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Listen and mark TRUE or FALSE statements.

The 27 hours a week is twice that from a decade ago. T / F

Researchers interviewed thousands of 20-29- year-olds. T / F

Most online content is now being accessed on mobile devices. T / F

Around two-thirds of British adults often use a mobile device. T / F

An industry expert spoke of a myriad of possibilities. T / F

The expert said young people are just watching content online. T / F

7. More than 25% of young people watch TV and movies online. T / F

The expert said TVs would never be unimportant. T / F

Match the synonyms from ex.26.

Survey a. frequently

Reveals b. for sure

Trebled c. greatly

Regularly d. shows

Considerably e. multitude

Expert f. study

Myriad g. provides

Inevitably h. specialist

Instead of i. increased three-fold

Offers j. rather than

Do the Multiple Choice-Quiz using the information from ex. 26.

1. Where did the survey take place? 6. What opens up a myriad of possibilities?
  a) the USA b) at a university c) Britain d) online   a) money b) new technologies c) friends d) the new Apple Watch
2. Who was interviewed? 7. What are people doing at the same time as messaging?
  a) 16-24-year-olds b) 18-28-year-olds c) 18-30-year-olds d) 16-30-year-olds   a) texting b) eating c) working d) chatting
3. Where is most online content being accessed? 8. What kind of consumption is going to be affected?
  a) on computers b) London c) India d) on iPads   a) gas b) food c) TV viewing d) online
4. What fraction of adults regularly use a mobile device? 9. What size of TV is mentioned towards the end of the article?
  a) 3/4 b) 2/3 c) 7/8 d) 1/2   a) 14-inch b) 60-inch c) 32-inch d) 40-inch
5. What are many people checking today? 10. What did someone say TV will never become?
  a) their email b) prices c) their bank accounts d) social media accounts   a) unimportant b) a tablet c) paper-based d) ubiquitous

Work in pairs to discuss the following questions.

Is 27 hours a week too much? What are the bad things about using the Internet too much?

Can we believe anything we read on the World Wide Web?

3. Making friends online – is it the same as making friends in ‘real life’?

What would life be like without the Internet?

Do you ever get fed up with the Internet?


Role A – Google You think Google is the best website. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their sites aren't as good. Also, tell the others which is the least useful of these (and why): Facebook, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki.
Role B – Vkontakte You think Vkontakte is the best website. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their sites aren't as good. Also, tell the others which is the least useful of these (and why): Google, Facebook or Odnoklassniki.

32. Practise asking and answering the questions (in the you form ) using these prompts.

Example: When/first/use the Internet When did you first use the Internet?

What type of Internet connection/have at home?

How fast/your Internet connection?

How much/pay for broadcast access?

How often/access the Internet?

Do/use your mobile phone to access the Internet?

Do/use the Internet in public spaces using Wi/Fi?

Do/play games online?

How many social networks/are on?

(based on the materials of Cambridge University Press 2008)

33. Change the questions from 32 into indirect questions using the following beginnings.

1. My friend asked me …

2. I wonder ….

3. She was interested to know…

4. Bobby wanted to know ….

5. The shop assistant asked me….

6. I`d like to find it out….

They wondered

8. I asked Nick….

34. Find mistakes in these reported sentences and correct them.

A new survey in Britain revealed that young people spend over 27 hours a week online. 2. I asked my friend how can I access the Internet. 3. I don't think I really understand what is the Internet. 4. He said us that a modem is a device that connects a PC to the telephone line. 5. Ofcom found that online content has changed considerably in the past ten years. 6. The expert told TVs would never be unimportant. 7. I wonder what would life be like without the Internet? 8. I said I’ll email them.

Home assignment:

Ex-ces 33, 34


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