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Match the words from the text and their synonyms. Подберите к данным словам синонимы.

to be bothered about smth - to worry about smth

 to split up - to break up

 to be well off for smth - to be well provider for smth

 to go to any length - to be ready to do anything

  to work out - to elaborate

 extravagant - uneconomical

  per annum - every year

 to baulk at smth - to refuse

  penny-pinch - stingy

 to dodge - to avoid

  Complete the sentences with the words given below. Подставьте слова в предложения.

 After she ____ split up ______ from her boyfriend she has moved in USA. - split up

 Noone wants to wear _____ second-hand ______ cloths. - second-hand

 He spends a lot of money, he is very______ extravagant _____. - extravagant

 He earns 1,300£ ______ per annum _____ - per annum

 My mother always ______ cooks in bulk _____ for us. - cooks in bulk

 He often tries to______ dodge _____ his homework. - dodge

 In business, it is important to _____ work out ______ long term plan. - work out

 Since I lost my job I’ve become very _____ penny-pinch ______. - penny-pinch

 I’d ______ baulk _____ at working abroad. -   baulk

 She donated many things to ______ down-and-outs _____. - down-and-outs

Match the terms and their definitions. Соедините термины и их определения.

 Part-time - only part of the usual working day or week.

Split up - an ending of a relationship or partnership; a separation.

 Second-hand - goods having had a previous owner; not new.

Down-and-out - a person without money, a job, or a place to live

In bulk - in large quantities and generally at a reduced price

 Loan - a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest

Splash out - spend money freely

Financier - a person concerned in the management of large amounts of money on behalf of governments or other large organizations.

Taxman - an inspector or collector of taxes

Mean - unwilling to give or share things, especially money; not generous.

Match the words from the text and their synonyms. Подберите к данным словам синонимы.

 segment - piece, bit

 annoy - irritate, bore

 prodigal - generous, lavish

 opt - choose, select

 Entire - whole, all

 adopt - take over, inherit

  flush - wash, clean

 cheapskate - miser, hunks

  dare - adventure, risk

 bucket - pail, tub

 Match the words and their definitions. Соедините термины и их определения.

 Keeping up with the Jones thing - to follow the latest fashion; try to be equal with your neighbors

 miserly - person who is not generous and does not like spending money

 thrifty - person who use money carefully and wisely

split - to divide or separate something into different parts

 rare - not seen or found very often, or not happening very often

 dare - to be brave enough to do something that is risky or that you are afraid to do

 tag - a small piece of paper, plastic etc. attached to something to show what it is, what it costs etc.

condiment - a powder or liquid, such as salt, that you use to give a special taste to food

 resident - someone who lives or stays in a particular place

 dumpster diving - the practice of raiding dumpsters to find discarded items that are still useful, can be recycled, and have value.


Complete the sentences with the words given below. Подставьте слова в предложения.

 Browns bought a new car simply to____ keep up with the Joneses _______. - keep up with the Joneses

 It_______ annoy ____ us that he was so rude. - annoy

 Citizens or permanent_______ resident ____ of other countries must have a valid passport and a valid visitor's visa. - resident

 Tom, who is notoriously_______ miserly ____, surprised us when he offered to buy food for us. - miserly  

 The library includes new technology which means children can borrow a book by putting their thumb on to a machine which recognizes their individual______ t humbprint _____. - t humbprint

 Sections of bamboo or plastic______ bucket _____ are used to carry water from nearby streams for cooking and washing. - bucket  

Weak students often ____ opt _______ for the easier courses. - opt

 Match English phrases from the text with their Russian equivalents. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словосочетаниям.

 to take care of her baby - присматривать за её ребёнком

 a lot cheaper - гораздо дешевле

 to get $1500 a month - зарабатывать 1500 долларов в месяц

 signed agreement - подписанное соглашение

 replacement workers - подменные работники

 if the first candidate doesn't work out - если первый претендент не подошёл

 regular client - постоянный клиент

 it doesn't make sense - это бессмысленно

 withold up to half of - удерживают до половины

 to find household help - найти помощников по дому

 someone you know or trust - кто-то, кого вы знаете или кому вы доверяете

 three to five full working days - от трёх до пяти полных рабочих дней

cooks want to make $500 to $1000 per month - повара хотят зарабатывать от 500 до 1000 долларов в месяц

 household crew - команда по уходу за домом

Match the words from the text and their synonyms. Подберите к данным словам синонимы.

 help - assistance

Qualified - competent

 experience - expertise

 requirement - condition

 reference - recommendation

 generous - charitable

 duty - task

 important - essential

 Match the terms and their definitions. Соедините термины и их определения.

nanny - a woman who is paid to care for a young child usually in the child's home

 wage - an amount of money that a worker is paid based on the number of hours, days, that are worked

 salary - an amount of money that an employee is paid each year

 expat - a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country

 temporary - lasting for a limited time

regular - happening or done very often

 negotiation - a formal discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement

 crew - a group of people who work closely together



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