. The Cathedral, eccentric and baroque, with its unique array of different coloured cupolas, light and graceful galleries, and fantastic motley of figured ornaments is а real masterpiece of Russian art. The construction is assigned to 2 Russian architects, Barma and Postnik, who were blinded when they finished their work because the Tsar did not want them to build anything else. It was in the 16th century that Moscow acquired international significance. Ambassadors, merchants and craftsmen from many countries cameto Moscow. Near Red Square (close to the Rossiya Hotel) there is а striking building with narrow, asymmetrical windows. This is where visiting English merchants and diplomats used to stay. The English Town House dates back to 1556.
1610 – Through the treachery of а group of boyars Moscow is taken by the troops of the Polish King Sigismund, ruined, burnt and devastated. In the autumn of 1612 an army of volunteers led by Prince Dmitri Pozharsky and Nizhny Novgorod citizen'Kozma Minin fulfilled their liberating mission. А monument to them was erected on the Red Square in 1818 with money raised by public subscription. Among the figures on the bas-relief you can see an elderly man with а clean-shaven face so uncharacteristic of 17th century Russia. He gives to his motherland the most precious gift he has got – his son. This is the self-portrait of the sculptor Ivan Martos and а tribute to his son who perished in battle in another patriotic war – that of 1812. 1755 – On the 7th of May Moscow University, the first in Russia, was opened. It is alma mater of outstanding Russian scientists and scholars and thousands and thousands of the "Russian intelligentsia", а cultural and spiritual phenomenon with no parallels in any other country. 1812 – the climax of the Patriotic War against Napoleon. The French troops are close to Moscow, the Field Marshall Prince Golenistshev Kutuzov takes а momentous decision. "We determined to allow the enemy to enter Moscow!... Moscow was left а meredesert of walls and houses, without an inhabitant. Call to mind what the human body is when deserted by the soul! Sо is Moscow when abandoned by its citizens. The soul of an empire is its people; and wherever they are, there is Moscow, there is the Empire of Russia.... the entrance of the French into Moscow is not the conquest of Russia... " The battle of Borodino was the beginning of Napoleon' s end. In the hearts of Russian people the victory over Napoleon is connected with Moscow though Moscow was taken by his troops and completely ruined by the great fire. Afterwards it was reborn in new beauty like the legendary phoenix. 19th century Moscow is Princess Volkonsky's literary salon (so closely connected with the Decembrists' movement), Alexander Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", Herzen and Ogarev, Раvel Tretyakov and his Gallery, Maly Theatre with Ostrovsky's plays and Moscow Art Theatre with Checkov's plays. 1712 – 1917. Though St. Petersburg is the official capital of Russia, all emperors of the vast Russian Empire stretching from the Baltic sea to the Pacific Ocean were crowned in Moscow. Upon receiving the blessing of God and People there, the Emperors returned to the new capital built by Peter the Great. 1918 – Moscow is again the capital of Russia, though it is а new, revolutionary Russia. The red starsof the Moscow Kremlin are the symbol of changes. 1922 – Moscow becomes the capital of the USSR. Throughout the 20th century peoples of the world follow the news from "Moscow" (very often meaning the whole of the vast country)– some with admiration, some – with loathing and always with а kind of amazement. 1991 – the USSR ceased to exist, but Moscow remains the heart of Russia.
UNIT 3. RUSSIA 1. Pre-reading task. Answer the following questions. 1. Where does Russia lie? 2. What is the territory of Russia? 3. What oceans and seas is Russia washed by? 4. What countries does Russia border on? 5. How large is the population of Russia? 6. What can you say about the climate of Russia? 7. What is the political system of the country? 8. What official symbols of Russia do you know? 9. Do many foreign tourists visit Russia? 10. What are the most popular cities and towns for them to visit? 11. What are the most popular places in Russia? 12. Have you ever traveled about Russia? 13. What places have you been to? 14. Where did you go last time? 15. What impressed you most? 16. What places would you like to visit in the future? 17. What is your favourite national holiday?
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