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Read the text and complete it with the words given below. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Results, mem­ory, main, coded, demand, processed, symbol.


Primary storage is also called ______ storage or internal stor­age. The specific functions of internal storage are to hold: 1) all data to be _________­­­­; 2) intermediate _______ of process­ing; 3) final results of processing; 4) all the instructions required for ongoing process. Another name for primary storage is ­­­­­­­_________, because of its similarity to a function of the human brain. However, computer storage differs from human memory in im­portant respects. Computer memory must be able to retain very large numbers of ­­­­­­­___________ combinations, without forgetting or changing any details. It must be able to locate all its contents quickly upon __________. The combinations of characters, that is, the letters, numbers, and special symbols by which we usually communicate, are ­­­­­­________.


2. Match the words with their definitions.


1. web

2. website

3. web server

4. password

5. router

6. internet protocol


A) a secret code used to control access to a network system

B) common name for the World Wide Web

C) electronic device that links different networks or parts of a network. It determines the path that a signal should take to reach its destination

D) a set of related pages on the World Wide Web

E) the basic set of standards for enabling computers to communicate over the Internet

F) server computer that stores and provides access to websites


Choose the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Computers have a means (by communicating; of communicating; communicated) with the user. 2. Computers work according to the instructions (giving; given; to give) to it by users.

3. The transistor (inventing; invented; for inventing) in 1948 completely changed the vacuum tubes.

4. Computers (applied; are applied; are applying) for automatic piloting and automatic navigation. 5. The programs (write; have written; are written) to help people in the use of the computer system. 6. As digital computers (count; counted; are counted) quickly, they widely (use; used; are used) in business data processing.

7. Once data (entered; have entered; have been entered) correctly into the data processing system, the possibility of error (reduced; is reduced; are reduced).

8. It is known that an analyst (use; uses; is used) a computer to solve specific problems.


4. Read the text and complete it with the words given below. Translate the sentences into Russian.

machine programmers carried out language internal commands BASIC


The first _________ used pencil and paper to sketch out a series of _________, or punched them directly on cards for input into the __________. But as more computer resources became available, it was a natural thought that programs could be used to help programmers create other programs.

The availability of Teletype or early CRT terminals on timesharing systems by the 1960s encouraged programmers to write simple text editing programs that could be used to create the computer _________ source code file, which in turn would be fed to the compiler to be turned into an executable program. The assemblers and __________ language implementations on the first personal computers also included simple editing facilities.

There are many ways to represent instructions to be ______________ by a computer. With early machines like ENIAC, programs consisted of a series of detailed machine instructions. The exact movement of data between the processor’s internal storage (registers) and ____________ memory had to be specified, along with the appropriate arithmetic operations


Choose the correct word. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Today the term ________ is associated in many peoples’ minds mainly with computers.

a) computer c) data

b) memory d) design

2. However, data (as in “given facts” or measurements) has been used as a term by ______ and scholars for centuries.

a) scientists c) people

b) students d) computers

3. Data as stored in a computer (or on _______ media) is a representation of facts about the world.

a) memory c) device

b) digital d) printed

4. Computer data consists of ______ states, represented numerically as ones or zeroes.

a) files c) binary

b) numeral d) digital

5. A string of ones and ________ in a computer has no inherent meaning.

a) twos c) letters

b) zeroes d) others

Содержание итоговой аттестации

Вопросы для подготовки к дифференцированному зачету:

1. What are the main functional units of a digital comput­er?

2. What types of storage do you know?

3. What is a binary number system?

4. What is storage media?

5. How is storage capacity measured (in what units)?

6. What do you know of electronic memories?

7. What can you say about electromechanical memories?

8. How do you understand the term "access time"?

9. What is RAM / ROM?

10. What storage devices do you know?

11. What is the function of the CPU?

12. What two functional units does the CPU consist of?

13. What components does control unit include?

14. What devices has the arithmetic-logical unit?

15. What is the ALU function?

16. What is the function of CU?

17. What is the heart (brain) of a microprocessor?

18. What is the purpose of input devices?

19. How do you understand the term "input-output environ­ment"?

20. What groups can I/O devices be classified into according to their speed?

21. Name devices used for inputting information.

22. What is touch pad?

23. What is a scanner used for?

24. What types of printers do you know?

25. When did the first personal computer appear?

26. What differs PC from large computer systems?

27. What is a personal computer?

28. What are the main spheres of PC applications?

29. What professions are in great need of computers?

30. What is modem and what is it used for?

31. What is programming?

32. What is a program?

33. What techniques for planning the program logic do you know?

34. What do you understand by pseudocode?

35. What is a code?

36. What is the foundation of any programming language?

37. What programming languages do you know?

38. What is FORTRAN used for? Decode it.

39. What does COBOL serve for? Decode it.

40. What is WWW?

41. What do you know about the history of personal computing?

42. At what ways are computers used at home, or outside work?

43. How do you use your PC?

44. What is the structure of the processor?

45. What types of portable computers do you know?

46. What are general features of operating systems?

47. What is an operation system and what is it purpose?

48. What online services are available in our country?

49. What kind of facilities do online services provide?

50. What is analog transmission?

51. What is digital transmission?

52. What software products do you use?

53. What kinds of software packages do you know?

54. Who creates new software products?

55. What the program is designed to perform a specific function?




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