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St differentiation of the English vocabulary.

The written language

Written speech takes place when there’s no interlocutor. It’s written for a possible reader. It’s prepared before and it’s monological. in written speech the time of forming thought and getting into are not simultaneous. The writer has as much time as he wishes to make his work. He can give more attention to the form of his ideas, thoughts, but when the writer unites them he has no such advantages which interlocutors have when they communicate directly. Intonation is missing, no voice, no mimique, no gestures. The situation itself must be explained by the writer, the place, the time, setting of the story must be thoroughly described.

The norm of the written language is a wholly developed non-elliptical sentence with all its members in their proper syntactical places. The written lang is basically diffused and explanatory. The WL abounds in such members of the sentences as attributes, adverbial modifiers, those members that qualify object in a situation and the situation itself. In the WL we find all kinds of absolute constructions. In the WL grammatical forms and phenomena may change their meaning to meet a literary acquirement (he stood on deck hands in pockets, pipe in mouth). The WL is that variety of the national lang which imposes certain rules on the use of words, word combinations, making up sentences. It’s more explanatory and more diffused than oral speech.



The notion of the norm.

In everyday explanation the norm is what is usually said or written. The norm is a sum of rules of what to choose among units of the lang and how to use these units. The notion of the norm is closely connected with the notion of the literary lang. the literary lang dictates what’s wrong and correct. The literary lang is that variety of the notional lang which imposes definite morphological, syntactical, lexical rules. The norm is established by the lang community at every given period of time. The norm is historically changeable. But it changes very slowly. The literary norm performs a very important social function. It’s the lang which functions in the sphere of science, education, law. The notion of the norm is connected with the notion of sublanguages. Units which belong to all sublangs or possible in every style are said to be neutral from the stylistic point of view. Units which are not neutral are said to be stylistically coloured. The stylistic colouring (connotation) is the knowledge about where to use this or that unit.


Stylistic connotations.

Stylistics must be engaged in the study of connotations (connotational meaning). The semantic structure of a word consists of its grammatical meaning (noun, v, adj), lexical meaning can be subdivided into denotative or a meaning which is linked to the logical concept and connotations (they tell about extralinguistic circumstances, the type of communicative situation (formal, informal, friendly) or participants of communication (well-mannered, educated…)). A word as a rule is characterized by the present of its denotative meaning but necessary connotations. It’s common to speak about emotive connotation (it’s a big lie that what it is) (he was a terrific whistler). The evaluative connotation charges the word with negative, positive, sarcastic meanings showing the speaker’s attitude to the object of speech. Some words have the semantic components in their structure (bad, nice, horrible, good…). (his crocodile smile), there’s a stylistic connotation which shows that the word belongs to a certain functional style or to a specific class of vocabulary. St connotations are immediately recognizable (archaisms). Good, nice, fine- swell, killing, wondrous. The words names qualifies and evaluates the micro and macro cosm of the surrounding world. The most essential feature of a word is that it expresses the concept of a thing. Concept is a logical category. It’s linguistic counterpart is meaning, meaning is the unity of generation, communication and thinking. Lexical meanings – denotational, the major one, informs of the subject of the communication, - connotational (informs about the participants, and the conditions of the communication).

The list and the specification of the connotational meaning differs with different ling schools and includes:

1 programic (directed at the perlocative effect)

2 associative (connected with physiological, individual or linguistic association)

3 ideological\conceptual (revealing political, social, ideological preferences of the user)

4 evaluative (estimating the value of the notion)

5 emotive (revealing the emotional layer)

6 expressive (aiming at creating the image of the object)

7 stylistic (indication the register or the situation of the communication)


St Differentiation of vocabulary.


The word stock of any lang can be divided into 3 groups different from each other by the sphere of its possible use.

1- Neutral words. Possess no st connotation, they’re suitable for any communicative situation.

They’re unrestricted in their use.

2- Literary layer of use. Serves to satisfy communicative demands of scientific, ethique messages. These words have no dialectical character.

3- Colloquial layer of words. Employed in non-official everyday communication. Their usage is associated with oral form of communication.

Literary and coll are divided into general bulks used by most native speakers in generalized literary (formal) and coll (informal) communication. The special bulks are subdivided into subgroups, each one serving a specified purpose.

Subgroups of literary words: terms (denoting objects, processes, phenomena of science), archaisms (denoting historical phenomena which are no more in use- vassal, yeoman. these are historical words used in poetry in the 17-19th centuries such as- steed- horse, woe- sorrow). In the course of lang history they were replaced by synonymic words- to deem-to think, nay-no. though wilt- you will. These are called archaic words proper. Barbarisms.- words of foreign origin which have not entirely been assimilated in English

Subgroup of the colloq. Slang - highly emotive and expressive and lose their originality rather fast and replaced by newer formations. Gargonisms. Are also substandard, expressive and emotive but unlike slang they are used by limited groups of people united either professionally or socially. Vulgarisms. Coarse word with a strong emotive meaning normally avoided in polite conversations. Dialectical words. Normative and devoid of any st meaning in original dialects. But use outside of them carries a strong flavor of the locality where they belong.


One of the essential characteristics of a term is its highly conventional character. A T is generally very easily coined(создавать) and accepted and this new coinage easily replaces outdated words. A T unlike other words directs the mind to the essential quality of the thing, phenomenon or action as seen by the scientist in the light of his or her conceptualization. Ts are much easily substituted by other terms than simple words by other words. Ts belong to the st of lang of science but they may appear in other styles. In literature their primary function is to create the necessary professional background of characters. Ts may create ironical, sarcastic, humorous connotations especially when they are used to describe everyday situations. With the increase of general education and the expansion of technique to satisfy the overgrowing needs and desires of mankind many words that were once Ts have lost their quality as Ts and have passed into the common literary or even neutral voc. This process is called determanization.



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