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Выучите диалог и разыграйте его по ролям

Диалог 3

Выучите диалог и разыграйте его по ролям

A. I say!

B. Yes, what is it?

A. How far is Piccadilly Circus from here?

B. I think it's something like a mile. You can walk to it if you are not in a hurry.

A. Yes, I think I'd better walk. You see, it's my first visit to London, so I shall see the town.

B. Then you can go and see Trafalgar Square with the Nelson Column. It is worth seeing.

A. Oh yes, I know. It has a world-wide fame. How do I get there?

B, It's not far. Just walk straight on and take the first turning to the left.

A. Thank you very much. You are very kind.

B. Oh, no thanks at all.


Диалог 4

Выучите диалог и разыграйте его по ролям

A. Excuse me, sir.

B. Yes?

A. Is there a bus from here to Trafalgar Square?

B. Yes, sir. Any bus will take you there.

A. Thank you. And where is the bus stop?

B. Just across the street. Can you see that big building of grey stone with columns?

A. Yes.

B. Cross the street and you will be there.

A. Will it take me long to get to Trafalgar Square?

B. Oh no, it's quite near. It won't take you more than five minutes. Get off at the third stop.

A. Thank you very much.

B. You are welcome.

Диалог 5

Разыграйте диалог по ролям

Wally: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the city hospital?

Sally: Sure, the hospital is on Tenth Street, about 20 minutes away by foot. Go south on this street two blocks until you come to the stop light.

Wally: Go south two blocks to the stop light.

Sally: Correct, then, turn left and go three more blocks, until you come to the end of the road. A park will be in front of you.

Wally: Turn left and go for three blocks to the park.

Sally: Right, then turn right again and go seven blocks, to Lipton Avenue.

Wally: Turn right and go seven blocks to Lipton Avenue.

Sally: Next, turn left on Lipton Avenue and go two blocks. The hospital is on your left, across from the baseball stadium.

Wally: OK, let me see if I’ve got this straight. Go south on this street for two blocks to the stop light. Turn left at the light and go three blocks to the park. Turn right at the park and go seven blocks to Lipton Avenue. At Lipton Avenue turn right and…

Sally: No, turn left on Lipton Avenue.

Wally: OK, turn left on Lipton Avenue, the hospital is two blocks down, on my left.

Sally: You got it.

Wally: Thanks.


1. Вставьте предлоги в текст.


along down into out of over past through under up



2. Заполните пропуски в диалоге.

1 A Excuse me! Is_____ a chemist_____ here?

В Yes. It's over_____.

A Thanks.

2 A__ me! Is there a_____ near here?

В Yes. _____ Church Street. Take the first   _____    right. It's _____the music shop.

A Oh yes. Thanks.

3 A Excuse me! Is there a_____ near here?

В There's a Chinese one in Park Lane  ______ ______the bank, and there's an Italian one in Church Street next to the______ ______ .

A Is that one______?

В No. Just two minutes, that's all.

4 A Is there a post office near here?

В Go straight ahead, and it's_______ _____ _____left,   _____the pub.

A Thanks a lot.


Составьте диалоги. Спросите и ответьте, где находятся данные объекты.

• a bookshop

• a cinema

• a bank

• a phone box

• a public toilet

• a music shop

• a supermarket

• a bus stop

• a park

• a swimming pool

• a post box

• a pub


3. Пользуясь картой, заполните пропуски в диалоге.

1 A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the art gallery?

B: Of course. Go out of the station and…into Church Lane. Then turn right into Stowe Place and left  … the road. The art gallery is on the..  .

2 A: Excuse me, do… the way to the church?

B: Yes, it's easy. Leave the station and turn …Church Lane. The church is at the end of the road,

3. A: Excuse me, is there a hospital near here?

B: A hospital? Yes. Go out of the station and go straight…. Go across the bridge at the end of Station Road and …into Park Lane. The hospital is…

4. A: Excuse me, can you…to the swimming pool?

B: Yes. Leave the station and go on. Go along Station Road and go…the river into Grove Lane. Then…into the park. The swimming pool is in front of you.




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