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Упражнение 3. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F). The first one has been done for you.

  1. You should arrive several minutes before the interview. (T)
  2. You should study a lot about the company.
  3. If you want to be prepared for the interview, take a copy of CV with you.
  4. Avoid eye contact during the interview and never smile at the interviewer.
  5. Try to ask as many questions as you can.
  6. Your image is as important as what you say.
  7. Concentrate on your positive sides, since the interviewer will be interested to hear what you can do for the company.
  8. You must apologize for lack of experience.
  9. You should look like a perfect person during the interview.
  10. Don’t pretend you are someone else – be yourself!

Упражнение 4. Read the text about how not to behave during a job interview:


Desperate - отчаявшийся

Depend on – зависеть от

Interviewee – интервьюируемый, собеседник

Time management – тайм менеджмент (умение эффективно использовать рабочее время)

To a large extent – в значительной степени

Accept – принимать

Assume – предполагать

Avoid – избегать

Chew gum – жевать резинку

Faux-pas – бестактность

Follow suit - следовать примеру

Cope with – справляться

Inquire – спрашивать

Nevertheless – тем не менее

Unpardonable – непростительный

The other way round – наоборот

Brainstorm – мозговой штурм

Quarrelsome – вздорный

Fault – вина

Enterprise – предприятие

Vindictive – мстительный

Hence – следовательно

Loser – неудачник

Thus – таким образом

Bring up a topic – поднять тему

In short – короче говоря

Learn by heart – выучить наизусть

Sooner or later – рано или поздно

By first name – по имени

Juicy details – пикантные подробности

Watch your manners – следить за своими манерами



Things not to do during a job interview

Do not arrive too early

This issue depends to a large extent on the country where you are applying for a job, but in general it is assumed that an interviewee arrives circa 15 minutes before the scheduled beginning of the interview. If you arrive too early, you risk creating an impression that either you are overly desperate to get the job or you have insufficient time management skills and are unable to plan your activities properly. Both of these are impressions you do not want to make on your future employer.

Do not smoke or chew gum

Smoking and chewing gum during an interview are considered to be unpardonable faux-pas. You must remember never to do them. Even should your interviewer do them, you must not follow suit. Remember, a job interview is a formal occasion and some forms have to be observed. It is very unlikely that your interviewer will start smoking in your presence; however, should this be the case and you are offered a cigarette, either decline it or, if you want to accept it, first inquire whether this would not disturb any of the persons present. Offering the interviewee a cigarette may signal that the situation is becoming less formal; nevertheless, do not assume it yourself and stick to polite formality. Chewing gum is unpardonable in any circumstances during an interview: it indicates your lack of respect towards the interviewer and may be interpreted as scorn for the company and job as such. In addition, indulging in such activities as smoking or chewing gum during an interview may also be understood as a sign of your inability to cope with a stressful situation, which is an impression you need to avoid.

Do not interrupt the interviewer or try to take over the interview

Remember, in the situation of an interview you are a petitioner. You must never interrupt your interviewer as this is a sign of lack of respect and of bad manners. Even though you might want to impress your interviewer with your ideas for the job, your experience to-date and your potential, remember that it is the interviewer who asks questions and you who answers them, not the other way round. Wait for questions to which you may provide an answer encompassing all you want to inform the interviewer about, but do not volunteer them yourself. In many cultures and circles this would not be considered professional, but desperate. Similarly, do not attempt to take over the interview. It is the interviewer who is in charge of the situation and directs it. If you try to take over the discussion, you run the risk of making an impression of being ungovernable and difficult to manage, which are not the most desired qualities in a potential employee.

Do not argue with the interviewer

During an interview you want to make the best impression possible on your potential future employer. It will not do to argue with him or her during your job interview. You may want to make an impression of being full of new ideas and prepared to defend them, but you need to make sure you are not perceived as quarrelsome and difficult. If you cannot agree with the interviewer on a certain point, leave it and move to something less problematic. There is a difference between forcing your ideas during a brainstorm in a team and at an interview.

Do not lie

You may be tempted to emphasize your experience and achievements even to a point of stretching the truth. DO NOT do that. Not only is your potential employer sometimes able to verify your statements, but also you run the risk that the truth becomes known during the period of your employment. It is not a fault to know something. We learn all the time. What is wanted of an employee is the enthusiasm and willingness to learn new things. Furthermore, sometimes your employer may prefer to teach you the procedures and policies of the company from scratch, not running the risk that you are overly influenced by those from your former place of employment.


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