Sound insulation In modern high-rise buildings, where many people have to liveor work most of their time acoustic insulation is a very important factor. The floor must provide the necessary insulation against airborne noise and footstep sound. Speaking about this acoustic function, the floor comprises one or more layers:
The single-layer floor comprises only the structural floor.
The two-layer floor comprises the structural floor and a surfacing separated from it by a resilient insulating material classified as floating floor. A two-layer floor may consist of the structural floor with a suspended ceiling fitted below.
The three layer floor is a combination of the two latter forms of construction that is a floating floor with a suspended ceiling.
Fire protection The fire resistance of a floor required can be achieved in various
• for the floor slab itself: choice of a fire-resistant form of construction or a protective coating or finish; • for the steel beams: sprayed protection or cladding;
• as an alternative, the floor structure as a whole may be encased.
Heat insulation If a floor separates a heated storey from one that is not heated, itshould comprise a heat-insulating layer, which is not needed if the storeys above and below the floor are both heated. Terraces should be heat-insulated on the same principles as for flat roofs.
airborne noise воздушный шум
floating floor плавающий пол
footstep sound звук шагов
heat v. нагревать as a whole в целом Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1. What must acoustic insulation be provided against?
2. What is the structural difference between a single-layer and a two-layer floor?
3. What does the term “three layer floor” mean?
4. How can the fire resistance of a floor be achieved?
5. When should a floor comprise a heat-insulating layer?
Грамматическое упражнение
Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте неличные формы глагола, определите, какими частями речи они являются, какую функцию выполняют в предложении, и переведите их на русский язык.
Лексические упражнения
Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Если Вы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова, в котором оно использовано в тексте.
protection (n.), encase (v.), resilient (adj.), protective (adj.), heat-insulating (adj.), suspended ceiling, terrace (n.).
Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.
Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных ниже
require – requirement permit - permissible practice - practical
52 53 Текст C
The more extensive use of steel in multi-storey buildings results from the need for convertibility of buildings. It often occurs that the internal layout and facilities originally provided in a building soon prove to be not adequate or at least not completely adequate. A building can obtain a longer useful life if it is flexible in the sense that it can be easily adapted to changing requirements.
Depending on the extent of the conversions involved, the following degrees of flexibility may be distinguished:
First degree of flexibility
The modification of the floor space is altered by changing the arrangement of space-separating elements, for example, folding screens which can be moved by the owners of the building themselves.
Second degree of flexibility
In this case, altering the internal layout in volves dismantling and re-erecting the parti tions. This is possible only if the latter are non-loadbearing. This requirement can only be fulfilled by framed buildings in which the load-bearing and space-enclosing functions are separate and are performed by different sets of components. The columns of a framed building may, however, be a problem to internal changes. Wide col umn spacings and long floor spans improve the flexibility of layout. Flexibility in altering and rearranging the services is also essential. In a building provided with movable partitions, these must be installed in the floors. Hence it is desirable to provide a floor in which the services can be installed according to the design and when the need occurs modified, as re quired. It is necessary to distinguish between the following different types of partition:
· movable prefabricated units;
· demountable walls whose materials can be re-used ; · demountable walls whose materials cannot be re-used. Third degree of flexibility
Modification of the load-bearing structure be comes necessary, for example, in the following circumstances:
· strengthening the structure to carry heavier loads;
· increasing the spans by the removal of internal supports; · increasing the height with additional storeys; · extending a building; · demolishing certain parts of a building.
These modifications can be fulfilled easily, without excessive damage to the existing building if it is steel-framed and not be expensive.
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