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44. исправьте одну ошибку в каждом диалоге. Расставьте диалоги в правильном порядке.

44. исправьте одну ошибку в каждом диалоге. Расставьте диалоги в правильном порядке.


a Certainly. This way, please.

b Good evening.

с Good evening. A table two for, please.

a. Of course. Here are you.

b. Mmm. Can we have a bottle of house red?

c. Could I see the wine menu, please?

a Can I pay by credit card?

b Excuse me! Can I the bill, please?

с That's £ 20.

a Non-smoke, please.

b Smoking or non-smoking?

с This way, please.

a Would you like order?

b Of course. And to drink?

с Yes. Can I have the mushroom pizza?


45. Прочитайте статью.

Potatoes are an important part of a balanced diet

(1) and they grow in many countries around the world.

(2) in Russia, Poland and Germany where each person eats over 150kg every year!

(3) from South America. In the 16th Century Spanish explorers brought the potato back with them to Europe.

(4), but only about 100 varieties that you can usually buy. They are easy to cook. For example, simply put a potato in the oven, cook for about an hour, cut it open and add some butter and cheese for a delicious meal.

(5) as they help make the soup thick.

(6) as you can cook them and then eat them cold. So, next time you are hungry and you are thinking about what to eat - well, why not try a potato?


  Вставьте в текст фразы a-f.  

Соотнесите слова 1-5 с их значениями a-e.

a They are also perfect for salads varieties a first
b Now there are about 3, 000 different kinds of potato originally b different types
с Potatoes are very popular explorer с good choice and variety of food
d There are many different varieties delicious d person who goes to new places
e They are good in soups balanced diet e nice taste
f Potatoes originally came




shopping mall торговый центр
sale Распродажа
to be on sale (товар) на распродаже
cash деньги, наличные деньги
check-out касса в магазине самообслуживания
counter Прилавок
trolley/ cart тележка для товаров
That's not quite what I'm looking for Это не совсем то, что я ищу
You are hard to please Вам трудно угодить
What are the store hours? Как работает магазин?
Fitting room  Примерочная
To try on примерить
To match, to go with сочетаться, гармонировать
 Label ярлык
To afford to buy smth. позволить себе купить что-либо
loose (wide) просторный, широкий
tight  узкий
What size is it? Какой это размер?
These shoes are tight for me Эти туфли мне малы
To haggle торговаться

Names of the shops.

bookshop (bookseller’s) книжный магазин
supermarket супермаркет
baker's булочная
French loaf батон
Scone ячменная или пшеничная лепешка
 butcher's мясной
dairy молочный
fishmonger's рыбный магазин
grocer's. бакалея
confectioner's  кондитерская
shoe shop (footwear) обувной магазин
boots ботинки
high furlined boots сапоги на меху
sandals босоножки
slippers комнатные туфли, тапочки
jeweller's ювелирный магазин
optician оптика
tobacconist's магазин табачных изделий

At the Department Store

Ladies’ Clothes женская одежда
Suit костюм
Jacket жакет
cardigan кардиган
jumper джемпер
blouse блузка
dress платье
woolen, silk, print dress шерстяное, шелковое, ситцевое платье
long (short) sleeve длинный (короткий) рукав
sleeveless без рукавов
skirt юбка

Men’s Clothes

Overcoat пальто
rain-coat дождевик
jacket (coat) жакет, пиджак
trousers (pants) брюки
shirt рубашка
pullover пуловер
socks носки
tie галстук
shoes туфли
belt ремень, пояс
pyjamas пижама
shorts  шорты
hat шляпа
cap кепка, шапка

Haberdashery                    галантерейный отдел (магазин)

Needle игла
Pin булавка
Button пуговица
Gloves перчатки
Mittens варежки
scarf шарф
sports fashion спортивные товары
chemist's аптека
furniture shop мебельный магазин
florist's цветочный
newsagent's магазин периодических изданий
stationer's магазин канцелярских товаров
toy shop магазин игрушек
hairdresser's женская парикмахерская
china shop магазин «Фарфор, фаянс, стекло»
greengrocer's овощной магазин
perfumery and cosmetics парфюмерия и косметика


Полезные фразы

Finding a Shop Opening Hours
Questions Can you recommend a good toy/clothes shop? Is there a chemists/supermarket in the area? Where can I get toothpaste/pet food? Where's the nearest shopping centre? Answers/Comments There's a really good bookshop just around the corner. You can buy that here in the hotel. The best toy shop is in the shopping centre. The nearest one is a few miles away. Questions What time do you open, please? What time do you close, please? What are your opening hours? Are you open all day? Are you open on Sundays? Answers/Comments We're open 24/7. (24 hours a day / 7 days a week) We're closed at lunchtime, between 12 and 2pm. We're open from 9am till 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Shopping for Clothes Paying
Questions Could you help me, please? Could you tell me where the................ department is? Excuse me, I'm looking for a.......... Is there somewhere I can try this on, please? Does it suit me? Do you have this in a (larger/smaller size) (different colour), please? Do you do alterations? Do you have a refund policy? Is this in the sale? Answers/Comments It's too long / short. It's too tight / loose. The ladies / gents changing rooms are over there. You can bring it back and exchange it or get a refund within 2 weeks if you keep the receipt. Questions Do you take credit cards? Do you give credit? Do you have a loyalty card? Does it have a warranty? Can I pay by cheque? Do you offer a cash discount? Could I have a VAT receipt, please? Could I leave my bags here and pick them up later? Answers/Comments We take all the major credit cards. We only accept cheques with a cheque card. We are offering 6 months free credit with no deposit. Sorry, no. Yes, certainly.



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