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What is a Network Administrator?

Network administrators are professionals who are charged with the responsibility of maintaining a computer network. The administrator will oversee the installation and updates to any software as well as install and maintain any hardware needed to operate the network. It is not unusual for a network administrator to be consulted when upgrades in hardware or software are required to create a new network or enhance an existing one.

The typical computer network administrator will possess some type of higher degree connected with Information Systems and Computer Science. In addition, the administrator is often trained on the function of specific hardware or software that is included as part of the network. This makes it possible for the network admin to quickly master any new additions to the network or even build a network from scratch.

In order to carry out his or her responsibilities, the network administrator will have master access credentials that allow the admin to interact with any function within the system. This means network admins can handle processes such as the creation of network addresses, the assignment of routing protocols, configure routing tables, and establish any type of security measures necessary to protect the network. Typically, the credentials of the network administrator override all other access privileges enjoyed by others in the organization, allowing the admin to troubleshoot when there is a need to monitor activity of a specific user or change access protocols for any reason.

Many companies choose to hire an in-house network administrator. This can be helpful when the size and function of the company require someone to be on site to handle hardware and software installations, run diagnostics, assign privileges and in general maintain the network. The administrator is also able to provide input on the purchase of new hardware or software, making recommendations for products that will enhance the productivity of employees. In some cases, the administrator may also be called upon to modify the configuration of software in order to adapt it to the specific applications needed by the company.

Smaller businesses may choose to outsource network administration functions. Today, it is not uncommon for an Information Systems professional to provide administrator services to a number of clients. While not on site, the service provider can be called upon when there is the need to alter the network in some manner, deal with performance issues, or assign new access credentials to new employees. With this type of outsourcing service, the client normally pays the network administrator a fixed monthly fee for covered services, with provisions for additional fees when specialized projects are required.

What Are the Different System Administrator Jobs?


What is a Network Administrator? (продолжение)


System administrator jobs include a number of different functions. There are also related career opportunities that a person interested in working in this area may want to consider. Other than working as a systems administrator, they may want to learn more about the duties performed by a network administrator, a database administrator, and a web administrator.

The system administrator is a person with a good understanding of how computer operating systems work. He must also be well-versed in computer hardware and software applications. People working in system administrator jobs must also have good troubleshooting skills, since part of their job description is to diagnose problems and correct them. Being able to work well under pressure is another important trait, since no business can afford to have its computer system down for any length of time without productivity being affected.

A person who is working as a network administrator focuses their attention on the company's Local Area Network (LAN). They are responsible for setting up and installing the LAN. Once it's up and running, the network administrator also looks after making sure that it remains functional by performing regular maintenance checks on the LAN.

The network administrator is also responsible for investigating any problems that users are having with the LAN. He or she analyzes the situation and implements a solution. Good communication skills are also required, since the network administrator is also responsible for conducting training sessions so that new employees can work with it effectively. Follow-up sessions for existing employees are also conducted by the network administrator to ensure that all staff is using the technology effectively.

People who are looking for system administrator jobs may want to consider becoming a database administrator. This professional is responsible for taking the information that an organization collects and devising a way to organize and store it. The database administrator may also be involved in backing up the data or in implementing security measures.

Another example of a career choice related to system administrator jobs is that of web administrator. The person who works in this capacity is responsible for ensuring that a company web site is functioning properly. They also look after connectivity issues between the company web site and its network. The web administrator also monitors the company's e-mail functions. Making sure that firewalls are functioning properly is another part of the web administrator's job description.




Security solutions

Information Security.

Information security is the process of protecting the availability, privacy, and integrity of data. While the term often describes measures and methods of increasing computer security, it also refers to the protection of any type of important data, such as personal diaries or the classified plot details of an upcoming book. Nosecurity system is foolproof, but taking basic and practical steps to protect data is critical for good information security.


Password Protection


Using passwords is one of the most basic methods of improving information security. This measure reduces the number of people who have easy access to the information, since only those with approved codes can reach it. Unfortunately, passwords are not foolproof, and hacking programs can run through millions of possible codes in just seconds. Passwords can also be breached through carelessness, such as by leaving a public computer logged into an account or using a too simple code, like "password" or "1234."

To make access as secure as possible, users should create passwords that use a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, and avoid easily guessed combinations such as birthdays or family names. People should not write down passwords on papers left near the computer, and should use different passwords for each account. For better security, a computer user may want to consider switching to a new password every few months.



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