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Staff contract of employment

1. _________Surname NORTON Forename(s) CHARLES THOMAS

Date of Birth 25-5-1955

2. __________Your employer will be PUMA PRESS LTD (The Company) but the Company may, with your consent, second you to LION Limited or any subsidiary company of JAGUAR Limited (The Group) and may delegate any of its rights to any company to which you may be seconded.

3. _________Your appointment will be DIRECTOR

4. _________(a) This appointment dates from 1/1/2009

(b) Your employment with PUSSYCAT TEXTS counts as continuous employment with the Group. Your Group Service therefore began on June 1992.

5. __________Your salary will be at the rate of 61500 pounds per annum or such higher rate as the Company shall from time to time decide and it shall be payable calendar monthly/weekly in arrears.

6. _________You will observe the normal attendance hours of the Company applicable to the location in which you are working. Unless expressly agreed on the contrary, you will not be entitled to additional payment for hours-worked in excess of normal.

7. __________In addition to the 9 statutory public holidays, you will be entitled to 25 days basic annual holidays, or to any longer period which may be appropriate in accordance with the provisions relating to holidays as shown in the statement of Staff General Conditions of Employment. The holiday year for the Company is 1 JAN - 31 DEC.

8. __________If you are absent from work through sickness or injury during the first

12 months continuous employment, sick pay will be paid at the Company's discretion. After that you will receive full pay for 12 months and half pay for 6 months in any period of 24 consecutive months subject to the conditions shown in the statement of Staff Conditions of Employment.

9. __________It is a condition of employment that you should join the appropriate staff pension scheme when you become eligible. Details of the scheme are set out in the special booklet which you can obtain from the Company.

10. __________This contract is subject to termination by 6 weeks/months written notice (for such longer period as may be required by statute), given at the end of any week/month by either party to the other party, except that, until your employment within the Group has lasted for six months, it can be terminated by either party giving one month(s)/ 6 weeks notice in writing to the other party. It shall in any case automatically terminate when you reach the normal retirement age laid down by the Company for employees of your status.

11. _________If you have any complaints relating to your employment or conditions, or a disciplinary decision taken against you, you should discuss it with your immediate superior. Following that, if you are not satisfied you should take the next step in the Company's procedure, copies of which are attached / will beproduced upon application to the Company Secretary or Company Personnel Manager.

12. _________You are hereby offered employment on the above terms, this contract being in substitution for all previous understandings and Contracts of Employment, if any, between yourself and Limited or any of its subsidiary companies.

SIGNED……………. DATED…. 3/2/2009

on behalf of the Company

13. __________I confirm the Personal Details set out above and accept employment on the above terms.

SIGNED……..Charles T. Norton DATED…. 3/2/2009



Exercise 17

Role play

Job interview. Work in groups. Use the vocabulary and model questions.


promotion, work experience, medical insurance, vacation, bachelor/masters/doctor degree, references, salary wage housing, license, commissions, tips bonus, well-spoken, hardworking, discounts, training courses, dental insurance, creativity, report card/transcript, raise neat appearance/dress.

Model questions:

1. What kind of experience do you have?

2. What did you study in university?

3. Do you have any special skills?

4. What are your good points and bad points?

5. What is more important for you: status or money?

6. Why do you want to leave your present job?

7. Are you an ambitious person?

8. What would you like to be doing ten years from now?

9. What do you do in your spare time?

10. Describe your present job.

11. Describe your ideal boss.



Benefits and Qualifications:


A benefit is something you receive from a job A qualification is something you need to do a job.


Look at the following list of vocabulary items. Are they benefits of a job or qualifications for a job?

__________________ promotion __________________ work experience __________________ medical insurance __________________ vacation __________________ bachelor/masters/doctor degree __________________ references __________________ salary __________________ wage __________________ housing __________________ license __________________ commissions __________________ tips __________________ bonus __________________ being well-spoken __________________ being hardworking __________________ discount on goods __________________ training courses __________________ dental insurance __________________ creativity __________________ report card/transcript __________________ raise __________________ neat appearance/dress    



In a group, decide what the most important qualifications and benefits are?

Most Important Benefits Most Important Qualifications


Exercise 18

Grammar focus 9.


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