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Гипербарическая оксигенация. Инозитол. Кава‑кава. Кетогенная диета для эпилепсии и других психиатрических расстройств.


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Гипербарическая оксигенация

Hopkins, R. O., L. K. Weaver, K. J. Valentine, et al. 2007. Apolipoprotein E genotype and response of carbon monoxide poisoning to hyperbaric oxygen treatment. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 176(10): 1001–1006.

Lo, C. P., S. Y. Chen, M. C. Chou. 2007. Diffusion– tensor MR imaging for evaluation of the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in patients with delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome caused by carbon monoxide inhalation. European Journal of Neurology 14(7): 777–782.



Barak, Y., J. Levine, A. Glasman, et al. 1996. Inositol treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: a double‑ blind, cross– over placebo controlled trial. Progress in europsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 20(4): 729–735.

Carey, P. D., J. Warwick, B. H. Harvey, et al. 2004. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in obsessive– compulsive disorder before and after treatment with inositol. Metabolic Brain Disease 19(1–2): 125–134.

Chengappa, K. N., J. Levine, S. Gershon, et al. 2000. Inositol as an add– on treatment for bipolar depression. Bipolar Disorders 2(1): 47–55.

Fux, M., J. Levine, A. Aviv, et al. 1996. Inositol treatment of obsessive– compulsive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry 153(9): 1219–1221.


Кава‑ кава

Attele, A. S., J. T. Xie, C. S. Yuan. 2000. Treatment of insomnia: an alternative approach.

Alternative Medicine Review 5(3): 249–259.

Basch, E., C. Ulbricht, P. Hammerness, et al. 2002. Kava monograph. Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy 2(4): 65–91.

Boerner, R. J., and S. Klement. 2004. Attenuation of neuroleptic– induced extrapyramidal side effects by Kava special extract WS 1490. Wiener Medizin i – sche Wochenschrift 154(21–22): 508–510.

Pittler, M. H., and E. Ernst. 2003. Kava extract for treating anxiety. Cochrane Database of Systatic Reviews Issue 1. Art. No.: CD003383. DOI: 10. 1002/14651858. CD003383.

Scherer, J. 1998. Kava– kava extract in anxiety disorders: an outpatient observational study. Advances in Therapy 15(4): 261–269.


Кетогенная диета для эпилепсии и других психиатрических расстройств.

Farasat, S., E. H. Kossoff, D. J. Pillas, et al. 2006. The importance of parental expectations of cognitive improvement for their children with epilepsy prior to starting the ketogenic diet. Epilepsy & Behavior 2006 8(2): 406–410.

Kossoff, E. H., L. C. Laux, R. Blackford, et al. 2008. When do seizures usually improve with the ketogenic diet? Epilepsia 49(2): 329–333.

Martinez, C. C., P. L. Pyzik, and E. H. Kossoff. 2007. Discontinuing the ketogenic diet in seizure– free children: recurrence and risk factors. Epilepsia 48(1): 187–190.

Neal, E. G., H. Chaffe, R. H. Schwartz, et al. 2008. The ketogenic diet for the treatment of childhood epilepsy: A randomised controlled trial. Lancet Neurology 7(6): 500–506.



Evangeliou, A., I. Vlachonikolis, H. Mihailidou, et al. 2003. Application of a ketogenic diet in children with autistic behavior: pilot study. Journal of Child Neurology 18(2): 113–118.



Murphy, P., S. S. Likhodii, M. Hatamian, et al. 2005. Effect of the ketogenic diet on the activity level of Wistar rats. Pediatric Research 57(3): 353–357.

Pulsifer, M. B., J. M. Gordon, J. Brandt, et al. Effects of ketogenic diet on development and behavior: preliminary report of a prospective study. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 43(5): 301–306.


Биполярное расстройство

El– Mallakh, R. S., and M. E. Paskitti. 2001. The ketogenic diet may have moodstabilizing properties. Medical Hypotheses 57(6): 724–726.

Yaroslavsky, Y., Z. Stahl, and R. H. Belmaker. 2002. Ketogenic diet in bipolar illness. Bipolar Disorders 4(1): 75.


Жирные кислоты омега‑ 3/рыбий жир и депрессия

Conklin, S. M., S. B. Manuck, J. K. Yao, et al. High omega–6 and low omega–3 fatty acids are associated with depressive symptoms and neuroticism. Psychosomatic Medicine 69(9): 932–934.

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Coxeter, P. D., P. J. Schluter, H. L. Eastwood, et al. 2003. Valerian does not appear to reduce symptoms for patients with chronic insomnia in general practice using a series of randomised n– of– 1 trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 11(4): 215–222.

Diaper, A., and I. Hindmarch. 2004. A double– blind, placebo– controlled investigation of the effects of two doses of a valerian preparation on the sleep, cognitive and psychomotor function of sleep– disturbed older adults. Phytotherapy Research 18(10): 831–836.

Kuhlmann, J., W. Berger, H. Podzuweit, et al. 1999. The influence of valerian treatment on «reaction time, alertness and concentration» in volunteers. Pharmacopsychiatry 32(6): 235–241.



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