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Control questions. Suggested literature

Control questions

1. What are the reasons for the increase in pollution and its main sources? Define the term pollution and explain two pollutant’s properties.

2. Explain the principle of bioremediation as an alternative in eliminating or at least reducing environmental pollution. Explain some factors that should be considered during the control and optimization of bioremediation processes.

3. Characterize the aerobic wastewater biotreatment, considering in your analysis microbial metabolism, oxygen utilization and operating parameters.

4. Describe the bioprocess that occurs in the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor, considering the stages in which the biodegradation occurs and some of the most important operating parameters.

5. Perform a comparative analysis between aerobic and anaerobic treatments considering oxygen requirements, organic load, sludge, final product, and pollution standards.

6. Analyze the importance of the use of tertiary treatment. Characterize the membrane separation techniques.

7. Evaluate the gaseous streams biotreatment. Consider in your evaluation the type of waste, main pollutants present and the most important control parameters.

Suggested literature

-Gavrilescu M. Environmental Biotechnology: Achievements, Opportunities and Challenges. Dynamic Biochemistry, Process Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 2010, 4 (1), 1-36.

- Evans G. M., Furlony J. C. Environmental Biotechnology. Theory and application. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2003, 302 p.


Production of ethanol from lignocellulosic materials is an example of biotechnology applications in management of solid waste. The use of biomass to generate energy has positive environmental implications and creates a great potential to contribute considerably more to the renewable energy sector, particularly when converted to modern energy carriers such as biofuels. In the next activity, the production of ethanol (used as fuel) from lignocellulosic biomass will be studied.



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