Vocabulary. Questions. The economy of the United Kingdom. Vocabulary to be surrounded быть окруженным known as известный как mostly по большей части
Questions 1. What is the official name of Great Britain? 2. Where is the United Kingdom situated? 3. What is the population of the Great Britain? 4. What are the seas and the oceans Great Britain is washed by? (What seas and oceans is Great Britain washed by? ) 5. Great Britain is a highly developed country, isn’t it? What goods does it produce? 6. What is the national symbol of the UK? What does it symbolize? 7. What is the political system of Great Britain? 8. Is the power of the Queen limited by Parliament? 9. What does Parliament comprise? 10. What are the main political parties in Great Britain? Тopic 5 The economy of the United Kingdom The economy of the United Kingdom is the fifth largest in the world in terms of market exchange rates and the sixth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). It is the second largest economy in Europe after Germany's. Its GDP PPP per capita in 2007 is the 22nd highest in the world. The United Kingdom is one of the world's most globalised countries. The capital, London, is the major financial centre of the world, in front of New York City, Hong Kong and Singapore according to a report compiled by the City of London. The British economy is made up (in descending order of size) of the economies of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK became a member state of the European Community, in 1973, and ratified the Maastricht Treaty making it a European Union state, at the inception of the EU in 1993. In the 1980s, under the Government of Margaret Thatcher, most state-owned enterprises in the industrial and service sectors, which since the 1940s had been nationalized, were privatized. The British Government now owns very few industries or businesses - Royal Mail is one example. The United Kingdom, according to the International Monetary Fund, in 2007 had the ninth highest level of GDP per capita in the European Union in terms of purchasing power parity, after Luxembourg, Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium and Finland. However, in common with the economies of other English-speaking countries, it has higher levels of income inequality than many European countries.
During August 2008 the IMF has warned that the UK economic outlook has worsened due to a twin shock: financial turmoil as well as rising commodity prices. Both developments harm the UK more than most developed countries, as the UK obtains revenue from exporting financial services while recording deficits in finished goods and commodities, including food. The UK has the world's third largest current account deficit, despite significant oil revenues. This is mainly the result of a large deficit in the trade in manufacture goods. During May 2008, the IMF adviced the UK government to broaden the scope of fiscal policy to promote external balance. Although the UK's " labour productivity per person employed" has been progressing well over the last two decades and has overtaken productivity in the united Germany, it lags around 20% behind France's level, where workers have a 35-hour working week. The UK's " labour productivity per hour worked" is currently on a par with the average for the " old" EU (15 countries). The United Kingdom currently ranks 16th on the Human Development Index. Vocabulary
Questions: 1. What is GDP PPP of the United Kingdom per capita? 2. When did the UK become a member state of the European Community? When did it ratify the Maastricht Treaty? 3. Are there many state-owned enterprises in the industrial and service sectors of Great Britain? 4. What is the level of GDP of the UK per capita according to the International Monetary Fund? 5. Why did the UK economic outlook worsen in August 2008? 6. Why does the UK have the world's third largest current account deficit? 7. What is the UK's " labour productivity per person employed" 8. What is the current UK's " labour productivity per hour worked"?
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