Как работать с методическими рекомендациями
Как работать с методическими рекомендациями самостоятельно Чтобы найти интересующую Вас тему, просмотрите оглавление, содержащее заголовки текстов. Если тему по оглавлению найти трудно, воспользуйтесь списком экзаменационных тем и соответствующих им текстов. Для более эффективной работы с текстом, необходимо следовать рекомендациям: - прочитайте текст; при чтении и переводе текста удобно пользоваться тематическим словарем, приводимым после каждого текста; - после того, как Вы ознакомитесь с содержанием текста и усвоите словарь, попробуйте ответить на вопросы. Если это сделать трудно, обратитесь к тексту; - пересказывать каждый текст следует не менее двух раз. При первом пересказе воспользуйтесь не самим текстом, а словарем к нему. Словарь составлен в том порядке, в котором слова встречаются в тексте; - второй раз текст следует пересказывать, закрыв книгу. Если это не получается, вернитесь к предыдущему пункту. ТЕМЫ, ВЫНОСИМЫЕ НА ЭКЗАМЕН Тopic 1 Place where I live
First of all I want to tell you some words about the building where our flat is located. It is nine – storied apartment house in the south – west of the city. There is a park not far from my house. I live on the fourth floor in three – room flat. There is a living – room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a large kitchen and a hall. The living – room with a wall – size window facing the park is quite large. In this room there is a furniture unit, a TV – set, a video – recorder and a tape – recorder here. On the walls there are some pictures. A thick carpet covers the floor. We spend every eveningin this room. We watch TV, listen to the music or discuss the problemsof the day. My bedrooms are rather large. There are two beds, a mirror on the wall, a wardrobe some book-shelves, two chairs and a table with a computer on it in my bedrooms. Also I want to tell you about my kitchen and my bathroom. Our kitchen is large. In the kitchen there is a gas stove, a fridge, a sink with two taps on it, a cupboard, a table and six stools there. The bathroom is very cosy too. There is a bath, a washbasin with hot and cold water there. I often invite my friends to my flat. And everybody feels at home here.
I like my flat very much. There is no place like home.
Topical Vocabulary
1. Where do you live? 2. What floor do you live on? 3. How many rooms are there in your flat? 4. What is there in the living room? 5. What is there in your bedroom? 6. Is the kitchen large or small? 7. Do you like your flat? Тopic 2 My native town My native town is Astrakhan. It was founded in the16-th century in 1558. Astrakhan is a beautiful town. It stands on the banks of the river Volga. Every year thousands of tourists come to my native town. They come to visit the historical places of our town. The symbolof our town is the Kremlin. It is the most beautiful and famous place in our town. Astrakhan is a fast – growing town. There are some big plants and factories here. Astrakhan also is a big cultural center. It has many universities, schools and technical colleges. The city has rich cultural traditions. There are many famous museums, art galleries, theatres, cinemas, parks in my native town. In Astrakhan you can visit thePuppet Theatre, the Philharmonic Society, theDrama Theatre, thePicture Gallery and many others. I love my town and I am proud to be its citizen. Topical Vocabulary
1. What is your native town? 2. When was your native town founded? 3. What is the symbol of your town? 4. Is Astrakhana fast – growing town? 5. Are there many parks, museums and theatres in it? 6. What places can you visit in your native town? 7. Are you proud to be the citizen of your native town?
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