27. Выберите подходящее вопросительное слово.
27. Выберите подходящее вопросительное слово. Joanna and Tommy are grocery shopping. Joanna: _________is my shopping list? Oh, here it is. _____do you want for
dinner tonight? Tommy: Let's have spaghetti. Joanna: That sounds really good. _____don't you go to the bakery and pick up
some French bread? I'll get the spaghetti and sauce. Tommy: _____________ loaves should I buy?
Joanna: Buy two. I love French bread and I know you do, too. Tommy: When can we eat? I am starved. Joanna: It will only take about half an hour to prepare the spaghetti and sauce. ________ type of salad should we have?
Tommy: Green salad is fine. By the way, ______is the breakfast food aisle?
We need cereal.
28. Выберите подходящую глагольную форму. My name is Hilda. My husband's name ____Alfred. Every day I ____ dinner.
Every day Alfred _____breakfast and cleans the yard. I _____vegetables, and Alfred likes meat.
When we ______ lunch together, Alfred _______ the tomatoes and lettuce and I _______them.
Then Alfred ______ the onions and hamburgers. After that, I _______ the hamburgers on the
buns and add the tomatoes. When Alfred __________ his hamburger, he ___________,
" It ________ delicious! "
29. Расставьте слова по порядку так, чтобы получилось предложение. 1. have dinner? you do When __________________________________________ 2. than sweets I eat week. a once less __________________________________________ 3. do How fruits? often eat you __________________________________________ 4. Carbohydrates energy. you give __________________________________________ 5. Fats make strong. you __________________________________________ 6. blood. clean your Fibres __________________________________________ 7. your Water important blood. is for __________________________________________ 8. and strong. your make Minerals teeth bones __________________________________________ 9. the and for hair, your important eyes, your bones are of parts for body. skin, your Vitamins other your __________________________________________
10. you energy. helps Protein and grow to you gives __________________________________________ 30. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. In the snack bar of the student union, David and Rita are ordering lunch. 1. _____talk to the cook at the grill.
David: 2. _____ you have regular hamburgers today?
Cook: No, we 3. _____. We only 4. ____ the quarter pounders left.
David: I don't want such a big burger. 5. ___'ll have a fish sandwich.
Rita: But I do. I'll have a quarter pounder. 6. _____ it come with onions?
Cook: Yes, 7. _____ does. Do you also 8. _____tomatoes on your sandwich?
Rita: Yes, I 9. _______, but he 10. ____________________tomatoes.
Cook (to David): Do you just want lettuce? David: No, I11. ___________. 12. ______________ mayonnaise?
Cook: Yes, we do. Do you both want mayonnaise? David and Rita: Yes, we do, but we don't want very much. Thank you.
31. Решите кроссворд.
32. Переведите на английский выделенные слова There are four приема пищи a day in an English home: завтрак, обед, чай и ужин. Завтрак is the first прием пищи of the day. It is at about 8 o'clock in the morning, and consists of каши with молоком and солью или сахаром, яиц – вареных или жареных, хлеба и масла with вареньем. Some people like to drink чай, but others prefer кофе. Instead of каши they may have сок, or they may prefer печенье. The usual time for обеда is 1 o'clock. It starts with супа или сока. Then follows some мясо or poultry with картошкой – вареной или жареной. Then a pudding comes. Instead of the pudding they may prefer сыр или печенье. Last of all кофе – black or white. Englishmen often drink something at обедом. Вода is usually on the table. Some prefer сок or lemonade. Чай is the third прием пищи of the day. It is between 4 or 5 o'clock, the so-called 5 o'clock чай. On the table there is чай, молоко, сливки, сахар, хлеб и масло, пироги и варенье. Ужин is the fourth прием пищи of the day. The usual time is about 7 o'clock, and all the members of the family sit down together. Ужин usually consists of супа, рыбы или мяса with овощами, sweet pudding, фруктового салата, мороженого, сыра и печенья. Then after a talk they have black or white кофе. 33. Выберите подходящее слово или словосочетание.
1. I don't fancy cooking tonight. Let's eat …. 2. Good evening. Would you like to see the…, sir? 3. I think I'll have the soup to… with. 4. Are you ready to …? 5. No … for me, thanks - I'll just have the pizza. 6. For… I'd like some ice-cream, please. 7. Waiter, could we have the…, please? 8. It was a wonderful meal. I think we should leave the waiter a ….
34. Согласитесь или не согласитесь с данными утверждениями. 1. Eating carrots is good for the eyes. 2. Fish is good for the brain. 3. Eating cheese at night makes you dream. 4. Garlic stops you getting colds. 5. Drinking coffee stops you sleeping. 6. Yoghurt makes you healthy. 7. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 8. A hot milky drink helps you go to sleep. 9. A cup of tea revives you. 10. Guinness is good for you. 11. Crusty bread makes your hair curl. 12. Brown eggs taste better than white ones.
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