№ 1. Periodisation of the History of English (Расторгуева, с. 49 -55)
Date of the beginning of the period and corresponding
historical event
Date of the end of the
period and corresponding
historical event
Linguistic situation
Old English
Middle English
New English
№ 2. (Расторгуева, с.24 -33)
Proto-Indo-European languages
Old High German
(… c)
dead languages
(7 c) dates of earliest records
language variety in synchrony
development of the language in diachrony
№3. Linguistic Features of PG compared with other groups of PIE family
( Расторгуева, с.34-48; Резник, с.21-30)
Phenomena compared
Distinctive Features
PIE (except PG)
Parts of speech
1. Nouns
- inflectional system
- grammatical categories of case, number, gender
- morphological classification into declensions (not a grammatical category) depending on the stem suffix (основообразующий суффикс)
- 8 cases
- dual number
PG reduced the number of cases to 4 (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative)
2. Adjectives
- inflectional system
- grammatical categories of case, number, gender
adjective inflections were the same as the noun inflections
PG developed 2 distinct sets of inflections: for the strong and the weak declensions of the adjective
3. Pronouns
- grammatical categories of case, number, gender
4. Verbs
- inflectional system
- strong verbs which showed their grammatical form (tense) by means of ablaut (change of the vowel of their root)
- division into classes
- grammatical categories of tense, number and person
more complicated verb inflectional system
- PG simplified the system of inflections: only 2 tenses of the verb (the Present and the Past / Preterite)
- PG invented weak verbs which formed the past form by adding a dental suffix
1. Accent
great importance of accent
- great use of musical accent depending on musical pitch
- the stress was free and movable (could fall on any syllable)
- the force (expiratory, breath, dynamic) stress using acoustic loudness became predominant
- the stress was fixed on the 1st syllable, usually – the root of a word
- weakening, reduction and loss of unstressed vowels
2. Consonants
the bulk was stable
the 1st consonant shift was followed by Verner’s law
3. Vowels
- the length of vowels was phonemic making 1 word different from another
- ablaut – spontaneous and independent alteration – as a grammatical means
- strict differentiation, order and symmetry of long and short vowels
- Umlaut (mutation) – positionally dependent alteration
- appearance of diphthongs
- common words (roots) concerning natural phenomena, plants and animals, terms of kinship, basic activities of men, some pronouns and numerals
- the same word-building means
- unique vocabulary items belonging to basic sphere of life: nature, sea, home life (house, land, drink, sea, wisdom)
- PG borrowed many words from neighbouring people (the Celts, the Romans) to do with warfare and trade
Latin alphabet (although oral communication)
runic script Futhark [‘fu: ark] (from the 1st letters of the earliest known alphabet)
№ 4. OE Alphabet (“Insular Writing”)
The names
of the letters
thorn (шип)
Between a vowel and a sonorant:
In other cases:
wynn (“joy”)
In all cases:
cen (“torch”) > [se:]
Before front vowels (e, e, i, y):
In other cases:
yogh (“yoke”)
Next to front vowels:
Between back vowels (a, o, u):
After r
Initially before back vowels:
After consonants (except r)
- emergence of some new phonemes (y, ỹ, ie, īe) due to Mutation
- the set of short diphthongs;
- an exact parallelism between long and short vowels, both monophthongs and diphthongs;
- the length of the vowels was phonemic (length differentiated between 2 words differing only in the length of the vowel);
- all the diphthongs were falling with the 1st element stronger than the 2nd;
- shortening of long final vowels, dropping of short final vowels;
- under stress any vowel could be found, in an unstressed position there were no diphthongs of long monophthongs but only 5 short monophtongs (i, e, u, o, a)
- Monophth. – diphth.
- Short monopth. – long monophth.
- Short diphth. – long diphth.
- front vowels (i, e, æ, y) – back vowels (a, o, u)
- a set of geminates (long consonants) due to the process of germination (doubling)
- phonemic opposition of short and long consonants
- the absence of voice fricatives (ð, v, z), they were allophones of the voiceless fricatives (f, θ, s, x)