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Белле , Изабел Осборне Стронг Филд , американка

Белле, Изабел Осборне Стронг Филд, американка

https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Photo_of_Isobel_Osbourne.jpg

https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Isobel_Osbourne


сравните это фото с Маргаритой Симонян? с Маргаритой Симанян?

Как здорово они, эти двое женщин, внешне похожи между собой?

Margarita Simonovna Simonyan

Margarita Simonyan


Маргарита Симоновна Симоньян

Маргарита Симоньян

Margarita Simonyan

Margarita Simonovna Simonyan

Маргарита Симоновна Симоньян

Маргарита Симоновна Симоньян

Margarita Simonovna Simonyan

https: //commons. wikimedia. org/wiki/File: Margarita_Simonyan_2017.jpg? uselang=ru

http: //www. council. gov. ru/events/multimedia/photo/72205/

https: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/Симоньян, _Маргарита_Симоновна

https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Margarita_Simonyan


Смотрим Википедию /  From Wikipedia


Маргарита Симоновна Симоньян

Маргарита Симоньян

Margarita Simonyan

Margarita Simonovna Simonyan

Маргарита Симоновна Симоньян



Margarita Simonovna Simonyan


Маргарита Симоновна Симоньян;

born 6 April 1980 (41 yo)

the editor-in-chief of

RT (formerly Russia Today)

and Rossiya Segodnya.

In 2022, Simonyan was sanctioned by the European Union

for " actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity,

sovereignty and independence of Ukraine".


Margarita Simonyan was born in the southern Russian city of Krasnodar, into an Armenian family.

Both of her parents are descendants of Armenian refugees from the Ottoman Empire.


Her father's family, originally from Trabzon,

settled in Crimea during the Armenian genocide of 1915.


During World War II, they were deported to the Urals along with thousands of other Hamshen Armenians.


While her father was born in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), her mother was born in Sochi to an Armenian family that had fled the massacres of the Armenians by the Turks in the late 19th century.


Her family owns a restaurant in Moldovka town in Adlersky City District, Sochi.


She is from a working-class family and decided at an early age she wanted to become a journalist. She first worked for the local newspaper, and then for a local television station while studying journalism at Kuban State University.


In 1996,

Margarita Simonyan

spent a year in Bristol, New Hampshire, USA, America,

as part of

the U. S. State Department-funded

Future Leaders

Exchange student exchange program.

She says during that time she discovered Russians and Americans

" are so much alike in terms of culture, in terms of family values,

ways of life, reactions, sense of humor".

She was the first Vice-President of the Russian National Association of TV and Radio Broadcasters and a member of The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. In 2010, her first book, Heading to Moscow! was published.


Personal life


Margarita Simonyan was formerly married to the journalist and producer Andrey Blagodyrenko,

giving birth to the couple's daughter,

Mariana, in August 2013.


In September 2014,

Margarita Simonyan gave birth to a son Bagrat, whose father is Russian-Armenian film director, Tigran Keosayan.







Andrey Blagodyrenko

Their children - the daughter, Mariana, born in August 2013.


Tigran Keosayan

Their children - the son, Bagrat





Her Children

her daughter, Mariana, born in August 2013, from Andrey Blagodyrenko (1st Spouse)

her son, Bagrat, born in September 2014, from Tigran Keosayan (2nd Spouse)



Translated by Yandex on line





" Her grandfather's cousin

Maria was hijacked to Germany during the occupation of Crimea.

There (in Germany) she (Maria) married the Dutchman Heinrich van Gelder,

and they had a son, Simon van Gelder.     

His son Yuri van Gelder (born 1983) is a world and European champion in gymnastics".


" Margarita Simonyan 's grandfather's cousin

Maria was hijacked to Germany during the occupation of Crimea.

There (in Germany) she (Maria) married the Dutchman Heinrich van Gelder,

and they had a son, Simon van Gelder.     

His son Yuri van Gelder (born 1983) is a world and European champion in gymnastics".






From Russian


" Двоюродная сестра её деда Мария была угнана в Германию во время оккупации Крыма. Там она вышла замуж за голландца Генриха ван Гелдера, у них родился сын Симон ван Гелдер. Его сын Юри ван Гелдер (род. 1983) — чемпион мира и Европы по спортивной гимнастике"


Yuri van Gelder

Юрий ван Гельдер

Юрий ван Гельдер (родился 20 апреля 1983 г. ) - голландская гимнаст, лучшая дисциплина которой - ринги. Его прозвище - «Властелин колец».


Родился в Ваалвейке, Нидерланды, Ван Гельдер завоевал золото в мужских кольцах на чемпионате Европы 2005 года, проходившем в Дебрецен, Венгрия. Он стал чемпионом мира в той же дисциплине на Чемпионате мира по спортивной гимнастике 2005 в Мельбурне, Австралия. Он выиграл бронзу на чемпионате мира по спортивной гимнастике в Орхусе, Дания. На чемпионате мира по спортивной гимнастике 2007 в Штутгарте, Германия он выиграл серебряную медаль.



На 13 июля 2009 года он сообщил, что употреблял кокаин за три дня до чемпионата Нидерландов в Роттердаме. Ван Гелдер сказал, что очень сожалеет о своем «промахе» и назвал себя «невероятно глупым». С тех пор ему пришлось вернуть свою золотую медаль национального чемпионата, и он был дисквалифицирован Голландским союзом гимнастики. Правила МОК подразумевали, что из-за отстранения его не допустят к Олимпийским играм 2012 года. Его также уволили с работы в голландских вооруженных силах, поскольку у них политика «нулевой терпимости» к наркотикам.


Он был исключен из чемпионата мира 2010 года за несколько дней до старта, команда ссылалась на личные медицинские причины и отказывалась отвечать на вопросы о наркотиках.


В 2011 году была подана апелляция от ЛаШона Мерритта в CAS против общего правила, согласно которому после отстранения спортсмен не может участвовать в следующих Олимпийских играх. Апелляция была удовлетворена, и, таким образом, у Ван Гельдера все еще был шанс пройти квалификацию. Для этого ему нужно было добиться хорошего результата на Чемпионате мира по спортивной гимнастике 2011, но безуспешно.


Олимпийские игры 2016


Ван Гелдер выступает на Олимпийских играх в квалификации

На летних Олимпийских играх 2016 он вышел в финал на кольцах. 8 августа 2016 года (за неделю до финала) он был уволен из сборной Нидерландов в качестве дисциплинарной меры, поскольку вопреки правилам команды он не вернулся в Олимпийскую деревню до раннего утра следующего дня после употребления алкоголя за пределами помещения. В качестве варианта его прозвища «властелин колец» голландские СМИ сразу же назвали Ван Гелдера «властелином напитков». Запрос на предварительный судебный запрет, требующий, чтобы Национальный олимпийский комитет попытался восстановить позицию Ван Гелдера в финале, был отклонен.


Википедия site: 360wiki. ru


Юрий ван Гелдер

Юрий ван Гельдер

Yuri van Gelder

Ван Гелдер в 2008 году.

Личная информация

Псевдоним (а) Властелин колец

Псевдоним (а) Властелин напитков

Страна представительства   Нидерланды

Дата рождения (1983-04-20) 20 апреля 1983 г. (20-04-1983) (возраст 37)

Ваалвейк, Северный Брабант, Нидерланды

Рост  1, 61 м (5 футов 3 дюйма)

Дисциплина Спортивная гимнастика для мужчин

Клуб Flik-Flak 's-Hertogenbosch

Одноименные навыки           От планше, медленно опускайтесь по горизонтали и переходите к подвесным весам rw. и нажмите, чтобы проглотить (2 с. ) или от глотка к планшету или от планшета к планшету.

Рекорд медалей

Чемпионат мира

           2005 Мельбурн          Кольца

           2007 Штутгарт Кольца

           2006 Орхус    Кольца

Чемпионат Европы

           2004 Любляна Кольца

           2008 Лозанна Кольца

           2009 Милан  Кольца

Википедия site: 360wiki. ru


Yuri van Gelder

Юрий ван Гельдер

https: //360wiki. ru/wiki/Yuri_van_Gelder


Юрий ван Гельдер

Yuri van Gelder

https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Yuri_van_Gelder


Translated by Yandex on line





" Her grandfather's cousin

Maria was hijacked to Germany during the occupation of Crimea.

There (in Germany) she (Maria) married the Dutchman Heinrich van Gelder,

and they had a son, Simon van Gelder.     

His son Yuri van Gelder (born 1983) is a world and European champion in gymnastics".


" Margarita Simonyan 's grandfather's cousin

Maria was hijacked to Germany during the occupation of Crimea.

There (in Germany) she (Maria) married the Dutchman Heinrich van Gelder,

and they had a son, Simon van Gelder.     

His son Yuri van Gelder (born 1983) is a world and European champion in gymnastics".


Yuri van Gelder

Юрий ван Гельдер


Yuri van Gelder

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In this Dutch name, the surname is van Gelder, not Gelder.

Yuri van Gelder

Personal information

Nickname(s) Lord of the Rings

Country represented Netherlands

Born April 20, 1983 (age 38)

Waalwijk, North Brabant, Netherlands

Height 1. 61 m (5 ft 3 in)

Discipline        Men's artistic gymnastics

Club  Flik-Flak 's-Hertogenbosch

Eponymous skills         From planche, lower horizontally and slowly to hanging scale rw. and press to swallow (2 s. ) or from swallow same to planche or planche to planche.

Medal record

Yuri van Gelder (born 20 April 1983) is a Dutch gymnast, whose best discipline is the rings. His nickname is " Lord of the Rings".



Born in Waalwijk, Netherlands,

Van Gelder took the gold in the men's rings at the 2005 European Championships held in Debrecen, Hungary.

He became world champion in the same discipline at the 2005 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Melbourne, Australia.

He won bronze at the 2006 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Aarhus, Denmark.

At the 2007 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Stuttgart, Germany, he won a silver medal.



On July 13, 2009,

he revealed that he used cocaine three days before the Dutch championships in Rotterdam.

Van Gelder said he very much regretted his " lapse" and called himself " incredibly stupid".

He has since had to return his national championship gold medal, and was suspended by the Dutch Gymnastics Union. IOC regulations implied that because of the suspension he would not be admitted to the Olympic Games in 2012.


He was also fired from his job with the Dutch military, as they have a 'zero tolerance' drugs policy.


He was pulled out of the 2010 Worlds a few days before start, with the team citing personal medical reasons and refusing to answer questions about drugs.


In 2011, there was an appeal, by LaShawn Merritt, at the CAS against the general rule that after a suspension the athlete is not allowed to participate in the next Olympic Games.

The appeal was granted and thereby Van Gelder still had a chance to qualify.

For this, he had to achieve a good result at the 2011 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships, but he was unsuccessful.


2016 Olympic Games


At the 2016 Summer Olympics, he reached the finals on rings.


On August 8, 2016 (one week before the finals),

he was dismissed from the Dutch team as a disciplinary measure, because against team rules he had not returned to the Olympic Village until early the next morning after consuming alcohol off-premises. As a variation on his nickname " lord of the rings", the Dutch media immediately referred to Van Gelder as " lord of the drinks".

A request of a preliminary injunction requiring that the National Olympic Committee would attempt to reinstate Van Gelder's position in the finals was rejected.


 Stouwdam, Henk (2009-07-13). " Dutch_gymnast_Yuri_van_Gelder_tests_positive_for_cocaine". Nrc. nl. Archived from the original on 2009-09-18. Retrieved 2011-11-13.

 " International Gymnast Magazine Online - Dutch Pull Van Gelder from Rotterdam". Intlgymnast. com. 2010-10-12. Retrieved 2011-11-13.

 " Rio Olympics 2016: Yuri van Gelder sent home after drinking on night out". BBC. August 9, 2016. Retrieved August 9, 2016.



 Men’s Artistic Gymnastics 2017 Code Of Points – FIG, page 87

 Yuri van Gelder haalt zilver op WK[permanent dead link]. Retrieved 2007-09-09 [dead link]

 Stouwdam, Henk (2009-07-13). " Dutch_gymnast_Yuri_van_Gelder_tests_positive_for_cocaine". Nrc. nl. Archived from the original on 2009-09-18. Retrieved 2011-11-13.

 " International Gymnast Magazine Online - Dutch Pull Van Gelder from Rotterdam". Intlgymnast. com. 2010-10-12. Retrieved 2011-11-13.

 " Rio Olympics 2016: Yuri van Gelder sent home after drinking on night out". BBC. August 9, 2016. Retrieved August 9, 2016.

 " RTL Nieuws - Yuri 'Lord of the Drinks' mikpunt van spot". RTLNieuws. nl. 2016-09-08.

 ECLI: NL: RBGEL: 2016: 4504, Court of Gelderland, 12 August 2016


Юрий ван Гельдер

Yuri van Gelder


Personal information

Nickname(s) Lord of the Rings, Yuri 'Lord of the Drinks'

Country represented Netherlands

Born April 20, 1983 (age 38)

Waalwijk, North Brabant, Netherlands

Height 1. 61 m (5 ft 3 in)


Юрий ван Гельдер

Yuri van Gelder

https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Yuri_van_Gelder


Translated by Yandex on line





" Her grandfather's cousin

Maria was hijacked to Germany during the occupation of Crimea.

There (in Germany) she (Maria) married the Dutchman Heinrich van Gelder,

and they had a son, Simon van Gelder.     

His son Yuri van Gelder (born 1983) is a world and European champion in gymnastics".


" Margarita Simonyan 's grandfather's cousin

Maria was hijacked to Germany during the occupation of Crimea.

There (in Germany) she (Maria) married the Dutchman Heinrich van Gelder,

and they had a son, Simon van Gelder.     

His son Yuri van Gelder (born 1983) is a world and European champion in gymnastics".



Simonyan wrote the script for Crimean Bridge: Made with Love! (2018), a film directed by Keosayan, to whom she is now married.



Simonyan is fluent in Russian and English. She stated in a 2012 interview that she regrets not knowing Armenian, but explained that it is because her family never spoke Armenian at home due to dialectal differences.



Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visits RT offices with Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan in April 2010.


Profile Photo

Margarita Simonyan in 2017

Simonyan in 2017


*** Margarita Simonyan in 2016 in 2017

She looked closely to Belle, Isabel " Belle" Osbourne Strong Field (Isobel Osbourne

Born September 18 1858 in Indianapolis, Indiana, America and Isabel (Osbourne) Strong Field

 died in 1953, in aged 94 yo, and was an American woman, a step-daughter of R. L. Stevenson).

Isabel " Belle" Osbourne Strong Field 

Born September 18 1858 in Indianapolis, Indiana, America and Isabel (Osbourne) Strong Field

 died in 1953, in aged 94 yo, and was an American woman, a step-daughter of R. L. Stevenson

Her two husbands/spouses were being:


Joseph Dwight Strong   JOSEPH DWIGHT STRONG

​ (married. 1879; divorced. 1892)​


Edward Salisbury Field   EDWARD SALISBURY FIELD

​ ​ (married. 1914; died 1936)​, - a widow since 1936

Children          2 (two)


Samuel Osbourne

Fanny Van de Grift

Relatives         Lloyd Osbourne (brother)

Relatives  R L Stevenson    (step-father)



Margarita Simonyan

Маргарита Симоньян

Born 6 April 1980 (age 41)

Krasnodar (Soviet Union)

Alma mater   Kuban State University (in Russia)

Occupation    Editor-in-chief, propagandist


RT (2005–)

Rossiya Segodnya (2013–)



Маргарита Симоновна Симоньян

(род. 6 апреля 1980, Краснодар, РСФСР, СССР)

российская журналистка и медиаменеджер.

Главный редактор телеканала RT с 2005 года,

международного информационного агентства «Россия сегодня» с 2013 года

и информационного агентства «Sputnik» с 2014 года.


Украина, Евросоюз, Канада и Великобритания ввели против Симоньян персональные санкции



Isobel Osbourne

Born September 18 1858

Indianapolis, Indiana

Died  26 June 1953 (aged 94)

Santa Barbara, California

Nationality     American

Other names Isobel Strong, Isobel Field

Known for      Stepdaughter of Robert Louis Stevenson



died 2nd February 1916



died 18th September 1914


Two old graaves, which closed to each

suit on the old military cemetery WWI

in Tilzet (Sovetsk) in Kaliningrad Province (Keninsberg)

in Russia


Isobel Osbourne

Born September 18 1858



died 18th September 1914


" Belle"


Isobel Osbourne / Belle

Isobel Osbourne / Belle Osbourne

Isobel Strong    / Belle Strong

Isobel Field      / Belle Field


Born Isobel Osbourne

September 18 1858

Indianapolis, Indiana

Died  26 June 1953 (aged 94)

Santa Barbara, California

Nationality     American

Other names Isobel Strong, Isobel Field

Known for      Stepdaughter of Robert Louis Stevenson



Joseph Dwight Strong

​ (m. 1879; div. 1892)​


Edward Salisbury Field

​ ​ (m. 1914; died 1936)​

Children          2


Samuel Osbourne

Fanny Van de Grift

Relatives         Lloyd Osbourne (brother)

Relatives  R L Stevenson    (step-father)




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