Actual Problems of Chemistry. Biotechnology. Lecture No. 1. Bioprocess and enzyme technologies. Introduction. The integrated use of biochemistry, microbiology and engineering sciences to achieve technological (industrial) application capabilities of micro
Стр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ Actual Problems of Chemistry Biotechnology Lecture No. 1. Bioprocess and enzyme technologies Introduction Societal changes are increasingly driven by science and technology. The new biotechnologists are developing many aspects of plant and animal, agriculture and food production; designing clean industrial manufacturing processes; exploring the potential for biological fuel generation; and so on. Undoubtedly, Biotechnology is the most innovative technology. The development of biotechnological products requires knowledge and resource intensive. Now, let´ s see what Biotechnology means. Biotechnology has been defi ned in many forms. An appropriate form is: The integrated use of biochemistry, microbiology and engineering sciences to achieve technological (industrial) application capabilities of microorganisms (MO), cultured tissue cells and parts thereof. Due to this definition, Biotechnology comprises the fields, such as Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology, Protein engineering, Enzymology, classifi ed breeding techniques, and the full range of bioprocess technologies. Traditional biotechnology refers to the conventional techniques that have been used for many centuries to produce beer, wine, cheese and many other foods, while ¨ new¨ biotechnology embraces all methods of genetic modifi cation by recombinant DNA and cell fusion techniques together with the modern developments of ¨ traditiona l¨ biotechnological processes. Between the main areas of biotechnology, we can mention: Bioprocess technology Historically, the most important area of biotechnology (brewing, antibiotics, mammalian cell culture, etc. ), extensive development in progress with new products envisaged (polysaccharides, medically important drugs, solvents, protein-enhanced foods). Novel fermenter designs to optimize productivity. Enzyme technology Used for the catalysis of extremely specifi c chemical reactions; immobilization of enzymes; to create specifi c molecular converters (bioreactors). Products formed include L-amino acids, high fructose syrup, semi-synthetic penicillins, starch and cellulose hydrolysis, etc. Enzyme probes for bioassays. Waste technology Long historical importance but more emphasis is now being placed on coupling these processes with the conservation and recycling of resources; foods and fertilizers, biological fuels. Environmental technology Great scope exists for the application of biotechnological concepts for solving many environmental problems (pollution control, removing toxic wastes), recovery of metals from mining wastes and low-grade ores. Renewable resources technology The use of renewable energy sources, in particular lignocellulose, to generate new sources of chemical raw materials and energy – ethanol, methane and hydrogen. Total utilization of plant and animal material. Clean technology, sustainable technology.
Plant and animal agriculture Genetically engineered plants to improve nutrition, disease resistance, maintain quality, and improve yields and stress tolerance will become increasingly commercially available. Improved productivity etc. for animal farming. Improved food quality, fl avour, taste and microbial safety. Healthcare New drugs and better treatment for delivering medicines to diseased parts. Improved disease diagnosis, understanding of the human genome – genomics and proteomics, information technology. Also, the main areas of Biotechnology can be seen as: White biotechnology It is the " industrial" part of biotechnology, since it is the part of the biochemistry used to create new products, such as the aforementioned " yogurt". Green biotechnology It is the part that is responsible for biotechnological processes in agriculture, either creating transgenic plants, or anti-pest products between plants. Blue biotechnology It is the part that is responsible for biotechnological processes related to the sea. Gray biotechnology It focuses directly on solving environmental problems, such as climate change. Red biotechnology It is the use of bio-organisms in medicine. An example of red biotechnology is the creation of antibiotics, or the creation of insulin, since to produce it, a human gene is introduced into the culture of bacteria, which include the gene in its generic code " DNA" (Deoxyribonucleic Acid), and as a consequence of this, these microorganisms, expel insulin in the form of " waste", as a body fluid, and thanks to this branch of biotechnology, it is possible to cure, or prevent thousands of diseases. As you can see, it doesn't matter how Biotechnology is classified. It encloses the integration of different sciences to achieve industrial application capabilities of microorganisms, cultured tissue cells and parts thereof. Then, we can consider the following areas of biotechnology as the most important three categories in research and development activities: - Industrial supplies (biochemicals, enzymes and reagents for industrial and food processing) - Environment (pollution diagnostics, products for pollution prevention, bioremediation) - Energy (fuels from renewable resources) First, we will study some important aspects of bioprocesses to understand, later, the application of different techniques of Biotechnology for producing new solutions for the unsolved actual problems. We will discuss general aspects of bioprocesses. In addition, we will describe the general characteristics of enzymes, as part of study of the enzyme technology that will continue the next lecture.
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