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The Problem of Colloquial Style

I.R.Galperin denies the existence of this functional style. He thinks that functional style can be singled out in the written variety of language. He defines the style as the result of a deliberate careful selection of language means which in their correlation constitute this style.

Prof. Maltzev thinks that style is a choice but this choice is very often done unconsciously, spontaneously. He thinks that the main aim of a functional style is to facilitate a communication in a certain sphere of discourse. But the rigid layouts of business and official letters practically exclude the possibility of deliberate, careful selection. One more example is the compression in the newspapers headlines where there is a tendency to abbreviate language units.

There’s a discrepancy in I.R.Galperin’s theory. One of the substyles of the publicistic style is oratory which is its oral subdivision. Y.M.Skrebnev gives the definition of bookish and colloquial styles. The bookish style is a style of a highly polished nature that reflects the norm of the national literary language. The bookish style may be used not only in the written speech but in oral, official talk.

Colloquial style is the type of speech which is used in a situation that allows certain deviations from the rigid pattern of literary speech used not only in a private conversation, but also in private correspondence. So the style is applicable both to the written and oral varieties of the language. The terms “colloquial” and “bookish” don’t exactly correspond to the oral and written forms of speech. Prof. Maltzev suggests terms “formal” and “informal” and states that colloquial style is the part of informal variety of English which is used orally in conversation.

The Belles-Lettres Style, its Substyles and its Peculiarities (I.R.Galperin):

The term “Belles-lettres” is generic for 3 substyles:

- poetry;

- emotive prose;

- drama;

The Belles-lettres style has its own specific function which is double –phoned. Besides, informing the reader, it impresses the reader aesthetically. Its function is aesthetic and cognitive, cognitive on the one hand and receiving pleasure on the other.

The language means of this functional style are:

1) Genuine (not trite) imagery.

2) Contextual (connotative meaning) prevailing over denotation.

3)  The individual choice of vocabulary which reflects the author’s personal evaluation;

4)  Lexical and syntactical idiosyncrasy. A peculiar individual selection of syntax and lexis;

5)  The introduction of elements of other styles.

6) Colloquial language (in drama).

The Language of Poetry. Its peculiarities are rhythm and rhyme. As a SD rhythm is a combination of the ideal metrical scheme and its variations governed by the standard. (Unit 1: Phonographic Level of stylistic analysis)

The Six-Quart Basket

The six-quart basket

One side gone

Half the handle torn off

Sits in the centre of the lawn

And slowly fills up

With the white fruits of the snow


Emotive prose. Emotive prose is a combination of literary and colloquial variants of the language, being presented by the speech of the characters which is stylized that means it has been made “literature like” and some elements of conversational English were made use of. Emotive prose allows the use of elements of other styles but the author changes them and fulfils a certain function. The substyle of emotive prose makes use of different EM and SD, represented speech, detached constructions, gap – sentence link, etc. (Unit 11. Types of narration)

The language of Drama is the language of plays mainly consisting of dialogues. The author’s speech is in the form of stage remarks. Any presentation of a play is an aesthetic procedure. The language of a play has the following peculiarities:

- It is stylized (retains the modus of literary English);

- It presents the variety of spoken language;

- It has redundancy of information caused by necessity to amplify the utterance;

- Monologues are never interrupted;

-characters’ utterances are much longer than in ordinary conversation.


The Publicist Style, its Substyles, and their Peculiarities

The Publicist Style treats certain political, social, economic, cultural problems. The aim of this style is to form public opinion, to convince the reader or the listener.     The publicist style has the features common with the style of the scientific prose and that of emotive prose, i.e.

1) Coherent and logical syntactical structure, with the expanded system of connectives;

2) Careful paragraphing;

 3) Emotional appeal is achieved by the use of words with emotive meaning;

4) The use of imagery and other SD in emotive prose:

5) It is also characterized by BREVITY of expression which becomes epigrammatic in essays.

Substyles: The oratory, essays, journalistic articles, radio and TV commentary.

 Oratory. It makes use of a great number of expressive means to arouse and keep the public’s interest: repetition, gradation, antithesis, rhetorical questions, emotive words, elements of colloquial speech.

Oratory and speeches

1. Direct address to the audience: Ladies and gentlemen! Dear friends!

2. The use of the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns: “ I have a dream today. I have a dream, that one day down in Alabama –I say to you, my friends, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.”

3. Contractions: We’ve got.

Parallelism, antithesis, climax, repetition (anaphora, epiphora, chain repetition). “ It is high time this people had recovered from the passions of the war. It is high time the people of the North and the South understood each other…”

Radio and TV commentary is less impersonal and more expressive and emotional. The journalistic articles are impersonal.


The Essay is a literary composition of moderate length on philosophical, social, aesthetic or literary subjects. It is characterized by personality in the treatment of the theme and naturalness of expression.

The most characteristic language features:

1. Brevity of expression, epigrammaticalness.

2. The use of the 1st person sg.

3. The extended use of connectives to facilitate the correlation of ideas.

4. The abundant use of emotive words.

5. The use of similes and metaphors. “ Oh, the conductors! When I was a boy, massive old Richter commanding the old massive Hale orchestra! … Why, my dear maestros, in spite of wars, bombs, taxes, rubbish and all, what a delight it has been to share this world and this age with you!”

The essay is very subjective and the most colloquial of the all substyles of the publicist style. It makes use of expressive means and tropes.


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