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Answer the following questions.

1. Where is the USA situated? 2. What oceans wash the western and eastern coasts of the USA? 3. What countries border on the USA? 4. How many states are there in the USA? 5. What are the highest mountains in the USA? 6. What part of the USA embraces the region of the five Great Lakes? Name these lakes. 7. What are the main rivers of the USA? 8. How does the climate of the USA vary? 9. What is the population of the USA? 10. What is the capital of the USA? 11. What are the largest cities in the USA? 12. What is the USA rich in? 13. What branches of American industry are highly developed? 14. What is the flag of the USA called? 15. How many colours are there on the flag of the USA? What are they? 16. Why are there 50 stars on the flag of the USA? 17. How many stripes are there on the flag of the USA? Why? What colour are they? 18. What is the official national symbol of the USA? 19. What does the olive branch mean? 20. What do the arrows mean?


The political system of the USA

The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of 50 states and a federal district. The seat of the federal government is Washington D.C. The government of the USA acts according to the Constitution which was signed in 1787. According to the Constitution the USA is a republic. So, the officials of any rank are elected by US citizens. Every citizen has rights which can’t be violated.

The United States has a federalist system. There are 50 states in the USA. Each state has its own government and constitution. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government are divided into three branches. They are: the legislative, the executive and the judicial.

The legislative branch is represented by the US Congress, which is made up of two houses – the Senate (upper house) and the House of Representatives (lower house). The Congress meets in the Capitol in Washington D.C. The Congress's main function is to makelaws. There are 100 senators (two from each state since 1913) and 435 representatives. Senators are chosen for six years. But one-third is re-elected or retired every two years.

The number of representatives from each state depends on the size of the state's population. They serve two-year terms. The Chairman of the House of Representatives, the Speaker, is elected by the House and has important responsibilities, giving him considerable influence over the President.

The executive branch is headed by the President who is assisted by the Vice President. The executive branch administers the laws. The president of the USA is the head of the country. He enforces federal laws, serves as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. The Vice President acts as a chairman of the Senate, and in the event of the death of the President, assumes the presidency.

The President of the USA is chosen in nationwide elections every 4 years together with the Vice President. The President can’t be elected for more than two terms. He appoints the members of the Cabinet. The Cabinet advises the President on many matters and is composed of the heads often executive departments; Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Defense and others. The most important of them is the Secretary of State, who deals with foreign affairs.

The Vice-President of the USA is a president of the Senate. When the President receives a bill from the Congress, he must sign it, and then the bill becomes a law. However, if he disagrees with the bill, he can veto it. The President can also ask the Congress to declare war. He must do his job according to the Constitution, or he may be impeached.

The judicial branch is headed by the US Su­preme Court. The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. It has nine members. They are: chief justice and 8 associ­ate justices. They are appointed for life by the President and approved by the Senate. The ju­dicial branch interprets the laws and makes sure that new laws are in keeping with the Constitu­tion. The US Constitu­tion was written in 1787.

Each branch has certain controls over other branches. The US Congress makes laws, but the President can veto a law, and the Supreme Court can decide that the law is unconstitutional.

There are two main political parties in the USA. They are: the Democratic Party and the Republi­can Party. The Democratic Party is symbolized by a "donkey." The Republican Party is symbol­ized by an "elephant." There are no clear differ­ences between these parties. The Republicans are more conservative. They have more support among the upper classes. The Democrats are more liberal. They have more support among the work­ing class and the poor.


federal republic – федеральная республика

the seat of the government – местопребывание федерального правительства

according to the constitution – в соответствии с конституцией

official – государственный служащий, должностное лицо, чиновник

to elect – выбирать, избирать

citizen – гражданин

to have a right – иметь право

to violate – нарушать

state – штат

legislative branch – законодательная власть

executive branch – исполнительная власть

judicial branch – судебная власть

upper house – верхняя палата

lower house – нижняя палата

to make a law – издавать закон; составлять закон

senator – обычно

representative – член палаты представителей

to depend on – зависеть от

to serve – служить, работать, состоять на службе

term – срок, определённый период

chairman – председатель

speaker – спикер (в парламенте)

responsibility – ответственность; обязанность; обязательство

to head – возглавлять

to assist – помогать, содействовать, оказывать помощь

to administer the law – проводить в жизнь законы

to enforce a law – применять закон

commander-in-chief – (главно)командующий

armed forces – вооруженные силы, армия

to act as chairman – исполнять обязанности председателя

to assume the presidency – вступать в должность президента

elections – выборы

to deal with – иметь дело с кем-л., обсуждать что-л.

foreign affair – внешняя политика

to sign a bill – подписать законопроект

to disagree with – расходиться во взглядах, противоречить, не соглашаться

to veto a bill – налагать вето на законопроект

to declare war – объявить войну

to impeach – объявлять импичмент высшему должностному лицу

chief justice – главный судья; председатель Верховного суда США

associate justice – помощник судья

to appoint – назначать

to approve – одобрять, утверждать

to interpret a law – толковать закон

to make sure – убеждаться, удостовериться, обеспечить

be in keeping with smth. – согласовываться с чем-л., соответствовать чему-л.

to make a law – издавать закон; составлять закон

unconstitutional – неконституционный, противоречащий конституции

support – помощь; поддержка; опора


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