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Fourth degree of flexibility


This comprises structures which - except for the foundations - can be completely dismantled and whose components can be re-used for other purposes and in combination



with other struc ­ tures. For this, the space-enclosing elements, as well as the actual structural frame, must be composed of demountable standardised components. Only a number of parts of such a building are dismantled, for example, the roof covering, floor finishes, services, etc. The foundations or basements are either back ­ filled or used for other structures. Construc ­ tional systems which comply with these require ­ ments are available for external and internal walls and for ceilings.


Fifth degree of flexibility


The last way of adaptation of an existing building to meet changing circumstances is by demolition to give place for a new building when structural modification is not economically pos ­ sible.


When considering the type of structural system to adopt for a projected new building, ease of demolition should be included in the cost analysis. Steel-framed buildings can be demolished quickly, at moder ­ ate cost.




backfill v. обратно засыпать comply with соответствовать


convertibility n. конверсионность, возможность изменения demolition n. снос (здания)


folding screen раздвижная стенка last adj. последний


life n. зд. срок службы originally adv. первоначально

rearrange v. перегруппировать, расположить по - новому soon adv. скоро


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


1. What does the more extensive use of steel in multi-storey buildings result from?


2. How can a longer useful life of a building be obtained?


3. How many degrees of flexibility are there?


4. What do they depend on?


5. How can the modification of the floor space be altered with the first degree of flexibility?


6. What is its difference from the second degree of flexibility?


7. Why must parti ­ tions be non-loadbearing in case of the second degree of flexibility?


8. What does the third degree of flexibility involve?


9. Which elements of a structure can be re-used for other purposes and in combination with other struc ­ tures with the fourth degree of flexibility?


10. What does the fifth degree of flexibility mean?


Лексическое упражнение


В списке А даны некоторые слова и выражения, которые использованы в тексте для домашнего чтения. Найдите их перевод в списке В.


depending on также как и dismantle расширять
alter несколько sense обширный
facilities разборный except for чей
re-erect за исключением extend двигать
fulfil устанавливать movable умеренный
moderate достаточный install составлять
project демонтировать extensive интервал
a number of в зависимости от move изменять
etc важный layout оборудование
modify и так далее separate повторно возводить
whose смысл adequate ненесущий
demountable передвижной compose модифицировать
non-loadbearing раздельный as well as осуществлять
spacing расположение essential проектировать


Урок 2.9


Фонетическое задание


Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующим словом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все слова списка В даны в списке А.




[In'klqVZq]; [flaIt]; ["Intq'mJdIqt]; ['spaIqrql]; ['steqkeIs]; ["sWkjV'leISqn];


[kqn'vJnIqns]; ['frJkwqnt]; ['eskqleItq]; [GI'PmItrI]; [dI'stINkSqn]; [I'speSqlI];


    [pq'tIkjVlq]; ['sIqrJz]  
fleet enclosure enclose escalator circulation
staircase series flight serious immediate
excavator convenience distraction geometry distinction
especially intermediate frequent spiral particular


Текст A




Stairs are used for vertical circulation in buildings. A distinction must be made between fixed stairs and escalators. Ramps and, as well as lifts, may perform similar functions.


Depending on the space available, or the architectural requirements, stairs may be straight, curved or spiral on plan. The most frequent type, especially in buildings designed for construc ­ tion by mass production techniques, is the staircase with straight flights.


In the design of stairs the following problems should be paid particular attention to: the geometry of the staircase; the construction of its components; the vertical enclosure of the staircase in relation to the storeys and to the rest of the building generally.


The fixed straight staircase comprises flights and landings. A series of more than three steps is a flight. For reasons of safety the length of a flight should be limited toabout 18 steps. It is rarely that two floors in a multi-storey building are connected by a single flight of stairs. If two or more flights are installed in each storey, one or more intermediate landings, as well as top and bottom landings, will be needed. If the successive flights are at right angles to one another the landing at each change of direction is known as a quarter-space landing. With two flights per storey, this is the most common form of construction and takes up the least space on plan.


Construction of the steps


The convenience and safety of stairs very much depend on the relationship between the tread and the riser. Standardised tread and riser dimensions make planning easier and enable the related features such as hand-rails to be pro ­ duced to uniform dimensions. The depth of the landing and the length of the flight should be a dimension which can be divided by 60 or, if this is not possible, by 30 or, in an extreme case, by 10.




convenience удобство


geometry n. геометрическая форма hand-rail n. перила

landing n. лестничная площадка


quarter-space landing промежуточная лестничная площадка riser n. подступёнок


tread n. проступь, ступень


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


1. What are stairs used for?


2. What other facilities can be used for this purpose?


3. What types of staircases are there?


4. What are the problems in the stairs design to be paid particular attention to?


5. What are the characteristic features of the straight staircases?


6. How are stairs constructed?


Лексические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какие из перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?


stair (n.), staircase (n.), planning (n.), intermediate (adj.), spiral (adj.), relation (n.), flight (n.), vertical circulation, ramp (n.), enclosure (n.).


Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:


частый, оборудование, безопасность, серия, внимание, многоэтажное здание, чрезвычайный, последующий, прямой угол, монтировать, такой как, остальные, изогнутый, эскалатор, выполнять, защита, быть результатом.


Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкцией лестниц. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.



Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными. Укажите правильный перевод.


movable передвижной only только
completely полностью way способ
storey этаж heat нагрев
cost стоимость tolerance допускаемое отклонение
also такой же enough достаточно
through жёлоб prefabricated сборный
direction направление combination сочетание
rarely редко resilient эластичный


Упражнение5.Дайте антонимы следующих слов:  
non-loadbearing irregular in-situ concrete
install join external


Грамматические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на независимый оборот без причастия.


1. With loads considerable, deep foundation was used for the structure.


2. Climate cold, extensive thermal insulation should be paid attention to.


3. Foundations vital (жизненно важный) for the structure stability and difficult to build, only specialists must construct them.


4. Wood, with moisture content high, loses its strength.


5. The construction of the foundation over, the superstructure building was begun.


6. Structural modification not economically pos ­ sible, the building will be demolished (сносить).


Упражнение 2. Проанализируйте подчёркнутое в тексте предложение: выделите в нём подлежащее, сказуемое и второстепенные члены и укажите часть речи, которой являются эти члены предложения.


Упражнение 3. Задайте три вопроса к подлежащему или его определению, три альтернативных и три разделительных вопроса к тексту А.


Текст B




The term ‘ceiling’ in modern building comprises all constructional features situated underneath the structural floor, that is, in structural steelwork it means those com ­ ponents of the floor structure which are installed below the slab and beams. In steel-framed buildings, the ceilings are usually of the suspended type.


In general, a suspended ceiling comprises the actual ceiling, a system of beams to support it, and the hangers, these being suspended from the structural floor. Many different materials and methods of construction are used for suspended ceilings, traditional ones being used as well as new standardised systems. New types are being developed, often for special purposes. Of particular importance are suspended ceiling systems which provide fire protection of the steel beams from below and also perform one or more of the other functions. Such ceilings are not much more expensive than those which do not provide fire protection.


Plastered ceilings comprise a plaster coat applied to lathing. They have the disadvantage that the space above the ceiling can not be easily reached without destroying part of the ceiling.


Demountable prefabricated panels have the general advantage of dry construction, and the same applies to the arrangements for closing or covering the joints. Separate panels can easily be removed without damaging adjacent ones.




lathing n. основание (под штукатурку) plaster coat слой штукатурки


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


1. What does the term “ceiling” mean?


2. What does a suspended ceiling consist of?


3. What are new types of suspended ceilings developed for?


4. What are the advantages of demountable panels?


Грамматические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте причастные обороты и переведите их на русский язык.


Упражнение 2. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему и его определению, а


также альтернативный и разделительный вопрос к подчёркнутой в тексте В части предложения.


Лексические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Если Вы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова, в котором оно использовано в тексте.


traditional (adj.), plaster (v.), hanger (n.), situated (adj.), underneath (prep.), suspend (v.).

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.


соседний other владелец dry
подвесной demountable степень mean
означать destroy расположение disadvantage
разрабатывать prove разрушать develop
снизу adjacent разборный degree
другой owner недостаток arrangement
сухой particular исключительный suspended
оказываться reach доходить до from below



Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных ниже




plan n. - plan v. – planning plaster n. - plaster v.



Урок 2.10


Фонетическое задание


Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующим словом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все слова списка В даны в списке А.




['bxrIq]; ['rAnPf]; ['djHpOInt]; ['gxlvqnaIzd]; ['InsjVleIt]; ["lPnGI'tjHdInql];


[SJt]; [slqVp]; ['veIpq]; [Im'pWvIqs]; ['rIvIt]; [DqV]; ['xgrIgIt]; ['waIdlI]


dew-point through insulate vapour sheet
shirt impervious barrier longitudinal galvanised
widely viper isolate aggregate though
river run-off slope rivet bearer


Текст A




The structure of a flat roof is generally similar to that of a floor, but lighter. Insteel-framed buildings the roof materials most widely used are steel and concrete.


Metal roofing Galvanised steel sheet is widely used for externally insulated roofs.The sheets are fixed to the supporting beams by welding, bolts or blind rivets etc. The required depth of the section and the weight of the sheeting as a function of the total roof load, the span and the support conditions, single or two spans should be esti ­ mated. If the upper surface of the roof has to be constructed to a certain fall to help rainwater run-off, this should be achieved by an adequate sloping of the roof beams.

The steel sheet is in itself impervious to water vapour, but the longitudinal and transverse joints are not always watertight. Under normal internal and external conditions (internal relative humidity 65%, internal temperature + 20°C, outside temperature - 15°C), however, a vapour barrier is not required if full air-conditioning is not installed.


Concrete roof slabs Concrete roof slabs, laid in-situ or composed of precastconcrete units and with or without composite action, are generally similar in con ­ struction to floor slabs. Such roofs are more particularly suitable in circumstances where relatively large loads have to be supported by the roof structure.


Lightweight concrete slabs, though possessing good thermal insulation capacity, must never ­ theless be provided with additional insulating layers of adequate thickness to ensure that the temperature in the concrete always remains above the dew-point. Aerated concrete is very suitable as a light ­ weight covering, as are also various lightweight aggregate concretes. A fall for rainwater run-off from a concrete roof can also be ob ­ tained more economically by properly sloping the roof beams than by means of a screed.




air-conditioning n. кондиционирование воздуха blind rivet глухая заклёпка

fall n. зд. уклон


impervious adj. непроницаемый sheeting n. обшивка


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


1. What is the difference between the structure of a flat roof and a floor?


2. What kinds of roofing are described in the text?


3. What should be esti ­ mated in construction of metal roofing?


4. What are the features which characterise metal roofing watertightness?


5. When is concrete roofing more suitable?


6. What kinds of concrete slabs are used for the purpose?


7. What must be done to achieve good thermal insulation of concrete roofing?


8. What must be done to avoid rainwater leakage (протечка) in a concrete roof?


Лексические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какие из перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?


roofing (n.), galvanised steel, vapour barrier, composite action, longitudinal (adj.), run-off (n.), dew-point (n.), insulate (v.), sheet (n.), slope (v.), vapour (n.).


Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:


стально - каркасное здание, плита из лёгкого бетона, однако, обычно, современный, промежуточный, внимание, обстоятельства, изоляционный слой, средство, балка покрытия, оставаться, поризованный бетон, относительная влажность, потолок, плита бетонного покрытия.


Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкцией крыши: её типами, особенностями и свойствами. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.



Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными. Укажите правильный перевод.


internal внутренний depth глубина
sheet лист total совокупный
fix закреплять screed цементная стяжка
tolerance допуск hanger подвеска
corner угол underneath поэтому
than что damage повреждать
transmission передача actual активный
grid решётка provide обеспечивать


Упражнение 5. Выберите толкование, которое соответствует строительному


A. FLOOR SYSTEM 1. Force per unit area.
B. PARTITIONS 2. The system of structural components
    separating the stories of a building.
C. SPAN 3. Deformation of a material per unit length.
D. STRAIN 4. The distance between the supports of a
E. STRESS 5. The walls separating spaces in a building.


Грамматические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию глаголов “to be”, “to have”.


1. The upper surface of the roof has to be constructed to a certain fall to assist rainwater run-off.


2. If the building is to be subsequently raised by the addition of one or more storeys the roof should be designed as a normal floor.


3. Many different materials and methods of construction are used for suspended ceilings.


4. Where services have to be installed in this space and may need attention or may have to be altered later, this type of construction is therefore inadequate.


5. This type of construction has many disadvantages.


6. The insulating panels are supplied with various other layers which have been bonded to them.


7. A floor in a framed building is a number of floor bays.


8. Such slabs tend to be very thick and heavy.


9. The roof has to be disturbed only at the points where column splices have to be made.


10. The rest of the roof can be left in position until the additional storeys have been completed.


11. Structural modification is not economically possible.


12. Large loads have to be supported by the roof structure.


Упражнение 2. Задайте общий, альтернативный, разделительный и 5 специальных вопросов к подчёркнутому в тексте А предложению.


Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите функцию неличных форм глагола.


1. The following considerations are relevant in determining the span to be adopted for the floor slab.

2. The steel work is prefabricated in a factory, structural steelwork mass production techniques being favourable.


3. The concrete must be prevented from drying out too fast because this may cause cracking.


4. Carbon steel is the most important class of steel for the construction industry. These steels are cheap and convenient to use


5. The most common way is to stretch steel bars or wires, that are called tendons, and to anchor them to the concrete


6. With some types of precast concrete construction, no time is lost in waiting for concrete to gain strength at one level of a structure before the next level can be placed.


7. The planning grid consists of elongated rectangles with columns widely spaced in one direction, closely spaced in the other.


8. In structural steelwork the term “ceiling” means components of the floor structure installed below the slab and beams.


Текст B




To prevent the loss of warmth, the insulating panels are often laid in several layers. In some systems, the insulating panels are supplied with various other layers which have been bonded to them, for example, with the following composition, from top to bottom:


Waterproof layer Venting layer


Heat insulating layer Vapour barrier Venting layer


Such panels can be laid ‘dry’ and they must be carefully sealed at the joints under dry condi ­ tions. In this way, a temporary roof covering is obtained, which can be completed later under better weather conditions, by the addition of the finishing layers.


The structural roof slab also provides thermal insulation and is provided with only a waterproof layer. The structural slab itself is subjected to considerable temperature differences which may cause variations in length.


The space between the roof structure and the ceiling may be a factor to consider in designing the roof insulation. If this space is not in effective contact with the air inside the room, the upper layer of air in the cavity may eventually reach a tempera ­ ture close to that of the outside air, the structural slab becoming saturated with moisture. Slots or holes in the ceiling don’t prevent this effect. On the other hand, it does not occur if the ceiling space is in effective contact with the interior of the room, for example, if the ceiling is formed by slats and large openings.




bond v. соединять later adv. позже saturate v. пропитывать


venting layer вентиляционный слой warmth n. тепло


waterproof adj. водонепроницаемый


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


What are the functions of the insulating panels? What must be done when such panels are used?


Why is the space between the roof structure and the ceiling a factor to consider? What are the two alternatives?


Грамматические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте неличные формы глагола. Определите их функции и переведите на русский язык.


Упражнение 2. Задайте 4 специальных вопроса к тексту В.


Лексические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Если Вы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова, в котором оно использовано в тексте.


seal (v.), inside (adv.), slat (n.), slot (n.), interior (n.), contact (n.), structural slab. 66

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.


проём cavity пар prevent
большой often снабжать comprise
временный close часто eventually
кровельное покрытие joint подвергать expensive
соединение supply препятствовать vapour
содержать subject близкий considerable
дорогой temporary полость roofing
в конце концов longitudinal продольный opening


Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных ниже




relate – relation - relationship insulate - insulation


Урок 2.11


Фонетическое задание


Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующим словом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все слова списка В даны в списке А.




[dens]; ['InfIlIN]; ["Intqkq'nekt]; [lJf]; ['mAljqn]; ['brIkwWk]; ['sxnwIG];


["selfsq'pLtIN]; ["mAltI'leIq]; ['spxndrql]; ['fIzIkql]; [In'tIqrIq]; [hRf]; [wID'In]


interior life dense leaf infilling
half spandrel sandwich million calf
mullion within multi-layer brickwork self-supporting
physical dance interconnect spaniel facial
Текст A        




Brickwork Ordinary or lightweight bricks, with or without external rendering, areplaced within the frame. For high walls the masonry is also supported by vertical and horizontal steel members. Such infillings may be a half or a whole brick thick.


Concrete panels and slabs These units, usually of precast concrete, are providedwith a heat-insulating. The concrete slab is a composite three-layer unit, comprising an outer and an inner leaf with a layer of insulating material sandwiched between; the inner leaf performs the main supporting function and is thicker than the outer. The two are interconnected by stainless steel ties extending through the insulation. To avoid stresses in the panels due to temperature differences, rigid connections are provided at the centre of each panel and elastic connections at the edges.


Lightweight concrete panels and slabs Because of their low weight and moderatecost, they are particularly suitable for steel-framed buildings. There are different kinds of these:


• Aerated concrete is cast in large blocks which are then cut up into panels or slabs. Aerated concrete panels and slabs are used as single-layer cladding units.

• Lightweight concrete slabs are used as single-layer cladding units which can be cast to any required shape.


• Multi-layer lightweight concrete cladding units comprise a dense inner concrete leaf, a thick intermediate layer of insulating lightweight concrete and an outer finishing layer of concrete.


Sandwich panels These can be self-supporting wall or spandrel panels and panelswhich are fitted between supporting mullions or columns. Depending on their physical function in relation to the interior space, open and closed panels are to be distinguished. As a rule, a cladding panel comprises the outer skin, the insulating core, the vapour barrier and the inner skin.




rendering n. оштукатуривание


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


1. What are external walls built of?


2. What kinds of bricks are used?


3. What is the structure of a concrete slab?


4. Which lightweight concrete slabs are there?


5. What sandwich panels are to be distinguished?


Лексические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какие из перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?


dense (adj.), mullion (n.), spandrel panel, self-supporting (adj.), interconnect (v.), composite (adj.), infilling (n.), skin (n.), multi-layer (adj.), brickwork (n.), leaf (n.), sandwich panel.


Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:


таким образом, внутренний (2), облицовочная панель, выделять, тип, промежу - точный, центр, выполнять, физический, тянуться, половина, как правило, внешний, край, влажность, профиль, из - за, разрезать.


Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкцией наружной стены: её особенностями и свойствами. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.


Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными. Укажите правильный перевод.



then затем support поддерживать
moderate современный avoid избегать
connection соединение masonry монолитный бетон
rigid жёсткий brick кирпич
slot паз air воздух
bottom низ occur встречаться
various разнообразный seal герметизировать
technique технология carefully тщательный


Упражнение 5. Выберите толкование, которое соответствует строительному термину.


A. BUILDING CORE 1. A form of iron, steel or other metal


with a particular constant type of


cross-section (for example I, L, or T).

9. Use of deep foundations may be necessary in case of instability of ground-level soil.


10. Unlike most metals, an increase in temperature even of 10°C has a major effect on the stiffness of the plastic.


11. When the existing building is to carry heavier loads its load-bearing structure can’t be left (от неправильного глагола leave [left – left] - оставлять) unchanged.

12. Though glass has low thermal conductivity temperature dif ­ ferences are not insignificant for its strength.


Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите части речи подчеркнутых слов.


1. A building can be stiffened by means of steel bracing, concrete walls or cores.
2. Many bridges span the Neva.
3. The builders position sandwich panels between supporting mullions or columns.











2. The maximum load that a structure can carry before a specific limit of action is reached.


3. A system of structural elements designed to support loads.


4. A slender structural element used to resist tensile forces.


5. The exterior covering of the structural components of a building.


6. Vertical core around stairs, lifts, and mechanical shafts.


4. When the slabs are lowered into position, the dowels that project do not interfere
  with them.
5. New means of building unit transportation are used.
6. The designers space column footings reasonably closely in this foundation.
7. In most cases the builders concrete wall footings.
8. They design the wall as a spanning element of one type or another.
9. The space between the roof structure and the ceiling may be a factor to consider.
10. In this case separate footings are better for the foundation.
11. Several insulating layers separate the outside of the roof from its inside.
12. In a one-storey building with light construction and short spans the column loads
  may be light.


Грамматические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведете следующие предложения, обратите внимание на префиксы с отрицательным значением.


1. This type of foundation is inadequate for the soil condition on the site.


2. A disadvantages of toughened glass is its loss of properties above 300°C


3. This material is non -elastic.


4. Many great buildings built centuries ago had great strength, unnecessary in most cases.


5. Where floor designs are irregular the simple cast-in-place slab floor system is sometimes used.


6. The house is unusual in its external wall finish.


7. Non -loadbearing internal walls should be so designed that they are not subjected to additional loads.


8. It is impossible to build modern houses without the knowledge of new techniques.



Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функции слов one и that.


1. Cement is one of the most versatile binders.


2. Fabric has a low or zero shear modulus, that is, the material can be made that shears with little or no effort.


3. If pedestal is built of hollow masonry units one should have the voids completely filled with concrete.


4. The shallow founda ­ tions are those with which load transfer occurs near the bottom of the building.


5. Separate panels can easily be removed without damaging adjacent ones.


6. Builders must ensure that this settle ­ ment is uniform and small.


7. The part of the basement wall above ground may be of different construc ­ tion than that extending into the ground.


8. The first degree of flexibility is the one which allows modification of the floor space by the owners of the building themselves.



9. That the thick ­ ness selected is adequate means that it elimi ­ nates the need for shear reinforcing.


10. The basic components of a steel structure are steel sections. These include thin-walled slender elements.


Упражнение 4. Работа в парах.


Студент C: Задайте 6 вопросов различных типов к тексту А. Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C. Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.


Текст B




The following characteristics typical of steel-framed buildings affect the construction and often also the external appearance of the facade:


• In steel-framed buildings the loads are trans ­ mitted by the columns, no load-bearing external wall being necessary. Hence, lightweight walls are generally more suitable than heavy ones. The columns may be completely or partly incor ­ porated into those walls.


• The location of the columns in relation to the external wall must therefore be considered, as they may be behind, in, or in front of the wall.


• As external columns can support the facades, mullions are often not necessary.


• The external wall can be fixed quite simply to the structural frame by bolting or welding.


• Wind-bracings comprising diagonal mem ­ bers, whether installed inside or outside the facade, largely affect the design of the external wall.


• Proper attention should be paid to relative movements between the structural frame and the external wall. The deformations of a steel frame due to temperature variations, vertical live load and wind load and, in tall buildings, the oscillations due to wind - are usually greater than those of a concrete frame.


• Because of factory production, dimensional tolerances in a steel frame are smaller than in structures built of other materials.


• Erection of the external wall can often be combined with erection of the structural steelwork.




oscillation n. колебание

Грамматические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Работа в парах.


Студент C: Задайте 6 вопросов различных типов к тексту B. Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C. Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.


Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте примеры употребления слов one и that. Обратите внимание на их перевод.


Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте слова, которые могут быть другими частями




Лексические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Если Вы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова, в котором оно использовано в тексте.


facade (n.), wind-bracing (n.), outside (prep.), in front of (prep.), behind (prep.).


Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.



средник member внешний вид tolerance
поэтому between воздействовать на due to
сочетать incorporate характеристика proper
из-за therefore строительство mullion
правильный characteristic допуск appearance
между combine включать consider
пересечение erection деталь junction
усиливать affect обдумывать stiffen



Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных ниже




com ­ pose - composite adj. - composite n. - composition n.



72 73


Урок 2.12


Фонетическое задание


Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующим словом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все слова списка В даны в списке А.




[q'txCmqnt]; [rI'GIdItI]; ['sxnItqrI]; ['sentI"mJtq]; ['waIqrIN]; ['sPkIt]; [kqm'pRtmqnt]; ['ADqwaIz]; [rI's ° v]; ['Impxkt]; ['djHtI]; [dI'maVntqbl];


    ["sAbdI'vaId]; [Ik'sept]  
wearing centimetre attainment attachment compartment
socket receive impact demountable intact
sanitary except duty subdivide wiring
solitary rigidity otherwise cricket expect


Текст A




Depending on the duties they have to perform, internal walls have to fulfil various functions determined partly by conditions of use and partly by structural requirements. In the choice of a suitable wall, the problem of cost is certainly very important.


A general distinction can be drawn between load-bearing and non-loadbearing internal walls.


Load-bearing internal walls Framed buildings normally have no walls designedfor the specific purpose of transferring vertical loads, but they frequently have walls which increase structural rigidity, that is, serving to transmit horizontal loads. These are shear walls and they usually also receive a certain amount of vertical load, if only for counterbalancing the tensile forces that would otherwise be caused by bending moments. Such walls in most cases also perform a fire protection function in subdividing the building into fire compartments.


Non-loadbearing internal walls Functionally these are partitions, merely separatingroom from room. They should possess the necessary strength and stability to support their own weight and the loads exerted by objects attached to them, as well as any horizontal forces due to such attachments and also live load, including effects of impact loads. Such walls should be so designed and attached to the load-bearing structure of the building that they are not subjected to additional loads which they are not designed to take.


Pipes and wiring for sanitary and electrical installations are often fitted within internal walls. In the case of prefabricated partitions this makes special arrangements, for example, units specially designed for bathrooms, etc. necessary. Demountable partitions should not contain any services, except wiring to sockets.


Partition wall units are generally prefabricated to 120cm width, the partitioning being based on fixed modular dimensions, generally 10, 30 and 60 cm.




duty n. задача, цель


impact load ударная нагрузка; динамическая нагрузка modular dimension модульный размер


partitioning n. разделение на секции bathroom n. ванная комната


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.


1. What do the functions of the internal walls depend on?


2. What general types of internal walls are there?


3. Why are load-bearing internal walls used in framed buildings?


4. What are the requirements for the non-loadbearing internal walls?


5. Why are special arrangements necessary in prefabricated partitions?


Лексические упражнения


Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какие из перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?


rigidity (n.), bending moment, pipe (n.), socket (n.), wiring (n.), attachment (n.), attach (v.), sanitary (adj.), fire compartment.


Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:


разборная перегородка, в зависимости от, дополнительная нагрузка, в противном случае, воспринимать, несущая конструкция, функционально, только, стена жёсткости, уравновешивать, определённый, оказывать (действие), присоединять, часто, конструкционное требование, определять.


Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкцией внутренней стены


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