Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.
2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. A group of theatrical workers including myself wrote an open letter to The Times. 2. "My dear... I've been a member of clubs which consisted exclusively of fools." 3. The plan took account of the tasks facing them in the restructuring of economy. 4. I've just remembered that she said they left some place on account of cholera. 5. Will you allow me to ask why I should put myself to the slightest inconvenience on your account? 6. Naturally, I don't expect you to start dancing round with joy, but you might preserve the decencies of debate. 7. Look at these old paintings! They are in an excellent state of preservation! 8. Give me the best estimates you have by the end of the month. Err, if you must. 9. It was a new car, but dust, luggage, and erratic driving gave it a veteran appearance. 10.... geniuses are such erratic people and mediocrities so respectable. 11. It is true he had a considerable sum under his uncle's will, but it has probably been made off with by this time. 12. With the pure all things are pure. 13. One will come here without your entire consent.
3. Give the English equivalents to: внести в список; включить пункт в повестку дня; исключить всякие сомнения; не пропускать свет в комнату; до воскресенья включительно; с 5 по 10 включительно; за исключением пункта 5; избранное общество; шикарный магазин; колледж для избранных; особые права; отчитываться в определенной работе; отчитываться в чем-то перед кем-л.; объяснять что-л. кому-л.; дать отчет в чём-л.; подробный (правдивый) рассказ о чём-л.; открыть счет в банке; принять что-л. в расчет (учесть); свести счет с кем-л.; хранить овощи; консервировать фрукты; сохранять мир; сохранить силы; хранить молчание; охранять традиции; оберегать свое доброе имя; сохранить красоту; сохранить зрение; хранить память о ком-л. (чём-л.); приличия ради; сумасбродный человек; неуравновешенный тип; сумасбродное поведение; ввести в заблуждение (сбить с пути); заблуждаться; погрешности в речи; подать заявление; догадаться; обратиться с просьбой; преуспеть в чём-л.; откровенно признаться в чём-л.; сводить концы с концами; спешить; разобрать (понять) что-л.; удирать;
выписать чек; раскусить (понять) кого-л.; составить рассказ; наложить грим; помириться; отплатить кому-л. чём-л.; натуральное молоко; чистая кожа; чистая шерсть; чистая наука; по чистой случайности; чистейший вздор; чистое совпадение; согласиться на что-л.; согласие на что-л.; с общего согласия; неохотное согласие; молчаливое (tacit) согласие; единомыслие; общее мнение; глиняная посуда; скобяные изделия; изделия из серебра; стеклянная посуда; бакалейные товары; импортные товары; программа для компьютера.
4. a) Give the Russian equivalents for:
to make a note; to make notes; to make one's will; to make smb's character; to make one's own life; to make a livelihood; to make a bargain; to make terms; to make a row; to make a commotion; to make port; to make for the open sea; to make the finish; to make oneself understood; to make smth known; to make oneself clear; to make public; to make a rule of it; to make a show of smth; to make a nuisance of oneself; to make no sign; to make a face (faces) at smb; to make a long face; to make eyes at smb; to make a (little, poor, ridiculous) figure; to make little (light) of smth; to make much of smth, of smb;k to make the most of smth; to make the worst of smth.
b) Fill in the blanks with the verb "to make" with a preposition:
1. Andrew didn't want to speak to anybody, so he...... right after the meeting. 2. Let's ask the waiter to...... the bill. I clean forgot I have an appointment in half an hour. 3. They could hardly...... the dim figure through the mist. 4.1 can't...... what John is driving at. There's something up his sleeve, I'm sure. 5. How did they...... with the problem? 6. I wouldn't trust Jane too far if I were you. She is notorious for making... like lies. 7. You've missed too many lessons and it won't be easy to...... for the lost time. 8. My mother doesn't allow me to....... She says it's common.
5. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:
1. He would never forget the time when he was made a member of the group. 2. When the boy came back with the purchases his mother wanted him to tell her exactly how he had spent the money. 3. There isn't enough room in the book to tackle the whole subject. 4. The old man shows little sign of old age. 5. There are many newspaper descriptions of what happened during the earthquake. 6. I was asked earnestly to agree. 7. Don't trust him too far, he is a person who is likely to do unusual or unexpected things. 8. I'm making up a list of those going to the theatre on Monday, shall I put your name on it? 9. If we cross out this paragraph, as you suggest, there will be no logical connection. 10. She managed to retain her good looks right to the end of her life. 11. Jean knew that her parents did not like Robert and would never allow her to marry him. 12. What he said at the trial was complete nonsense. 13.1 can't make sense of the message. His handwriting is utterly illegible.
6. Use the essential vocabulary in answering the following questions. Give full answers repeating the wording of the questions:
1. If rights are not for everyone, merely for pne person or a group, what do we call them? 2. What do we do when we want to tell someone about what happened or what we did? 3. What ways of keeping vegetables and fruit from spoiling do you know? 4. What would you call pure adventure? 5. Why is the mountain air so healthy? 6. What sort of person would you call erratic? 7. Can you explain what "to square accounts with
smb" means? 8. What do we say of people who can hardly live within their income? 9. If you want to compensate a person for the troubles he's had on your account what do you usually say? 10. Women seem to be using more and more cosmetics nowadays. What's your attitude to it? 11. What do we call a person who is very pedantic in choosing correct words? 12. What do you usually say when you fail to understand somebody's behaviour? 13. What do you usually do when you want to be reconciled with somebody after a quarrel?
7. Make up and practise short dialogues or stories using the essential vocabulary.
8. Review the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into English: а) 1. Чем вы объясните свое отсутствие? Вы заставили нас ждать и даже не сочли нужным извиниться. 2. Эксперимент закончился блестяще, особенно если учесть, что ему никто не помогал. 3. Ни в коем случае не оставляйте ребенка одного в квартире. 4. Конгресс продлится еще три дня, включая воскресенье. 5. Члены этой комиссии пользовались особыми правами. 6. Вы уверены, что в список внесены все фамилии? Давайте проверим еще раз, чтобы не было никаких сомнений. 7. Старые картины в этой коллекции находятся в прекрасном состоянии.
b) 1. Дарти удивительно хорошо сохранился для своих шестидесяти двух лет. 2. Что если эта история с банковскими счетами все-таки всплывет? 3. Пожилая леди была шокирована грубоватыми манерами молодого доктора. 4. Если бы не ошибки в орфографии, оценка за ваше изложение могла бы быть выше. 5. Не верьте ей. Все, что она сказала, чистейший вымысел. 6. Отец девочки никак не соглашался, чтобы она жила одна в таком большом городе. 7. Как ты думаешь, мы успеем добраться до города засветло?
9. a) Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs:
1. So many countries, so many customs. 2. East or West, home is best. 3. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
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