What Is the Difference Between Software and Hardware?
For people who are not familiar with computer terminology, references to software and hardware may be somewhat confusing. The basic difference between the two has to do with the role that each type of tool plays in the use of a computer system. Essentially, hardware is the equipment that is used to assemble the working computer while software consists of the codes and programs that make it possible to perform various tasks using that equipment. Hardware composes all types of computer equipment and components. This includes the hard drive, the monitor, and any ancillary devices such as scanners and printers that may be used along with the system. Even devices like the keyboard, cords and wires, and the pen drives are considered to be part of the hardware family. Remote storage devices like floppy disks and CD-Rs are also classed as hardware. By contrast, software is the programming that provides the roadmap for each and every function that is executed on a computer hard drive. Tools in this category would include computer operating systems, as well as software programs designed to create spreadsheets, slide shows and even electronic letters, manuscripts and other word processing documents. Software also includes programs that are loaded onto a hard drive, either by downloading from the Internet or by using a CD or other data storage device to load the software program onto the system. The relationship between software and hardware is mutually beneficial. The most efficient software cannot be used without the presence of the right hardware. At the same time, perfectly functioning hardware will be useless to most users unless the proper software is loaded onto the hard drive. From this perspective, software and hardware are often designed with this in mind, making sure that different types of software and hardware combinations can work properly even if a few hardware components are upgraded or replaced over time. An easy way to remember the difference between software and hardware is to remember that hardware always refers to the physical machines and equipment related to a computer system. Hardware can be touched and moved with ease. In contrast, software consists of not physical in nature, but is code and instructions that are programmed into a computer hardware system so it will perform specified tasks. By equating hardware with touch and software with ideas or thoughts, it becomes easy to remember the difference and use the correct appellation when discussing anything from computer chips to anti-virus programs.
UNIT 3 Websites Website purpose. The purpose of an organizational website is to inform about an idea or event. Companies develop commercial websites to sell products or services. Entertainment websites are designed to entertain or provide fun activities. People visit news websites to obtain information. The purpose of a personal website is to provide information about an individual. Social networking websites help people to exchange personal information. Educational websites aim to share knowledge and enable online learning.
Websites are designed to inform, entertain, promote or sell products or services and to share information, opinions and expertise. They may also do a combination of these things. The following websites are mentioned: Nationalgeographic.com, an educational website covering environmental, scientific and other issues; CNN.com, a news service; Amazon.com, an online store originally just for books but now selling a broad range of consumer products; Thegreenshoppingguide.co.uk, a free guide to living ethically; Math.com, a website that provides help to people studying mathematics; eltforum.com, a place where teachers of English as a foreign language can exchange ideas; Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia. Website analytics is the study of website traffic to establish how a website is being used. It is especially important to organizations that want to find out how visitors navigate their websites and which parts of the website they are particularly interested in. Also of interest is the number of hits, meaning visits, a website receives. Reference is also made to meta tags, which are special tags – normally hidden from a visitor to a site – that contain information about the content of web pages and are used by search engines to provide search results. The focus is on getting students to use the appropriate verbs to describe website purpose and their own use of websites for professional and personal reasons.
Website development.
Website development, in the sense of continuously building an effective online project, is crucial to good results. Unfortunately, many people start website creation enthusiastically, but after a few months may not update the content as often or make the necessary changes that will develop the site into pulling the best Internet traffic possible. Regularly creating pages and changing content to attract target viewers can mean a successful Internet project. Other tips include building a site around the right keywords and avoiding too many ads, especially ones that can annoy viewers. Just as print and television media must keep the readers' or viewers' desires and needs in mind to get the highest ratings as they publish or broadcast their content, so must website developers. Of course, in the case of website development, it's about getting the highest search engine rankings to be properly noticed by viewers. The best tip for website planning is to build the content around keywords for which the target viewer is searching. Although this research is, or should be, obvious, some website creators still don't spend enough time on keyword analysis in the planning as well as the development stages. Once the most searched for keywords that relate to the website's topic are used, the resulting search engine page rankings and web traffic should be tracked for analysis. Pages that aren't well-ranked, or aren't bringing in as much traffic, should be redone; this is one of the best tips for effective website development. If pages are working well, there's no need to change them, but if they aren't bringing in the desired traffic, redoing the keywords and rethinking the content can help turn bad web pages into good ones.
Even today, with all of the knowledge about how important good website content is, there are still sites that turn away viewers by having poorly executed pages. Every single page on a website should provide the viewer with meaningful, useful content. The best tip for effective website development of every page is for the creator to try and do everything from the viewpoint of what the readers would hope to see. For example, studies have shown that flashy graphics, especially those that take a long time to load, can disinterest viewers and even turn them away from reading the rest of the website. Another thing proven to turn off viewers is too many ads. Effective website development means including ads of interest to the target viewers, but no more than one-fourth of the page should be advertising, which leaves three-fourths worth of useful, meaningful content. The style and colors of the content should be easy to read in concise, organized paragraphs. Pop-up windows that interfere with the text can be annoying rather than welcoming to viewers.
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