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Complete the sentences with the words given below. Подставьте слова в предложения.

Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности


Форма рубежного контроля: контрольная работа


· Перечень теоретических вопросов по грамматике

 Read this information and decide whether these pieces of advice about the English-speaking business world are true or false:

  In the English-speaking business world, people use first names, even with people they do not know very well. But if you aren’t sure, use Mr. and the family name for men, and Mrs. or Miss and the family name for women, depending on whether they are married or not. Ms. often replaces Mrs. and Miss. You don’t use Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms. with only a first name (e.g. Mr. John) or by itself.


It’s possible to introduce yourself by saying your family name then your first name. - false

 It’s possible to use Mr., Mrs. or Miss on its own, or with a first name. - true     

British people use Sr. and Jr. to refer to a father and his son. - false

 Americans often show their middle name with an initial. - false

You can always use someone’s first name to talk to them, even if you don’t know them very well. - false

 Ms. is being used more and more as a title for women. - true              

You can show your qualifications after your name on your business card. - true

Choose the most likely explanation for each sentence

Megan should get good results in her exams.

 Megan has an obligation to get good results in her exams.

It is probable Megan will get good results in her exams.

I couldn’t swim until I was 16 years old.

I didn’t have permission to swim until I 16 years old.

I didn’t have the ability to swim until I 16 years old.

Passengers may smoke once the plane is a

There is a possibility that passengers will once the plane is airborne.

Passengers have permission to smoke on plane is airborne.

No one can smoke on the London Underj

No one has the ability to smoke on the London Underground.

No one has permission to smoke on the London Underground.

You should wear glasses.

My advice is that you wear glasses.

There is a probability that you will have to wear glasses.

Will you answer the door?

Are you at some time in the future going to answer the door?

I’m asking you to answer the door.

I couldn’t get the top off the bottle.

I did not have permission to get the top off t bottle.

I did not manage to get the top off the bottle.

You must be tired.

I am sure you are tired.

I order you to be tired.

Andrew’s got a meeting after work so he may not go to the party.

Andrew does not have permission to go to the party.

There’s a possibility Andrew won’t go to the party.

You needn’t have given me a lift.

You gave me a lift. This was very kind but not necessary.

You didn’t give me a lift because it wasn’t necessary.

You might have helped to clear up after the party.

I’m angry because I think you ought to have helped clear up.

I think that there’s just a possibility that you helped to clear up.

· Перечень аналитических вопросов по лексике

Match the words from the text and their synonyms. Подберите к данным словам синонимы.

 emerge - appear

enormously - immensely

 survey - interview

 venue - meeting point

sudden - unhoped

 conduct - manage

Match the words from the text and their synonyms. Подберите к данным словам синонимы.

vendor - seller

extend - enlarge

equal - identical

elevator - lift

mingle - mix

keep on - continue

alumni - graduate

Match the halves of the sentences. Соедините половины предложений.

  Over forty percent of the working population is  currently seeking other employment.

 The truly shocking fact, however, is  that the majority of these people are doing all the wrong things to find a job.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that these out-of-the-blue opportunities are accidents.

 Finding job opportunities takes a  disciplined approach using strategies that are proven to work.

 The only way to beat the odds and the competition is to actively market yourself and locate positions before they are advertised.

Match the halves of the sentences. Соедините половины предложений.

Finding a job is all about people.

Surveys estimate that  74-85 percent of available jobs are never advertised anywhere.

They know you best and can give you a jump start toward locating a job that  might be right for you.

Consider extending your reach by contacting alumni from your university or training school.

Marketing yourself as a job-seeker means locating the people who who can offer or lead you to opportunities.

Complete the sentences with the words given below. Подставьте слова в предложения.

The _______ alumni ____of this university include many famous artists and politicians. - alumni

 The insurance company insist I get a ____ referral _______ from my regular doctor, I can't just go to the specialists. -   referral

The local council conducted a ____ survey _______ of its residents to help it decide whether to go ahead with the roadside waste collection service. - survey

This year's ______ fundraiser _____ will be a walk - a- thon. - fundraiser

 Across the city yesterday, there was a feeling of bittersweet reunion as streams of humanity converged and ______ mingled _____ at dozens of memorial services. - mingled

 I've been ________ gathering ___ ideas from the people I work with. - gathering

 Mass lexical comparison is not a_____ proven ______ method for demonstrating relationships between languages. - proven

 The company is targeting children in their latest advertising _____ campaign ______. - campaign

 Complete the sentences with the words given below. Подставьте слова в предложения.

 The army ______ recruiter _____ promised that I'd see the world and learn useful skills if I enlisted. - recruiter

 Gloria is_____ enormously ______ pleased with our progress. - enormously

The _ sudden _ drop in temperature left everyone cold and confused. - sudden

You've got to admire his ____ persistence _____. He's asked her out every day for a month even though she keeps turning him down. - persistence

 He _____ emerged ______ unscathed from the accident. - emerged

The holiday started with two _____ unrelated ______ mishaps. - unrelated

What is this house's _____ listing ______ price? - listing

Her rival_______ pursued ____ a quite different course. - pursued


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