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Список использованных библиографических источников

1. Brett, C.M.A. Electrochemical sensors for environmental monitoring. Strategy and examples / C.M.A. Brett // Pure Appl.Chem.- 2001.- V.73.- №12.- P.1969-1977.

2. Петрухин, О.М. Сенсоры в аналитической химии / О.М.Петрухин, О.О.Максименко // Росс.хим.ж. (Ж. Рос. хим. об-ва им. Д.И.Менделеева).- 2008.- Т.L2, №2.

3. Pretsch, E. The new wave of ion-selective electrodes / E.Pretsch // Trends in Anal.Chem.- 2007.- V.26.- 31.- P.46-51.

4. Bakker, E. Modern Potentiometry / E.Bakker, E.Pretsch // Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl.- 2007.- V.46.- №30.- P. 5660 – 5668.

5. Bobacka, J. Potentiometric ion sensors / J.Bobacka, A.Ivaska, A.Lewenstam // Chemical Reviews.- 2008.- V.108.- P.329-351.

6. Janata, J. Potentiometric microsensors / J.Janata // Chemical Reviews.- 1990.- V.90.- P.691-703.

7. Tan, L. Molecular recognition and self-assembly of пилларарены / Li-Li Tan, Ying-Wei Yang.// J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem.- 2015.- V.81.-P.13-33.

8. Ogoshi, T., Kanai, S., Fujinami, S., Yamagishi, T., Nakamoto,Y.: Para-bridged symmetrical pillar[5]arenes: their Lewis acid catalyzed synthesis and host–guest property. J. Am. Chem. Soc.130, 5022–5023 (2008)

9. Xue, M., Yang, Y., Chi, X., Zhang, Z., Huang, F.: Pillararenes, a new class of macrocycles for supramolecular chemistry. Acc. Chem. Res. 45, 1294–1308 (2012)

10. Ogoshi, T., Yamagishi, T.: Pillar[5]- and pillar[6]arene-based supramolecular assemblies built by using their cavity-sizedependent host–guest interactions. Chem. Commun. 50, 4776–4787 (2014)

11. Zhang, H., Zhao, Y.: Pillararene-based assemblies: design principle, preparation and applications. Chem. Eur. J. 19, 16862–16879 (2013)

12. Cragg, P.J., Sharma, K.: Pillar[5]arenes: fascinating cyclophanes with a bright future. Chem. Soc. Rev. 41, 597–607 (2012)

13. Zhang, H., Liu, Z., Xin, F., Hao, A.: Synthesis and application of pillar[n]arene. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 32, 219–229 (2012)

14. Wang, K., Yang, Y.-W., Zhang, S.X.-A.: Research progress on the synthesis of pillar[n]arenes and their host–guest chemistry. Chem. J. Chin. Univ. 33, 1–13 (2012)

15. Ogoshi, T., Yamagishi, T.: Pillararenes: versatile synthetic receptors for supramolecular chemistry. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 15, 2961–2975 (2013)

16. Ogoshi, T.: Synthesis of novel pillar-shaped cavitands ‘‘Pillar[5]arenes’’ and their application for supramolecular materials. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem 72, 247–262 (2012)

17. Cao, D., Kou, Y., Liang, J., Chen, Z., Wang, L., Meier, H.: A facile and efficient preparation of pillararenes and a pillarquinone. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 9721–9723 (2009)

18. Tao, H.Q., Cao, D.R., Liu, L.Z., Kou, Y.H., Wang, L.Y., Meier, H.: Synthesis and host–guest properties of pillar[6]arenes. Sci. China Chem. 55, 223–228 (2012)

19. Chen, Y., Tao, H.Q., Kou, Y.H., Meier, H., Fu, J.L., Cao, D.R.: Synthesis of pillar[7]arene. Chin. Chem. Lett. 23, 509–511 (2012)

20. Ma, Y., Zhang, Z., Ji, X., Han, C., He, J., Abliz, Z., Chen, W., Huang, F.: Preparation of pillar[n]arenes by cyclooligomerization of 2,5-dialkoxybenzyl alcohols or 2,5-dialkoxybenzyl bromides. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 5331–5335 (2011)

21. Schneebeli, S.T., Cheng, C., Hartlieb, K.J., Strutt, N.L., Sarjeant, A.A., Stern, C.L., Stoddart, J.F.: Asararenes—a family of large aromatic macrocycles. Chem. Eur. J. 19, 3860–3868 (2013)

22. Ogoshi, T., Ueshima, N., Akutsu, T., Yamafuji, D., Furuta, T., Sakakibara, F., Yamagishi, T.: The template effect of solvents on high yield synthesis, co-cyclization of pillar[6]arenes and interconversion between pillar[5]- and pillar[6]arenes. Chem. Commun. 50, 5774–5777 (2014)

23. Ogoshi, T., Yamafuji, D., Kotera, D., Aoki, T., Fujinami, S., Yamagishi, T.: Clickable di- and tetrafunctionalized pillar[n]arenes (n = 5, 6) by oxidation–reduction of pillar[n]arene units. J. Org. Chem. 77, 11146–11152 (2012)

24. Holler, M., Allenbach, N., Sonet, J., Nierengarten, J.-F.: The high yielding synthesis of pillar[5]arenes under Friedel–Crafts conditions explained by dynamic covalent bond formation.Chem. Commun. 48, 2576–2578 (2012)

25. Sonawane, M.P., Jacobs, J., Thomas, J., Meervelt, L.V., Dehaen, W.: Synthesis and structural exploration of disulfide bridged [2n]pillararene-like molecules. Chem. Commun. 49, 6310–6312 (2013)

26. Kou, Y., Tao, H., Cao, D., Fu, Z., Schollmeyer, D., Meier, H.: Synthesis and conformational properties of nonsymmetric pillar[5]arenes and their acetonitrile inclusion compounds. Eur.J. Org. Chem. 33, 6464–6470 (2010)

27. Kou, Y., Cao, D., Tao, H., Wang, L., Liang, J., Chen, Z., Meier, H.: Synthesis and inclusion properties of pillar[n]arenes. J. Incl.Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 77, 279–289 (2013)

28. Liu, L., Cao, D., Jin, Y., Tao, H., Kou, Y., Meier, H.: Efficient synthesis of copillar[5]arenes and their host–guest properties with dibromoalkanes. Org. Biomol. Chem. 9, 7007–7010 (2011)

29. Strutt, N.L., Schneebeli, S.T., Stoddart, J.F.: Stereochemical inversion in difunctionalised pillar[5]arenes. Supramol. Chem. 25, 596–608 (2013)

30. Boinski, T., Szumna, A.: A facile, moisture-insensitive method for synthesis of pillar[5]arenes—the solvent templation by halogen bonds. Tetrahedron 68, 9419–9422 (2012)

31. Ogoshi, T., Umeda, K., Yamagishi, T., Nakamoto, Y.: Throughspace p-delocalized pillar[5]arene. Chem. Commun. 32, 4874–4876 (2009)

32. Ogoshi, T., Shiga, R., Hashizume, M., Yamagishi, T.: ‘‘Clickable’’ pillar[5]arenes. Chem. Commun. 47, 6927–6929 (2011)

33. Song, N., Chen, D.-X., Qiu, Y.-C., Yang, X.-Y., Xu, B., Tian, W., Yang, Y.-W.: Stimuli-responsive blue fluorescent supramolecular polymers based on a pillar[5]arene tetramer. Chem. Commun. 50, 8231–8234 (2014)

34. Wang, K., Tan, L.-L., Chen, D.-X., Song, N., Xi, G., Zhang, S.X.-A., Li, C., Yang, Y.-W.: One-pot synthesis of pillar[n]arenes catalyzed by a minimum amount of TfOH and a solution-phase mechanistic study. Org. Biomol. Chem. 10, 9405–9409 (2012)

35. Peerannawar, S.R., Gejji, S.P.: Theoretical investigations on vibrational spectra of pillar[5]arene–bis(pyridinium) complexes. Spectrochim. Acta A 104, 368–376 (2013)

36. Peerannawar, S.R., Gejji, S.P.: Molecular interactions between pillar[5]arene and bis(pyridinium) derivatives. Comput. Theor. Chem. 999, 169–178 (2012)

37. Li, C., Zhao, L., Li, J., Ding, X., Chen, S., Zhang, Q., Yu, Y.,Jia, X.: Self-assembly of [2]pseudorotaxanes based on pillar[5]arene and bis(imidazolium) cations. Chem. Commun. 46, 9016–9018 (2010)

38. Yu, G., Zhang, Z., Han, C., Xue, M., Zhou, Q., Huang, F.: A non-symmetric pillar[5]arene-based selective anion receptor for fluoride. Chem. Commun. 48, 2958–2960 (2012)

39. Sun, S., Hu, X.-Y., Chen, D., Shi, J., Dong, Y., Lin, C., Pan, Y., Wang, L.: Pillar[5]arene-based side-chain polypseudorotaxanes as an anion-responsive fluorescent sensor. Polym. Chem. 4, 2224–2229 (2013)

40. Sun, S., Shi, J.-B., Dong, Y.-P., Lin, C., Hu, X.-Y., Wang, L.-Y.: A pillar[5]arene-based side-chain pseudorotaxanes and polypseudorotaxanes as novel fluorescent sensors for the selective detection of halogen ions. Chin. Chem. Lett. 24, 987–992 (2013)

41. Zhou, S.-Y., Song, N., Liu, X.-S., Chen, D.-X., Jia, Q., Yang, Y.-W.: Separation and preconcentration of gold and palladium ions with a carboxylated pillar[5]arene derived sorbent prior to their determination by flow injection FAAS. Microchim. Acta (2014). doi:10.1007/s00604-014-1229-2

42. Fang, Y., Wu, L., Liao, J., Chen, L., Yang, Y., Liu, N., He, L., Zou, S., Feng, W., Yuan, L.: Pillar[5]arene-based phosphine oxides:novel ionophores for solvent extraction separation of f-block elements from acidic media. RSC Adv. 3, 12376–12383 (2013)

43. Wu, L., Fang, Y., Jia, Y., Yang, Y., Liao, J., Liu, N., Yang, X.,Feng, W., Ming, J., Yuan, L.: Pillar[5]arene-based diglycolamides for highly efficient separation of americium(III) and europium(III). Dalton Trans. 43, 3835–3838 (2014)

44. Ogoshi, T., Tanaka, S., Yamagishi, T., Nakamoto, Y.: Ionic liquid molecules (ILs) as novel guests for pillar[5]arene: 1:2 host–guest complexes between pillar[5]arene and ILs in organic media. Chem. Lett. 40, 96–98 (2011)

45. Ogoshi, T., Shiga, R., Yamagishi, T.: Reversibly tunable lower critical solution temperature utilizing host–guest complexation of pillar[5]arene with triethylene oxide substituents. J. Am.Chem. Soc. 134, 4577–4580 (2012)

46. Dong, S., Zheng, B., Yao, Y., Han, C., Yuan, J., Antonietti, M.,Huang, F.: LCST-type phase behavior induced by pillar[5]arene/ionic liquid host–guest complexation. Adv. Mater. 25, 6864–6867(2013)

47. Adiri, T., Marciano, D., Cohen, Y.: Potential 129Xe-NMR biosensors based on secondary and tertiary complexes of a watersoluble pillar[5]arene derivative. Chem. Commun. 49,7082–7084 (2013)

48. Kothur, R.R., Hall, J., Patel, B.A., Leong, C.L., Boutelle, M.G., Cragg, P.J.: A low pH sensor from an esterified pillar[5]arene. Chem. Commun. 50, 852–854 (2014)

49. Lao, K.-U., Yu, C.-H.: A computational study of unique properties of pillar[n]quinones: self-assembly to tubular structures and potential applications as electron acceptors and anion recognizers.J. Comput. Chem. 32, 2716–2726 (2011)

50. Han, C., Ma, F., Zhang, Z., Xia, B., Yu, Y., Huang, F.: DIBPillar[n]arenes (n = 5, 6): syntheses, X-ray crystal structures, and complexation with n-octyltriethyl ammonium hexafluorophosphate. Org. Lett. 12, 4360–4363 (2010)

51. Peerannawar, S.R., Gejji, S.P.: Electronic structure, molecular electrostatic potential and spectral characteristics of pillar[6]arene hosts and their complexes with n-octyltriethylammonium ions. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 8711–8722 (2012)

52. Han, C., Gao, L., Yu, G., Zhang, Z., Dong, S., Huang, F.: Synthesis of a difunctionalized pillar[6]arene and its complexation with an ammonium salt coupled to a weakly coordinating counteranion. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 2529–2532 (2013)

53. Li, C., Shu, X., Li, J., Fan, J., Chen, Z., Weng, L., Jia, X.: Selective and effective binding of pillar[5, 6]arenes toward secondary ammonium salts with a weakly coordinating counteranion. Org. Lett. 14, 4126–4129 (2012)

54. Ma, Y., Chi, X., Yan, X., Liu, J., Yao, Y., Chen, W., Huang, F., Hou, J.-L.: Per-hydroxylated pillar[6]arene: synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, and host–guest complexation. Org. Lett. 14, 1532–1535 (2012)

55. Chi, X., Xue, M., Ma, Y., Yan, X., Huang, F.: A pillar[6]arene with mono(ethylene oxide) substituents: synthesis and complexation with diquat. Chem. Commun. 49, 8175–8177 (2013)

56. Chen, W., Zhang, Y., Li, J., Lou, X., Yu, Y., Jia, X., Li, C.: Synthesis of a cationic water-soluble pillar[6]arene and its effective complexation towards naphthalenesulfonate guests. Chem. Commun. 49, 7956–7958 (2013)

57. Fan, J., Deng, H., Li, J., Jia, X., Li, C.: Charge–transfer inclusion complex formation of tropylium cation with pillar[6]arenes. Chem. Commun. 49, 6343–6345 (2013)

58. Xia, W., Hu, X.-Y., Chen, Y., Lin, C., Wang, L.: Anovel redox-responsive pillar[6]arene-based inclusion complex with a ferrocenium guest. Chem. Commun. 49, 5085–5087 (2013)

59. Ogoshi, T., Kida, K., Yamagishi, T.: Photoreversible switching of the lower critical solution temperature in a photoresponsive host–guest system of pillar[6]arene with triethylene oxide substituents and an azobenzene derivative. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 20146–20150 (2012)



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