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Раздел 18 Социально-деловая сфера


S: Boss: “Do you see what I mean?”
Employee: “____________________________”

-: I don’t think so.

-: Yes, do, please.

-: Yes, and I don’t agree with you.

+: Yes, but I’m not sure I quite agree.



S: Director: “Do you get the idea?”
Vice-Director: “________________”

-+ Sorry, I’m not sure, I do.

-: Yes, do, please.

-: No, I don’t.

-: I don’t agree with it.



S: Manager: “His results are of no practical importance.”
Subordinate: “________________________”

-: You are quite right. I agree with you.

+: You see, we don’t need to carry out any tests of practical importance.

-: Really?

-: His results are the best.


S: Receptionist: “Welcome to the equipment exhibition. Where are you from?”
Participant: “______________________”

-: Thank you for invitation.

-: Thank you. The exhibition was useful. I’ve made a lot of contracts.

+: Thank you, I am from France.

-: The equipment is from Moscow.



S: Employee: “As far as I understand, it’s almost impossible to operate the production line so quickly.”
Manager: “___________________________”

-: I think you should give up this idea.

-: Yes, I get the ideal decision.

-: You have no right to get on with this job.

+: Well, you are quite right, but we are to do our best.


S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Waiter: “Would you like something to drink?”
Customer: “_______________”

-: I wonder if I could have a cup of coffee, please.

-: You must bring me a cup of coffee.

+: Can I have a cup of coffee, please?

-: Give me coffee.

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S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Employee: “As far as I understand, it’s almost impossible to operate the production line so quickly.”
Manager: “___________________________”

-: I think you should give up this idea.

-: Yes, I get the ideal decision.

-: You have no right to get on with this job.

+: Well, you are quite right, but we are to do our best.

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S: Заполните пропуск
Nurse: Health Helpline, how can I help you?
Patient: __________________

-: Look here! I need some help.

-: Help!

-: I don’t know it for sure.

+: I’m not feeling very well. I wonder if you might be able to help me.

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S: Заполните пропуск
Visitor: _________________
Clerk: Sure, we can change it for you here.

-: I want to change some money.

+: Excuse me, is there somewhere around where I can change money?

-: Change it into dollars.

-: Where can I change money?

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S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Hotel receptionist: “How can I help you?”
Employee: “_______________”

-: I have a reservation.

+: Hello, I have a reservation in my company’s name.

-: Hello. Do you have any vacancies?

-: Hello, do you reserve my company?

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S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Waiter: “Would you like something to drink?”
Customer: “_______________”

-: I wonder if I could have a cup of coffee, please.

-: You must bring me a cup of coffee.

+: Can I have a cup of coffee, please?

-: Give me coffee.

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S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Manager: “_____________________”
Employee: “I think, it’s a harmful habit.”

-: Can I smoke here?

+: What’s your idea about smoking?

-: Have you got any bad habits?

-: Can you give me a cigarette?

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S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Colleague: “_________________________”
John: “Anyhow, I am going to live in London. I’ve got a new job.”

-: You are not going to London, are you?

-: London is a perfect place for your career.

+: But London is too expensive for young people.

-: What’s wrong with your job?

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S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения
Firm representative: “_____________________”
Secretary: “Sorry, the boss isn’t in now. Please call back in an hour.”

-: I’m sure, your boss isn’t in.

-: I know your boss is on a business trip. When can I see him?

-: I want to get into the office of your boss immediately.

+: Morning, I would like to talk with Mr. Brown.

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S: Заполните пропуск
Visitor: _________________
Clerk: Sure, we can change it for you here.

-: I want to change some money.

+: Excuse me, is there somewhere around where I can change money?

-: Change it into dollars.

-: Where can I change money?

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Раздел 19 Великобритания


S: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of _____.

-: five parts

-: three parts

+: four parts

-: two parts



S: The Royal family lives in ______.

-: Tower of London

-: №10 Downing Street

-: Westminster Palace

+: Buckingham Palace


S: The most ancient monument in Great Britain is ______.

-: the Tower Gate

+: Stonehenge

-: Hadrian’s Wall

-: the lower West Gate



S: British Parliament consists of _____.

-: the Senate and the House of Commons

-: the Senate and the House of Representatives

+: the House of Commons and the House of Lords

-: the House of Representatives and the House of Lords



S: The United Kingdom is washed by the _______ Ocean.

+: Atlantic

-: Pacific

-: Arctic

-: Indian


S: Заполните пропуск
The official residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is _____.

-: 10 Downing Street

-: Scotland Yard

-: Buckingham Palace

-: the West End

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S: Заполните пропуск
The oldest university in Britain is ______.

-: London

-: Edinburgh

-: Oxford

-: Cambridge

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S: Заполните пропуск
The Royal family lives in ______.

-: Tower of London

-: №10 Downing Street

-: Westminster Palace

-: Buckingham Palace

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S: Заполните пропуск
Madame Tussaud’s is ______ in London.

-: a museum

-: an art gallery

-: a circus

-: a theatre

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S: Заполните пропуск
_______ is a commercial part of London.

-: Westminster

-: The City

-: The East End

-: The West End

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S: Заполните пропуск
The financial centre of London is ______.

-: Westminster

-: the City

-: The West End

-: The East End

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S: Заполните пропуск
The official residence of the British Prime Minister is at ______.

-: Tower of London

-: Buckingham Palace

+: №10 Downing Street

-: Regent Palace

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S: Заполните пропуск
Madame Tussaud’s is ______ in London.

+: a museum

-: an art gallery

-: a circus

-: a theatre

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S: Заполните пропуск
Londoners call their metro _____.

-: underground

-: subway

-: Down Land

+: the Tube

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S: Заполните пропуск
_______ is a district in London famous for theatres, restaurants and cinemas.

+: The West End

-: West Point

-: Broadway

-: Downing Street

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Раздел 20 США.


S: The USA is a federal republic consisting of ______ states.

-: 52

-: 48

+: 50

-: 54



S: The main lakes in the USA are the ______ in the north.

-: Gigantic Lakes

-: Grand lakes

-: Large Lakes

+: Great Lakes



S: High school in the USA is ______.

-: a technical college

+: an upper grade of a secondary school

-: an academy

-: a very good school



S: _____ is not an Ameican writer.

+: Agatha Christie

-: O’Henry

-: Mark Twain

-: Salinger



S: The New York underground is called _______.

-: the metro

-: the tube

+: the subway

-: the downland



S: Заполните пропуск
The US flag is called ______.

-: Uncle Jack

+: Stars and Stripes

-: Union Jack

-: Maple Leaf

(правильных вариантов ответа - 1)



S: Заполните пропуск
The main lakes in the USA are the ______ in the north.

-: Gigantic Lakes

-: Grand lakes

-: Large Lakes

+: Great Lakes

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S: Заполните пропуск
Fast food was originated in _____.

-: Great Britain

-: Australia

+: the USA

-: Canada

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S: Заполните пропуск
US _______ has its headquarters in the Capitol Building.

+: Congress

-: National Library

-: Supreme Court

-: Police

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S: Заполните пропуск
The US is a _______ consisting of 50 states.

-: absolute monarchy

-: unitary republic

+: federal republic

-: parliamentary monarchy

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S: Заполните пропуск
A well-known name for the USA is ______.

-: “crazy tribes”

-: “old empire”

-: “wild world”

+: “melting pot”

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S: Заполните пропуск
The Library of Congress is situated in _____.

-: Boston

-: London

-: Oxford

+: Washington

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S: Заполните пропуск
The US Capitol is situated in _______.

-: Chicago

+: Washington

-: New York

-: Los Angeles

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S: Заполните пропуск
In the USA _______ on July 4, 1776.

-: the Revolutionary War began

-: the Civil War began

+: the Constitution was signed

-: the first President was elected

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S: Заполните пропуск
US _______ has its headquarters in the Capitol Building.

+: Congress

-: National Library

-: Supreme Court

-: Police

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Раздел 21 Канада


S: ______ is not situated in Canada.

-: Vancouver

-: Toronto

-: Ottawa

+: Boston



S: Most of the Canadian population is of ______ origin.

-: Irish and Scottish

-: French and Italian

-: Welsh and English

+: British and French



S: Canada is made up of ______.

-: districts

-: counties

-: states

+: provinces



S: Quebec is the province of _______.

-: New Zealand

-: Great Britain

-: Australia

+: Canada



S: In Canada, Montreal is famous for its _______.

+: French quarters

-: canals

-: television studios

-: shopping malls


S: Заполните пропуск
_____ is not situated in Canada.

-: Ottawa

-: Toronto

+: Boston

-: Quebec

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S: Заполните пропуск
Canada is situated in ______.

-: South Africa

-: -: North Africa

-: South America

+: North America

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S: Заполните пропуск
Most of the Canadian population is of ______ origin.

-: Irish and Scottish

-: French and Italian

-: Welsh and English

+: British and French

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S: Заполните пропуск
The official head of state in Canada is the ______.

-: House of Lords

+: Monarch of Britain

-: Senate

-: House of Commons

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S: Заполните пропуск
Quebec is the province of _______.

-: New Zealand

-: Great Britain

-: Australia

+: Canada

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S: Заполните пропуск
French is an official language in _____.

+: Canada

-: New Zealand

-: India

-: Sweden

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S: Заполните пропуск
The National flag of Canada is popularly known as ______.

-: Stars and Stripes

-: Uncle Sam

-: Union Jack

+: Maple Leaf

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S: Заполните пропуск
Most of the Canadian population is of ______ origin.

-: Irish and Scottish

-: French and Italian

-: Welsh and English

+: British and French

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S: Заполните пропуск
Canadian’s native people are _____.

-: Americans

+: Indians

-: British

-: French

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S: Заполните пропуск
The British Queen is represented in Canada by the _______.

+: Governor General

-: Prime Minister

-: Prince of Wales

-: Parliament

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