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Текст 5


" I don't want to sit next to Ann, she's ugly". " Don't touch Carol's pen. You might get a disease. "

" God, her laugh is so annoying, man. Let's beat her up after school... "

Sounds like a scene from a film, doesn't it?

Bullying is a serious problem in many coun­tries. In the UK, for example, 8 out of every 10 children are bullied at some time. About ten young people commit suicide every year because they're victims of bullying.

Bullying often starts when people pick on something that's different. It could be how big you are, or how thin you are, the way you look or the way you dress... Sometimes bullies don't even need a reason — they make one up.

" If someone takes a dislike to you, they make your life hell. It doesn't matter if you're fat or thin, pretty or ugly, " says a 13-year-old Russian pupil.

Bullies rely on three things: that no one tells, that no one stands up for you and that no one steps in if you seek help.

" The bullies say if you tell on them, they'll beat you up, " one pupil said. " I can't talk to my mum and dad, " explains another. " They won't understand. " A third said, " I don't want to tell a teacher. I'm afraid it'll make things worse. "

Bullying can take many forms — from phys­ical violence to name calling and spreading nasty rumours. Parents and teachers often think that bullies are kids who hit, kick and pinch. But bullies who don't flex their muscles are often more dangerous. This breed of bully is a social sniper who attacks by spreading rumours, calling names and making insult­ing remarks. What is worse, this kind of bully­ing is so subtle that it sometimes goes on under­ground — teachers and parents can't always see it happening. Quite often, this bully can even hide behind the guise of Little Girl Good. And anybody can be her next victim. Even you.

Knowing what to do if you are the victim of bullying is difficult. Most victims feel very iso­lated. They usually don't even want to admit that they are being bullied. So finding a solution to the problem isn't easy. It's important to know why people become bullies. Bullies are nearly always cowards. They get satisfaction from hurting people who are usually weaker than they are. They are often jealous of their victims or something the victims can do well. This is because they either have problems of their own or an extremely low opinion of themselves. Perhaps they are the victims of bullying by their parents or their brothers and sisters. Another sign of cowardice is the fact that they usually bully in gangs.

The golden rule if you are being bullied is: TELL, TELL, TELL! Talk to someone you can trust, a teacher, parent, older friend or relative. Keeping things secret is the bullies' biggest weapon against you. That is why they go to so much trouble to try to stop you telling.

Be persistent. If the first person you talk to ignores you, don't give up, speak to someone else.

Don't give your bullies the satisfaction of a reaction. You don't want them to know it both­ers you. They make fun of your shoes? Thank them for the compliment and walk away confi­dently.

Don't be an easy target. There's one thing we want you to fake — just for a while. Walk with an air of confidence and pretend you are in control. Head high, shoulders back, and act as if you are not at all hurt. Eventually, the bullies might believe it and lose interest. And you'll get so used to being this way that it'll be second nature.

Don't believe the lies that the bullies tell about you. Keep telling yourself there's nothing wrong with you, that they are the ones with the problem — because they are.

Stand up for other students. If you see some­one being bullied, pluck up your courage to say, " Hey! Leave that kid alone! " If you're too afraid this will put you in the hot seat, talk privately to an adult about the problem.

Finally, if you are being bullied you're not alone. Napoleon, Churchill, Madonna, Ronan Keating, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Boy George were all bullied while at school!

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are the reasons for bullying?

2. Name the forms of bullying.

3. Why do people become bullies?

4. What are the golden rules for those being bullied?


Текст 6

Was I a bully, too?

Dear Dan,

My brother Sam and I moved to a secondary school a year ago. And I
hated it because it took us ages to make new friends. Some kids at our School are quite posh, but that doesn't mean that they're nice! For about
six months my brother Sam had loads of problems. I tried to protect him, but I don't know if I did the right thing. (1) Let me explain...   

Some kids teased Sam. (2) A boy called Jake, who was older than Sam, was the worst bully. Sometimes, he and his mates would shove Sam in the corridors or throw his bag on the floor. Anyway, one day last month Sam and his friends were standing in a queue in the school canteen. Jake sometimes expects younger kids to give up their place in the queue or hand over some of their dinner money. That day Jake marched up to Sam and his friends and demanded 50p. If you don't give us the money, I'll get you after school. ' I saw what was happening. (3) I felt responsible for my brother, so I pushed Jake out of the way. Unfortunately, he fell and banged his head on the wall with a revolting thump. Jake hasn't bothered Sam since that day, but sometimes I feel guilty. (4) Do you think I was a bully, too?


Dear Mike,

If I were you, I'd forget about this and carry on with your life as usual. If you fight back once, it doesn't make you a bully I'm sure you'll agree. (5) To be honest, I disapprove of using violence to deal with bullies.


f the bullies fought back, you would get hurt. Also, you would get into
trouble. Bullies often get bored if you don't react, and they will usually
stop if you laugh at them. (6) It's impossible for adults to help you
unless they know about it, so try to tell a friend, a parent or a teacher about
any bullying. Most bullying is not illegal, but it is very unfair and by law schools should protect you. Don't forget that bullies may have problems, too. Some are immature and others bully if they feel insecure, so they might need help, too. Everyone deals with things differently, but the important lesson is the one you and your brother learned; if you believe in yourself, the bullies will soon leave you alone, Good luck! Dan



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