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. \css\stylesheetadmin. CSS. \aplication\classes\adminverification. PHP. \aplication\classes\childrenbefore. PHP. \aplication\classes\exception404. PHP

.. \css\stylesheetadmin. css

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.. \aplication\classes\adminverification. php

<? php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access. ');

class Adminverification extends Controller_Template


public function before()


   $session = Session:: instance();

   $session-> set('auth_redirect', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

    $auth=Auth:: instance();

    if($auth-> logged_in() == 0 ) Request:: initial()-> redirect('authformer');

    if($auth-> logged_in('admin') == 0 ) Request:: initial()-> redirect('netprav');

    return parent:: before();



.. \aplication\classes\childrenbefore. php

<? php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access. ');

class Childrenbefore extends Controller_Template


public function before()


   $session = Session:: instance(); // Создание эземпляра класса Session на основе метода Instance

   $session-> set('auth_redirect', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // запись в переменную session методом set страницы которую хотел посетить пользователь

    $auth=Auth:: instance();    // объявление экземпляра класса авторизации

   if($auth-> logged_in() == 0) Request:: initial()-> redirect('authformer'); // если пользователь не авторизован переадресовать его на страницу авторизации

    return parent:: before();



.. \aplication\classes\exception404. php

<? php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access. ');

class Exception404


       public static function handle(Exception $e) // На вход приходит ошибка


                   switch (get_class($e))


                              case 'HTTP_Exception_404':         // сравнивается с 404

                                          $response = new Response;

                                          $response-> status(404);     // в статус сервера 404

                                          $view = new View('404view'); // использовать вид view404

                                          $view-> message = $e-> getMessage(); // записать в переменную $message сообщение из контроллера materials -- throw new HTTP_Exception_404('Страница не найдена! ');

                                          echo $response-> body($view)-> send_headers()-> body();           // генерация отображения

                                          return TRUE;


                              default:                   // если не 404 обрабатывать стандартными методами Kohana

                                          return Kohana_Exception:: handler($e);  





.. \aplication\classes\loginverification. php

<? php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access. ');

class Loginverification extends Controller_Template


public function before()


   $session = Session:: instance();

   $session-> set('auth_redirect', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

    $auth=Auth:: instance();

    if($auth-> logged_in() == 0 ) Request:: initial()-> redirect('authformer');

    return parent:: before();



.. \aplication\classes\nstree. php (готовый модуль для работы категорий)

<? php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access. ');




       `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

       `left_key` INT(10) NOT NULL,

       `right_key` INT(10) NOT NULL,

       `level` INT(10) NOT NULL,

       PRIMARY KEY (`id`),

       INDEX `key` (`left_key`, `right_key`, `level`)





class NSTree


       protected $table = NULL;

       public function __construct($tablename)


                   $this-> table = $tablename;


       // Модифицирует ключи

       protected function modifyNodes($key, $delta)


                   $query =

                              'UPDATE '. Database:: instance()-> quote_table($this-> table). '

                              SET right_key = right_key + '. (int)$delta. '

                              WHERE right_key > = '. (int)$key;

                   DB:: query(Database:: UPDATE, $query)-> execute();

                   $query =

                              'UPDATE '. Database:: instance()-> quote_table($this-> table). '

                              SET left_key = left_key + '. (int)$delta. '

                              WHERE left_key > = '. (int)$key;

                   DB:: query(Database:: UPDATE, $query)-> execute();


       public function getNode($id)


                   $result = DB:: select()

                   -> from($this-> table)

                   -> where('id', '=', $id)

                   -> execute();

                   if (count($result) == 0)

                              throw new Exception('Node id='. $id. ' does not exist. ');

                   return $result-> current();


       public function clear($extrafields=array())


                   if (! is_array($extrafields))

                              throw new Exception('$extrafields must be array. ');

                   DB:: query(NULL, 'TRUNCATE '. Database:: instance()-> quote_table($this-> table))-> execute();

                   DB:: delete($this-> table)-> execute();

                   $data = array(

                              'id' => 1,

                              'name' => '< root> ',

                              'left_key' => 1,

                              'right_key' => 2,

                              'level' => 0


                   $data = $data + $extrafields;

                   list($insert_id, $tmp) = DB:: insert($this-> table, array_keys($data))-> values(array_values($data))-> execute();

                   return $insert_id;


       public function getTree($id=NULL)


                   $id = (int) $id;

                   $QTblName = Database:: instance()-> quote_table($this-> table);

                   if ($id! = 0)


                              $node = $this-> getNode($id);

                              $query =

                                          'SELECT *

                                          FROM '. $QTblName. '

                                          WHERE left_key > = '. (int)$node['left_key']. ' AND right_key < = '. (int)$node['right_key']. '

                                          ORDER BY left_key';




                              $query =

                                          'SELECT *

                                          FROM '. $QTblName. '

                                          ORDER BY left_key';


                   $result = DB:: query(Database:: SELECT, $query)-> execute();

                   return $result;


       public function getPath($id)


                   $node = $this-> getNode($id);

                   $query =

                              'SELECT *

                              FROM '. Database:: instance()-> quote_table($this-> table). '

                              WHERE right_key > '. (int)$node['left_key']. ' AND left_key < '. (int)$node['right_key']. '

                              ORDER BY left_key';

                   $result = DB:: query(Database:: SELECT, $query)-> execute();

                   return $result;


       public function insert($id, $extrafields=array())


                   if (! is_array($extrafields))

                              throw new Exception('$extrafields must be array. ');

                   // Находим родителя

                   $parent = $this-> getNode($id);

                   DB:: query(NULL, 'START TRANSACTION')-> execute();

                   // Обновляем ключи существующего дерева, узлы стоящие за родительским узлом

                   $this-> modifyNodes((int)$parent['right_key'], 2);

                   // Добавляем новый узел

                   $node = array(

                              'id' => NULL,

                              'left_key' => $parent['right_key'],

                              'right_key' => $parent['right_key'] + 1,

                              'level' => $parent['level'] + 1


                   $node = $node + $extrafields;

                   list($insert_id, $tmp) = DB:: insert($this-> table, array_keys($node))-> values(array_values($node))-> execute();

                   DB:: query(NULL, 'COMMIT')-> execute();

                   return $insert_id;


       public function delete($id)


                   $node = $this-> getNode($id);

                   DB:: query(NULL, 'START TRANSACTION')-> execute();

                   // Удаляем узел (вместе с веткой)

                   $query =

                              'DELETE FROM '. Database:: instance()-> quote_table($this-> table). '

                              WHERE left_key > = '. (int)$node['left_key']. ' AND right_key < = '. (int)$node['right_key'];

                   DB:: query(Database:: DELETE, $query)-> execute();

$width = $node['right_key'] - $node['left_key'] + 1;

                   // Обновление последующих узлов

                   $this-> modifyNodes((int)$node['right_key'], -$width);

                   DB:: query(NULL, 'COMMIT')-> execute();


       // Метод перемещает ноду $id в родительскую ноду $parentId

       public function move($id, $parentId)


                   $node = $this-> getNode($id);

                   DB:: query(NULL, 'START TRANSACTION')-> execute();

                   // Удаляем узел (вместе с веткой)

                   $query =

                              'DELETE FROM '. Database:: instance()-> quote_table($this-> table). '

                              WHERE left_key > = '. (int)$node['left_key']. ' AND right_key < = '. (int)$node['right_key'];

                   DB:: query(Database:: DELETE, $query)-> execute();


                   $width = $node['right_key'] - $node['left_key'] + 1;

                   // Обновление последующих узлов

                   $this-> modifyNodes((int)$node['right_key'], -$width);


//                 DB:: query(NULL, 'COMMIT')-> execute();


       public function check($thorough=FALSE)


                   $QTblName = Database:: instance()-> quote_table($this-> table);

                   // Тест 1

                   $query =

                              'SELECT id

                              FROM '. $QTblName. '

                              WHERE MOD(right_key - left_key, 2) = 0';

                   $result = DB:: query(Database:: SELECT, $query)-> execute();

                   if (count($result)! = 0)

                              throw new Exception('Test 1 integrity check failed. ');

                   // Тест 2

                   $query =

                              'SELECT id

                              FROM '. $QTblName. '

                              WHERE MOD(left_key - level + 2, 2) = 0';

                   $result = DB:: query(Database:: SELECT, $query)-> execute();

                   if (count($result)! = 0)

                              throw new Exception('Test 2 integrity check failed. ');

                   // Тест 3

                   if ($thorough)


                              $query =

                                          'SELECT t1. id, COUNT(t1. id) AS rep, MAX(t3. right_key) AS max_right


                                                      '. $QTblName. ' AS t1,

                                                      '. $QTblName. ' AS t2,

                                                      '. $QTblName. ' AS t3


                                                      t1. left_key < > t2. left_key


                                                      t1. left_key < > t2. right_key


                                                      t1. right_key < > t2. left_key


                                                      t1. right_key < > t2. right_key

                                          GROUP BY

                                                      t1. id


                                                      max_right < > SQRT( 4 * rep + 1 ) + 1';


                              $result = DB:: query(Database:: SELECT, $query)-> execute();


                              if (count($result)! = 0)

                                          throw new Exception('Test 3 integrity check failed. ');


                   // Тест 4, проверка level

                   $query =

                              'SELECT node. id as id, node. level as level


                                          '. $QTblName. ' AS node,

                                          '. $QTblName. ' AS parent

                              WHERE node. left_key BETWEEN parent. left_key AND parent. right_key

                              GROUP BY node. id

                              HAVING COUNT(parent. name) - 1! = level

                              ORDER BY node. left_key';

                   $result = DB:: query(Database:: SELECT, $query)-> execute();

                   if (count($result)! = 0)

                              throw new Exception('Test 4 integrity check failed. ');






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