Yonsei Univesity Summer School
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Корея YISS is open to students currently enrolled in an accredited college or university as well as high school seniors who have been accepted to an accredited university. (YISS has a minimum GPA requirement for college or university students, which is above 2.5 out of 4.0.) 23 June – 9 August Цена: 700,000 корейских тугриков (примерно 30 тысяч рублей), но с возможностями стипендии (ниже) https://summer.yonsei.ac.kr/main/cou rse.asp?mid=s2_2 Дедлайн: 15 Мая Дата: 23 Июня – 9 Августа
Nudge Global Leadership Challenge Нидерланды The nominees should: • Be young professionals with at least a bachelors degree or equivalent; • Be aged between 23 and 33; • Fluent in verbal and written English; • Have a clear affinity for sustainability. 20 – 22 November 2015, Amsterdam How can we achieve a sustainable society? What kind of leadership is needed? Who are the leaders of the future? How do we identify these leaders? What tools can we provide to enable decisive and courageous leadership towards sustainability? If you are looking for insightful answers to these questions, nominate yourself for the Nudge Global Leadership Challenge 2015. If you are selected as the best nominee in your country, your participation fee (including hotel nights during the challenge) and travel expenses will be covered by the Country Support Partner. http://nudge-global-leadershipchallenge.com/ Дедлайн: 15 Июля Дата: 20-22 Ноября 2015
The London International Youth Science Forum Великобритания To attend LIYSF 2015, you must meet all of the following requirements: Date of birth must be between 23rd January 1993 and 6th February 1999
LIYSF is a two week residential event held at Imperial College London, with lectures and demonstrations from leading scientists, visits to industrial sites, research centres, scientific institutions and organisations, including world class laboratories and universities. LIYSF attracts over 400 of the world's leading young scientists aged 17-21 years old from more than 60 participating countries. There is an active social calendar with events designed to enable those from around the world to learn about different cultures. The scope of LIYSF extends further than broadening scientific understanding to engage students in education on other cultures and develop lasting, international friendships. The participation fee is £1,695 GBP per student. The fee covers the total cost of the programme; all meals and accommodation; lectures and demonstrations; programme visits and entrance charges; travel in central London to programmed events and the social programme. It does not cover optional sightseeing tours, theatre tickets and transfer to London. http://www.liysf.org.uk/ Дедлайн: 1 Июня Дата: 22 Июля – 5 Августа
Russia International Education Administrators Program, RIEA США Сотрудники международных отделов российских вузов Целью программы Фулбрайта для сотрудников международных отделов (Russia International Education Administrators Program, RIEA) является повышение профессионального мастерства работников российских вузов, которые работают с иностранными студентами и преподавателями, включая профессорско-преподавательский состав и студентов из США. Программа способствует получению российскими сотрудниками международных отделов знаний в области академического обмена, медицинского страхования, требований безопасности, межкультурной коммуникации и языковой практики. Обмен профессиональным опытом – важная составляющая программы. Грант включает: Оплата стажировки в международном отделе любого университета США http://fulbright.ru/ru/russians/riea Дедлайн: 1 Июля Дата: зависит от выбора стажирующегося, длительность не менее 3 месяцев
Light Work Artist Residency Programme in New York США International residency program is open to all artists working in photography or image-based media, from any country. Each year Light Work invites 12-15 artists to participate in its residency program, including one artist co-sponsored by Autograph ABP and one artist in conjunction with the Urban Video Project (UVP). Artists selected for the residency program are invited to live in Syracuse for one month. Artists receive a $5,000 stipend, an apartment to stay in, a private digital studio, a private darkroom, and 24-hour access to our facility. http://www.lightwork.org/air/apply/ Дедлайн: 1 Июля Дата: не указана
Wolfram Science Summer School США It's intended for anyone who wants to be able to do NKS research projects. We expect students to be ready to do an independent research project, but they can be at various stages in their formal education. We typically have graduate students, undergraduates, postdocs, and a few professors, teachers, and professionals. The Wolfram Science Summer School will be held at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts, from June 29–July 17, 2015. The Summer School itself is free—there is no tuition fee. In the past, dorm-style accommodations and meal plans for the three-week session have cost about $1,500. Students who wish to commute to the school have paid commuter fees for facilities of around $100. https://www.wolframscience.com/summerschool/program.html Дедлайн: 15 Мая Дата: 29 Июня – 17 Июля
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