General Principles of United States
General Principles of United States Counterterrorist Policy
The United States government has developed four enduring policy principles that guide its counterterrorist strategy
• Make no deals with terrorists and do not submit to blackmail (make no concessions to terrorists, deny hostage takers the benefits of ransom, prisoner releases, policy changes, or other acts of concession) • Treat terrorists as criminals (bring terrorists to justice, track down terrorists) • Apply maximum pressure on states that sponsor and support terrorists (impose economic, diplomatic, and political sanctions urge other states to do likewise). • Bolster the Counterterrorist capabilities of thos. e countries that work with the United States and require assistance (provide training and related assistance to law-enforcement and security services, airport security, bomb detection, hostage rescue, and crisis management financial underpinnings of terrorists and criminal money launderers' drafting strong laws against terrorism, including terrorist financing)
How to Fight Terrorism
• Are we fighting a lethal idea rather than a tangible enemy?
BBC World TV, United Kingdom: " Governments must address the political injustices inspiring terrorists But they must also take firm, concerted action against terrorists while respecting human rights and the rule of law" US Attornej-General: " Goveinments need to improve their ability to prevent terrorist acts to improve immigration facilities, ports and cross-border information exchanges Fighting terrorism is either a fight against a group of individuals or against an idea, the fight requires governments to tackle both Governments must be sensitive to the fact that terrorists might be looked upon as freedom fighters by the populations whose cause they espouse Terrorists should not be endowed with the dignity of freedom fighters Authorities shouldn't avoid actions that might alienate ethnic minority communities People desire security regardless of race " Director, Washington Office, RAND1: " Dealing with terrorism requires a carrot-and-stick approach In Malaysia, for example, the government defeated a Communist insurrection not only by giving the people some of what the communists were demanding, but by using the military and security forces to neutralize them " Columnist, the Washington Post, USA: " Ideological or religious based terror requires a religious-based response Islamic leaders musl make a strong, unequivocal moral case against terror - that they won't get 72 black-eyed virgins for bombing, but will go straight to hell " US State Secretary: " We have to look at those nations that proliferate weapons of mass destruction - states that might lend or provide all buds of weapons to terrorist organizations " Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy: " For the coalition in the fight against terrorism there has to be collective ambition, collective responsibility and collective burden-sharing One way of sharing the burden is to share intelligence on terrorist networks "
NATO Secretary-General: " NATO has to transform and modernize itself to deal with the new threats to world peace and stability " Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey: " The campaign against tenonsm is not to come across as a fight against Islam Terrorism does not have a religion, nor does it have geographic boundaries "
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
Media and Terrorism: Changing the Ground Rules. War and Terrorism Challenge Media Role
• How to report a war that is an undeclared war against a shadowy enemy? • Should journalists boldly investigate and report stories that might not be in the national interest? Assistant to the President and Director of the US Office of Homeland Security, USA: " The unique threat posed by terrorism requires a different approach by journalists. There is a role and a responsibility for government and journalists to work together, the government must assess information and then decide whether to share it with the media. " Communications Columnist, The New Yorker Magazine, USA: " There is anger outside the US about how the American media has covered the aftermath of the 11 September attacks in an allegedly US-centric way, and for stereotyping Islam. Meanwhile, there is anger in the US about misrepresentations of the US and the Jewish community in the Arab media. " Editor-in-Chief, AI Jazeera Satellite Channel, Qatar. " We can't apply your Western way of thinking immediately, but we are changing. Al Jazeera called the 11 September strikes 'terror attacks' from the beginning, which was a first in the Arab media and has routinely interviewed Palestinian and Israeli officials about the Middle East conflict, and US officials about the war against terrorism. " Reporter, Frontline West, USA. " The US government tried to censor the media from broadcasting tapes of Usama Bin Laden, and wants to restrict reporting of the supposed US intelligence failure over 11 September. " Senator from Connecticut (Democrat), USA: " In the post 11September media landscape Americans want more information about other countries and cultures; here is more space for hard, foreign news. " Chief Executive Officer, Reuters Group: " Not all media organizations delineate the world before and after 11 September. news, without editorial comment or spin, and that has not changed since the terror attacks. For Reuters, there is no pre-or-post 11 September distinction. "
World Economic Forum. Annual Meeting
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