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10. Выполните задание. 12. Расставьте параграфы в правильном порядке. Problems with your teenage children?. Выберите наиболее точное краткое содержание статьи A, B, or C.

10. Выполните задание.

Describe yourself as a teenager. What did you like to do? What didn’t you like to do?


11. Прочитайте предложения и вставьте подходящие по смыслу глаголы.

changes cleaned does (x2) leaves makes take tidies

Parents of teenagers wrote in to tell us what drives them mad.

Here are some of the top 'hates'.

1 He never … his bed. If I make it, I find strange things in it like dirty socks, CDs without their boxes...

2 He never… his room - it's always a mess. The floor is covered with empty Coke cans, more dirty socks...

3 She…wet towels on the bathroom floor and doesn't pick them up.

4 She walks around the house eating food without a plate, usually just after I've… the floor. She then says 'Sorry' with an angelic smile.

5 He has breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home, but he never… the washing up.

6 When she comes into the living room she always…the channel on the TV — usually when I'm watching my favourite programme.

7 We bought a dog for him, because he promised to…it for a walk every day. Guess who always does it?

8 She always…her homework at the last minute - usually late on Sunday night. This means she needs the Internet just when her sister is 'chatting' with her friends.

Что является проблемой у вас дома и почему?



the TV / computer      

the bath room

pets (e. g. a dog)



12. Расставьте параграфы в правильном порядке.

Problems with your teenage children?

Why not throw them out?


1. What did the Serrano's boys do? In fact they didn't go very far from home. The oldest boy David went to live with his girlfriend and has just started work in her father's construction company. The youngest son has rented a flat near the family home (his mother paid the first month's rent only).


2. So Maria and Mariano asked their sons to leave the family home in Zaraguza in Spain, but the two boys didn't want to go. Then Mr and Mrs Serrano took an unusual decision - they went to court.


3. Do you have rude and moody teenage children living in your house? Have you ever secretly wanted to throw them out? A Spanish couple Mr and Mrs Serrano, from Zaragoza in Spain, have done exactly that.


4. Maria and her husband Mariano lived with their two sons. David, 20 and Mariano, 18. The situation was impossible. ' said Maria. ‘We were always arguing, our children were treating our house like a hotel, and thеу weren't contributing anything. Also they weren’t studying or looking for work. They were complaining all the lime and insulting us. They didn't respect us. I love my children, but in the end it was ruining our lives. '


5. Normally, under Spanish law parents do not have the right to make their children leave home. But in this case the Judge decided that the situation in the Serrano family was 'Intolerable'. He gave Mr and Mrs Serrano the right to tell t heir children to go.


Ответьте на вопросы:

1 At what age do young people usually leave home in your country?

2 What do you think is the right age for a young person to leave home? Why?

3 Do you think Mr and Mrs Serrano were right or wrong? Why? Do you think the story has a happy ending?


Выберите наиболее точное краткое содержание статьи A, B, or C.

A Mr and Mrs Serrano argued with their children. The children decided to leave home.

В Mr and Mrs Serrano argued a lot. Their children were unhappy so they left home,

С Mr and Mrs Serrano argued with their children a lot, They told their children to leave home.


1. 5. MEALS


dining-room столовая
canteen     столовая
bar     бар
coffee shop  кофейня
snack bar      закусочная
café            кафе
restaurant ресторан
appetizer (starter)    закуска
to have dinner (breakfast, lunch, supper) обедать (завтракать, принимать ланч, ужинать)  
brunch  завтрак и ланч как единый прием пищи
to have a snack перекусить
to have a bite перекусить
waiter (waitress) официант (официантка)
dish       блюдо
first (second) course первое (второе) блюдо
buffet   буфет
refreshment-room  буфет (на вокзале, в театре)
dessert    десерт
bill        счет
to pay the bill оплатить счет
tip   чаевые
to help oneself to smth.   угощаться чем-либо
substantial (square) meal плотная еда
sweet  сладкий
to have a sweet tooth быть сладкоежкой
bitter    горький            
sour      кислый
salty     соленый
stale     черствый
well-cooked хорошо приготовленный
peel (potatoes, onions) чистить (картофель, лук)
roast    жарить
overdone (underdone, rare well done) meat пережаренное (недожаренное, с        кровью, хорошо приготовленное мясо)                                                          
cabbage soup щи                             
beetroot soup борщ
noodle soup суп-лапша
rice soup рисовый суп
broth (stock)  бульон
pie    пирог
potatoes (fried, boiled, mashed) картофель (жареный, отварной, пюре)
stewed тушеный
pancakes  блины, оладьи
jam  варенье, джем
I am full (up) я сыт
potatoes in jackets картошка в «мундире»

Meat and Fish

beef  говядина
beefsteak бифштекс
roast beef  ростбиф
pork  свинина
mutton (lamb) баранина
veal   телятина
liver   печень
rump-steak  ромштекс
chop  отбивная котлета
cutlet  рубленая котлета
sausage колбаса (вареная), сосиска
bacon бекон
ham   ветчина
poultry  птица
chicken    цыпленок, курица
duck  утка
goose  гусь
turkey  индейка
rabbit   кролик
herring селедка
salmon лосось, семга (амер. горбуша)
trout    форель
crab краб
lobster  омар
oyster  устрица
shrimp  креветка

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