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ECMI Summer School 2015 on National Minorities and Border Regions

Economic Development of the EU Member States

Берлин, Германия

Students from different academic levels and backgrounds who are generally interested in the economic aspects of the European integration will benefit from each other in an intercultural and interdisciplinary learning process. The course does not require special knowledge about European politics, law, economics, history or culture, but participants should be interested in more than just their field of specialization. In-class participation, especially in the discussions with experts, is essential for the course success and plays an important role in grading.

The course presents the impact of the European integration on the economic development of the EU member countries. The creation of the common market was the main goal of the European integration. The founders of the European Communities were convinced that a closer economic cooperation would not only create welfare for the European citizens but would also stop member countries from entering into a military conflict between each other. On the whole these goals were achieved, and joining the EU has become the major goal of the majority of the countries on the continent. The transfer of the European funds and increased investment in the new member states led in most cases to their rapid economic development.

1.470 Euro(course fee + materials + accommodation + insurance)


Дедлайн: 31 Мая

Дата: 1 Августа –15 Августа 2015




The Summer School seeks to attract is reflective research students (MA or PhD), preferably with field experience, working on a broad range of issues pertaining to peace and peacebuilding. The aim is to broaden input rather than restrict, to bring together individuals with different disciplinary backgrounds and professional experiences.

The purpose of this Summer School is to bring together leading academics in the interdisciplinary field of Peace and Conflict Studies with postgraduate students who are working in this area from varied disciplines, locations, and orientations. The objective is to develop a corpus of critical knowledge which will influence peacebuilding theory, methodology, ethics, and policy, as well as to have a broader impact on one of the key agendas of IR- peacemaking. To this end the subjects and themes of the summer school range from peace theory to policy analysis to field work experiences. This multi-leveled approach to the problems of peace and conflict studies – from theory to practice – will be channeled into all the various themes and subjects; in this way, the summer school forum will be both broad and deep in scope.

850 euro with accommodation There is a limited number of scholarships to partially cover participation and/or travel expenses. These will be awarded on a merit and need basis.


Дедлайн: Пятница, 30 Мая, 2015

Дата: 20 – 30 Июля, 2015

3. Summer School Tallin University (Free and Open Source Software for Regular Users)


The participants should have typical user-level skills with personal computers. Participants are advised to bring their own laptops (with administrator privileges if possible).

The main goal of the course is to provide participants with basic knowledge of free software installation, configuration, usage and problem solving. Various free software applications for common tasks will be studied and the participants will learn to choose and install a free operating system as well as to update and configure it according to personal preferences. They will also be able to find, install, configure and use various common free applications.

250 EUR. For students 200 EUR. Accommodation and meals are not included in the price.


Дедлайн: Friday, 15 May, 2015

Дата: Июль 27 – Июль 31, 2015

Social Enterprises: Using Your Creativity and Sensitivity


The course is designed for students and specialists from social work or related fields (health, psychology, sociology, education etc).

The five-day course consists of lectures and seminars/workshops on social enterprises. It is not only start-ups and art projects that can be cool and creative. With a good idea that has both value for rehabilitation and a business potential, people who face disadvantages can move from “patients” and “clients” to becoming citizen participants and even entrepreneurs. Social enterprises are moving the design and image of modern rehabilitation services in fascinating directions, emphasizing the abilities of every individual and the creative side of social work.

250 EUR. For students 200 EUR. Accommodation and meals are not included in the price.


Дедлайн: Пятница, 15 Мая, 2015

Дата: 13-17 июля 2015


5. Interdisciplinary Summer School in France


Open to: students of all ages interested in a unique "Anglo-Saxon" academic experience

The University of Pau and Adour Regions (South West of France) is holding a one-week English-language summer school on its Atlantic Coast campus just outside Biarritz (13-17 July 2015). Four exciting courses with a broad appeal will be taught by talented and enthusiastic professors recruited specifically from English-language universities: “Third World Women”: Gender and the Global South, by Samantha Christiansen, Marywood University, USA. Students will learn about topics of contemporary significance to women in the Third World, such as the Veil, Microfinance, and Sex Trafficking, among others. Economics of Climate Change: Myths and Realities, by Peter Dorman, Evergreen State College, Washington State. Acknowledging climate change is just the start. In this course we’ll cut through the confusion about the science, economics and policy of the century’s toughest challenge. Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynsian and Marxian, by Richard D. Wolff, New School University, NY, USA. Learn about the three major economic "worldviews" - the dominant and the dissenting - and how they shape thoughts and actions trying to cope with global economic and social problems of the 21st century. Big History: An introduction to 13.8 billion years of history since the Big Bang, by David Baker, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. "Big History" is a recent and multidisciplinary school of history that emphasizes "the grand narrative" spanning the 13.8 billion years of our universe.

There are two fee structures, each one with an "early bird" option (i.e. a lower amount if you register before May 15):
Registration only (including coffee breaks):?480 before May 15;?550 after May 15. This is for those who live locally or are staying with friends and just want to attend the classes. "Full pack":?650 before May 15;?750 after May 15.
In addition to the registration and coffee breaks you get a buffet lunch after each class and three social activities


Дедлайн: 15 Мая (можно и позже, но до 15-ого мая дешевле)

Дата: 13-17 Июля 2015


ECMI Summer School 2015 on National Minorities and Border Regions


The summer school is aimed at Master and PhD students, young researchers and professionals.

09-15 August 2015; Flensburg/ Jaruplund Højskole
The two-week intensive program will include:
- A keynote speech delivered by a prominent international scholar/practitioner;
- Academic lectures delivered by international scholars;
- Practitioners‘ seminars;
- Interactive workshops facilitated by trained professionals, using methods of non-formal education;
-Discussion sessions with opportunities to discuss the topic of the day with a guest speaker, ECMI researchers and among participants;
-Presentations of the Summer School participants (case studies, research, etc.); Different social events planned for evenings;
- Working in 5 subgroups, followed by group presentations, sessions moderated with the methods of NFE;
- Meetings and discussions with local politicians, minority representatives, and youth groups;
- Trips to the regional sights in the Danish-German border region. The educational guided tour will be provided;
- Graduation ceremony: The Chairperson of the Flensburg City Council (Stadtpraesidentin), Ms. Swetlana Krätzschmar, will deliver the certificates and meet the participants.

The Summer School 2015 fee is 750 EUR and includes:
Access to all three components of the Summer School 2015 (E-learning, Training, Alumni Network)
All reading materials
Accommodation for 6 nights
Daily meals
Participation in all additional Summer School activities (film screenings, social activities).
ECMI is currently working on getting financial aid to support all participants fully or partially. You will be informed on relevant funding possibilities. At the same time, we recommend you apply for financial opportunities from your government, scholarship programs and sending institutions.


Дедлайн: 15 Мая

Дата: 9-15 Августа



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