Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Unit 1. APPLYING FOR A JOB Упражнение 1. Read the text and the example CV (Curriculum Vitae). Make up your own CV. Vocabulary: CV (Curriculum Vitae) – резюме HR officer – работник отдела кадров Employer – работодатель To go through – просматривать Give up – перестать делать, прекратить Achievement – достижение Appropriate – подходящий Impress – производить впечатление Cheat – обманывать, жульничать Reference – рекомендация Skill – навык, способность Formal letter – официальное письмо Authentic text – аутентичный текст TEXT 1. HOW TO WRITE YOUR CV First impression Since your CV is your first and probably only chance to catch the attention of an HR officer, make sure it makes a good impression and works for you at first glance. Don’t overcrowd your CV with irrelevant information. If a prospective employer has to spend more than a few seconds to go through your CV, they might give up reading it at all. Yet if you have many achievements, you can write your CV even on three pages, provided the layout is appropriate. No cheating Trying to impress your future employer by cheating on your CV is not a good idea. You may be embarrassed during the interview and your lies will be discovered. Your chances to get this job will be next to zero. References It is useful to give references from your previous employers. Yet you must be careful and had better check with the referees before using their names. Some of them may not have liked you. The best person to use as a referee is your current employer or if you completed your studies recently your university tutor. Layout The best way to write your CV is using the Europass CV template. The Europass CV replaced the European CV in 2002. The Europass CV enables you to clearly show your skills and qualifications as well as your work experience. Other Europass documents can be easily attached to the Europass CV. Use short sentences. Do not split an entry under one heading over two pages. Print your CV on white paper. Let someone read your CV And last but not least, have someone read your CV. This way you will find out how long it takes to read it and if you wrote everything clearly. Remember, you will not be there when your potential employer will be reading it!
HOW TO ASSESS YOUR LANGUAGE COMPETENCES The best way is to take a TELC (The European Language Certificates) exam. TELC is a system of language examinations based on the Common European Framework of References for Languages established by the Council of Europe. You cannot fail this exam if you know the language a little. The certificate simply shows your competences in various areas:
- Listening - Reading - Speaking (interaction and production) - Writing Your career chances at work can improve with a TELC certificate. The self-assessment grid is based on the six level scale of the Common European Framework and distinguishes your language competences as follows: - A1-A2 – basic user: elementary language skills, short sentences; - B1-B2 – independent user: active ability to deal with everyday situations, fluent verbal expressions, understanding of news programmes, ability to write formal letters; - C1-C2 – proficient user: ability to understand difficult authentic texts, high linguistic competence approaching native speaker level. EUROPASS CV
Упражнение 2. Read the text about how to behave during a job interview: Vocabulary: Beforehand – заранее Make a bad (good) impression – произвести плохое (хорошее) впечатление Per se – по сути Whereabouts – местонахождение Definitely – однозначно Gather – собирать Interviewer – интервьюер Research – исследование Spare copy – запасной экземпляр Develop a rapport – развивать добрые отношения Eye contact – зрительный контакт Shake hands – пожать руку Petitioner – проситель Clean-shaved – гладко выбритый Hairstyle – прическа Just above the knee – чуть выше колена Overdo – переусердствовать Possess – иметь, обладать Relevant – соответствующий Tackle – пытаться убедить (удержать), энергично браться Bad habits – вредные привычки Coin – монета Frank – честный Get rid of something – избавиться Most likely – наиболее вероятно Tabula rasa – чистая доска Career prospects – перспективы карьерного роста Pretend – претендовать, делать вид While – в то время как
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