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III. Divide the group into three.

Task for Group I:

Present the document, explain the essence of the case and the petition, introduce the participants and speak about the decision of the court at the end. What would be your decision if you were the judge?

Task for Group II:

Play the role of the lawyer defending the inhabitants of Mamirolle. Try to give some more arguments of your own.

Task for Group III:

Play the role of the lawyer defending the insects. Try to give some more arguments of your own, be ready to react to the arguments of the opposite side.


IV. Topics for discussion:


1. What is the author’s attitude to the story? What do you think about the story?

2. How is this chapter connected with the previous ones?



I. Active vocabulary.

Point out the contextual meaning of these lexical units relying on an English-English dictionary and reproduce the situations with them:

1. bloke 2. tame 3. to row 4. to reckon 5. to nag 6. to stroke 7. to abandon 8. to worship 9. nightmare 10. castaway 11. tempter 12. crafty






Погладить 7. оставить



Потерпевший кораблекрушение



II. Explain the meanings of the following expressions from the text:

1. a cottage made out of gingerbread

2. to be on smb’s back

3. to put on weight

4. the survival of the fittest

5. the survival of the worriers

6. to put all eggs in one basket

1. дом сделан из имбирного пряника

2. быть на чьей-то спине

3. прибавлять в весе

4. естественный отбор

5. выживание worriers

6. помещать все яйца в одну корзину

III. Pick up some of Kath’s sayings and give your opinion of them. Do you agree or disagree with her?


IV. Prepare good reading and literary translation of p.100:

They flew … and the reindeer can fly.


V. Topics for discussion:

1. Act out a dialogue between Kath and “people” about reindeer and the nuclear accident.

2. Act out a dialogue between Kath and Greg.

3. Speak about Kath’s journey.

4. Speak about Kath’s nightmares.

5. Act out a final dialogue between Kath and the man.


6. At the end Kath is arguing with herself which is the true version of what has happened. What do you think is true?

7. How is this chapter connected with the previous?

Ch. V.


I. Active vocabulary.

Point out the contextual meaning of these lexical units relying on an English-English dictionary and reproduce the situations with them:

  1. perish
  2. tow
  3. menace
  4. mutiny
  5. jocular
  6. coarse
  7. hail
  1. reluctance
  2. opt
  3. futile
  4. hazard
  5. naïve
  6. consume
  7. anguish

II. Prepare good reading and literary translation of pp.163-164:

What has happened?...that is, after all, what it is for.


III. Topics for discussion:

  1. Retell the story of the shipwreck of the Medusa. (Part I)
  2. Speak about Gericault and his way of working.
  3. Describe the picture “Scene of the Shipwreck”.
  4. Compare the picture as it is depicted with the real incident. Explain the difference.


  1. What is the purpose of art, the place of art and the compromises made by art in the “history of the world” in the author’s opinion and in your opinion? Does art exist to satisfy our fascination with catastrophes?
  2. How is this chapter connected with the previous?


Ch. VI.


I. Active vocabulary.

Point out the contextual meaning of these lexical units relying on an English-English dictionary and reproduce the situations with them:

  1. sound (adj)
  2. to indulge (+derivatives)
  3. to intercede
  4. diligent
  5. to ascend
  1. dismal
  2. efficient
  3. feeble
  4. to condemn
  5. resolved

II. Find the English equivalent to the expressions and use them in sentences of your own:

1. на смертном одре (169) 2. блефовать (170) 3. акварель (171) 4. новшество, новинка (173) 5. лет на 10 старше (176) 6. потерять счет (180) 7. по сигналу (188) 8. не говоря ни слова (189)


III. Prepare good reading and literary translation of p. 199:

Miss Logan also reflected…


IV. Topics for discussion:

  1. Sum up the Colonel’s opinions and beliefs.
  2. Describe Amanda Fergusson, speak about her beliefs.
  3. Compare their views. Why was Amanda constantly arguing with her dead father?
  4. Speak about Miss Logan. Did you change your opinion about her while reading the story?
  5. Speak about their preparations for the journey, their travelling, their behaviour.
  6. Describe the landscape of Ararat, the local customs, the monastery and the incident in it.
  7. Speak about the earthquake and the end of the story.

Don’t forget to give your opinions on the topics and your conclusions.


  1. How is the chapter connected with the previous?

Ch. VII.


I. Active vocabulary.

Point out the contextual meaning of these lexical units relying on an English-English dictionary and reproduce the situations with them:

  1. predecessor
  2. in pursuit of
  3. deteriorate
  4. preach
  5. penitent
  1. sophisticated
  2. to credit
  3. to revoke
  4. validity
  5. filthy

II. Explain the meanings of the following expressions from the text:

  1. meritocrat
  2. cast lots
  3. xenophobia


III. Prepare good reading and literary translation of p.216:

…All this was normal.


IV. Retell the stories, give your opinions on them, comment upon the statements you strongly agree or disagree. How are they connected with each other and with the previous chapters?



I. Active vocabulary.

Point out the contextual meaning of these lexical units relying on an English-English dictionary and reproduce the situations with them:

  1. to crumple
  2. a chase
  3. mature
  4. to contribute
  5. dignity
  1. agitated
  2. tough
  3. edgy
  4. to capsize
  5. to snap

II. Explain the meanings of the following expressions from the text:

  1. back-slapping
  2. …if you are on a roll you’d better go with the flow
  3. to fight tooth and nail
  4. you are the apple of my eye


III. Prepare good reading and literary translation of pp.241-242:

Friday. …I’m not sure I can get my head round that.

IV. Topics for discussion:

  1. Make up the summary of the chapter.
  2. Sum up the information about Charlie, his character, profession, beliefs.
  3. Try to characterize his relations with Pippa.
  4. Speak about his attitude to Indians.
  5. Speak about the film, its plot, actors, director.
  6. Speak about the accident and different explanations of it. Try to give your own.


  1. The chapter is represented in the form of letters. Why? What does it enable the reader?
  2. What kind of language is used in the chapter? Prove it.
  3. How is the chapter connected with the previous?



I. Active vocabulary.

Point out the contextual meaning of these lexical units relying on an English-English dictionary and reproduce the situations with them:

  1. leak
  2. grudgingly
  3. expire
  4. self-effacement
  5. profit
  6. to be on the wrong (same) wavelength
  1. intolerable
  2. agenda
  3. eloquent
  4. merit
  5. solemn
  6. exaltation


II. Prepare good reading and literary translation of pp.291-292:

History isn’t what happened. … we call it history.


III Topics for discussion:

  1. Describe the narrator’s feelings to his beloved.
  2. Love in poetry and in prose. (may be a dialogue)
  3. “I love you.” Examine the phrase in different languages, see how it varies, discover what its sounds denote.
  4. Discuss the problem whether love should be taught at school.
  5. Is love necessary? Does it make us happy? Does it help us to survive? Is it normal or abnormal, this state of love?
  6. What is love in the animal kingdom? Is there any?
  7. “We must love one another or/and die.” Comment upon the phrases.
  8. Heart and the image of the heart. Heart and brain. Compare them.
  9. Love and the history of the world. What is love for?
  10. Love and marriage. Love and truth. Love and politics, art, religion.


  1. Why is this “half-chapter” called “parenthesis”? What is its literary form?
  2. How is this “half-chapter” connected with the previous chapters?

Translate into English using participles (where possible) and participial constructions.


  1. Количество школ, построенных в городе за последние годы, велико.
  2. Школа, строящаяся на нашей улице, откроется 1 сентября.
  3. Рабочие, строящие эту школу, обещали закончить ее к началу учебного года.
  4. Девушка поставила в вазу цветы, присланные ей в день рождения.
  5. Человек, приславший ей цветы, был ее школьным товарищем.
  6. Он вошел в комнату и увидел письмо, лежащее на столе.
  7. Имя человека, написавшего это письмо, было неизвестно.
  8. Хотя ее дух был сломлен, она не сдавалась.
  9. Он не замолчит, пока его не перебьешь.
  10. Так как он был уже взрослым, он все понимал.
  11. Даже когда он был взрослым, он не мог этого понять.
  12. Человек, сделавший такое открытие, - великий ученый.
  13. Мы услышали, как кто-то поет вдали.
  14. Мы увидели, что по дорожке сада идет сын нашего соседа.
  15. Я тороплюсь. Меня ждут друзья.
  16. Вам уже побелили потолок?
  17. Где вы снимались,
  18. Интересно, что заставило его броситься в кусты.
  19. Позаботьтесь о том, чтобы комнату проветрили и вытерли там пыль.
  20. Больному сделали анализ крови.
  21. Она отводила глаза каждый раз, когда чувствовала, что на нее пристально смотрят.
  22. Он не отвечал. Выяснилось, что он занят своими мыслями.
  23. Видели, как вы садились на пароход.
  24. Так как было очень тепло, дети спали на открытом воздухе.
  25. Когда все приготовления были закончены, мы отправились в путь.
  26. Корабль медленно плыл вдоль берега; сотни птиц кружились над ним.
  27. Если позволят обстоятельства, я приеду через неделю.
  28. Рассказав свою историю, он рассмеялся.
  29. Когда это поняли, все разошлись.
  30. На следующее утро, так как было воскресенье, все отправились в церковь.


Chapter IX.


I. Active vocabulary.

Point out the contextual meaning of these lexical units relying on an English-English dictionary and reproduce the situations with them:

  1. precarious
  2. celebrity
  3. apprehend
  4. invoke
  5. cautious
  6. benevolently
  1. rot
  2. infidel
  3. remnant
  4. intact
  5. disconcerted
  6. slander

II. Explain the meanings of the following expressions from the text:

  1. Drive it or milk it!
  2. nutty as a fruitcake
  3. minus some buttons
  4. crazier than a bedbug
  5. I’m one hundred ten percent behind my husband.
  6. play devil’s advocate
  7. doubting Thomases

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